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    Looking for Chef & Cook staff to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Candidate avatar
    Barry R.
    tick icon3 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I have strong communication skills and Customer Service skills where I worked in Hospitality for 5 years. I am reliable, focused and have a passion for delivering my highest levels of Customer experience.
    General Assistant - TaskmasterLtd
    I speak English
    location iconBury, England, United Kingdom
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    Giada O.
    Online 16 hours ago
    tick icon6 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I consider myself a very enthusiastic, motivated and focused individual. I love new challenges and always seek to improve myself more and more each day. I am a great worker under pressure and on busy and fast paced environments and easily a
    Second Chef - Pizza Pilgrims
    Second Chef - Can Pizza Barcelona
    Pizza Chef - Ristorante La Botte - Italy
    Second Chef - Frankie Gallo Cha Cha Cha
    Second Chef - East Village - Perth, AUS
    I speak Spanish, Italian, English
    location iconChinatown, Manchester, England, United Kingdom
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    Abdellah E.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Hi I'm a chef since 2014 I have 7 years of experience in Korean/Chinese restaurants and 2 years in Italian/British restaurants I was to live in London for 9 years then I moved in Leeds Thank you
    Chef de Partie - McMullens
    Sous Chef - Kimchee
    Wok Chef - Wak to walk
    I speak English, Italian, Arabic
    location iconWarehouse Hill, Leeds, England, United Kingdom
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    J P.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon19 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Internationally experienced Head Chef with 18 years in diverse kitchens. Passionate about fresh, seasonal ingredients and leading teams to create memorable dishes. Dedicated to quality, collaboration, and innovation in every dish.
    Head Chef - Manny Dartin Cafe, London
    Private Chef - Percev’s catering
    Head Chef - Green Monkey Cafe, London
    Head Chef - Gorringe Park Pub, London
    Head Chef - Goose Island Vintage Ale House
    I speak English, Latvian, Russian
    location iconStrangeways, Salford, England, United Kingdom
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    Didi L.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon12 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    disciplinate clean , aswell i speak spanish and italian
    Kp & help cheff - Melia spain,catering severals restaurants in uk, catering and italian restaurants
    I speak Spanish, English, Italian
    location iconOakwood, Leeds, England, United Kingdom

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