5 Easiest Jobs To Get In 24 Hours Blog Career Advice Find & Apply 5 Easiest Jobs To Get In 24 Hours

5 Easiest Jobs To Get In 24 Hours

Doris Benitez
Reading time: 2 min

Post Brexit, you may have heard nothing but doom and gloom for Britain’s job market. Fear not dear friends, for a little stroll down the street and you can tell it’s still roaring with restaurants and swamped with shops. And they all need folk like you to work for them!


So here are five of the easiest and most fun jobs you can get in the UK.


Trainee Barista


Coffee is good for you. Doctors say so. So here’s your chance to help Londoners get healthier.



Is there anything more frustrating than waiting ages for your food to arrive? Make London lunchtime a happy place to be and put a smile on people’s faces by becoming a waiter or a waitress.

Hair Stylist


9 out of 10 Londoners say they wouldn’t date someone with bad hair. Here’s your chance to spread the love as an awesome hairdresser.

Kitchen Porter


Everyone knows the best parties always happen in the kitchen. Party and get paid for it.

Shop Assistant


Retail therapy is much cheaper than seeing a psychiatrist, and a whole lotta more fun. Let’s put the shrinks out of business!

With the JOB TODAY super speedy app, you could have one of these jobs snatched up by tomorrow. Why not give it a try now? Ping employers directly and learn how to write a professional message.