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    Looking for a Event Host to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Pan Hsu A.
    Online 51 minutes ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Events & Promotion
    Passionate Global Business Management student with 4 years in customer service. Front-of-house at Mr. Bao for 6 months, currently excelling as event staff at Constellation—versatile in cashier, waitress, chef's assistant, and runner roles.
    Event Staff - Constellation Hospitality
    I speak English
    location iconRoehampton, Wandsworth, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Andy L.
    Online 17 hours ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience in Events & Promotion
    I'm a quick learner, honest, patient and organised.
    Event Crew - Think Events
    I speak Spanish, Portuguese, English
    location iconActon, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Bahar Yağmur T.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Events & Promotion
    I'm a recent graduate with a diverse background spanning from office jobs to service and event planning roles. I'm an extrovert with a passion for cocktails, drawing, and volleyball. I'm seeking a job that reflects my personality!
    Event Team Member - ESN Boğaziçi
    Corporate Communications Intern - Borusan Holding - Energy Group
    Executive Board Member as Secretary - Board of European Students of Technology - Bogazici branch
    I speak English, Turkish, Spanish
    location iconHarringay, London, England, United Kingdom

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