• Hire Chef & Cook staff. Find best employees in Newbury

    Looking for Chef & Cook staff to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Chef & Cook jobs in Newbury
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    Candidate avatar
    Samanta C.
    Online 2 hours ago
    tick icon5 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I am a highly motivated and dedicated professional with a strong commitment to continuous learning and self-development. I thrive in both independent and collaborative environments, and I’m skilled at leading and mentoring the team
    Senior pastry Sous Chef - Petite Pattiserie
    Head Pastry Chef - Madame Posh
    Pastry Sous chef - Coworth Park, DC
    Pastry sous Chef - Pantechnicon; Café Kitsune
    Demi Pastry Chef - Great Scotland Yard Hotel
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconFarnborough, England, United Kingdom
  • Recommended
    Candidate avatar
    Dewank A.
    Online 19 hours ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Personal Profile A dynamic and lively professional with a passion for delivering excellence in fast-paced and challenging environments. Possessing strong communication skills and a proven ability to lead and inspire teams, I thrive under pr
    Sous Chef - Veeno
    Assistant Chef - StazionePizza
    I speak English, Italian, Hindi
    location iconMaidenhead, England, United Kingdom
  • Recommended
    Candidate avatar
    Carlo M.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon23 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    In life and in this profession you never stop learning
    Head Chef - Unico 28
    Head Chef - Positano restaurant
    Head Chef - Bacco italian restaurant
    Head Chef - Bears restaurant
    Head Chef - Shambles Italian Restaurant
    I speak Italian, English
    location iconRushmoor
  • Recommended
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    Jose F.
    Online 9 days ago
    tick icon10 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I´m a passionate, organized customer focused chef who enjoys the day to day preparation and serving of food. I have worked in the sector since 2012 in order to do things that i enjoy the most; cooking and delivering excellent customer servi
    Chef de Partie - Vinoteca
    Chef de Partie - Vinoteca
    Chef - Wahaca
    Grill chef - James Oliver
    Chef de Partie, Grill Chef - Toro
    I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
    location iconWinchester, England, United Kingdom

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