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  • Hire a Bartender. Find best employees in Runcorn

    Looking for a Bartender to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Bartender jobs in Runcorn
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    Candidate avatar
    Sadman S.
    Online 12 hours ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Bar Staff
    Started my career as a chef. After working for 2 years in the kitchen, I moved to front of house. I attended European Bartender School (EBS) and since then I have worked in Several cocktail bars and also worked as assistant bar manager.
    Assistant Bar Manager - Havana Coco
    Bartender - The Blues Kitchen
    I speak English
    location iconCastlefield, Manchester, England, United Kingdom
  • Recommended
    Candidate avatar
    Francesco B.
    Online 3 days ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience as Bar Staff
    I'm a highly motivated individual witha positive hard working attitude. I have a huge amount of a experience working in the hospitality environment for a number of years. I love a challenge and meeting new people.
    Senior Bartender - CUBIT House The Orange
    Bartender - The Lighthouse
    I speak Italian, English
    location iconLeyland, England, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I find experienced bartenders on JOB TODAY or will I have to train candidates?

We have thousands of experienced bartenders looking for their next job on JOB TODAY. But hey, if you prefer to hire someone with no experience and to train them yourself, go for it! We have thousands of candidate profiles who are looking to start their first job as well. Take your pick!

What kind of skills should I be looking for in a bartender?

An experienced bartender would be an organized rock star as he would be multi-tasking by remembering customer orders, managing bill payments, and maintaining bar cleanliness. He would have a super memory, great people skills and a friendly, positive attitude.

How do I know if a bartender is right for the job?

Chat as much as you like with your short-listed applicants on your JOB TODAY app and get to know them. Go ahead and invite them for a trial bartending shift to test them out.

How Can JOB TODAY Help me Hire Bartenders?

Are you looking for bartenders for your pub, hotel or restaurant business? If you are, then the obvious solution is to sign up to JOB TODAY.Thousands of bartenders have already uploaded their details so if you want to browse through the database and find the perfect bartender for your company, simply join JOB TODAY. If you are looking for friendly, professional and skilled bartenders, JOB TODAY is the best place to start your search.