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    Mechanic jobs in Islington
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    Candidate avatar
    Boss K.
    Online 46 minutes ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Construction & Trades
    am a positive individual with a will-to-do attitude. I thrive on absorbing knowledge from other people around me and I’m always willing to work my hardest, no matter the task. The benefits that come with my enthusiasm and positive energy a
    Mechanical Fitter - Private
    I speak English
    location iconCanary Wharf, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Dylan R.
    Online 22 hours ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Construction & Trades
    Hi there, i'm a bartende/waiter looking for work, i've made films worked with go karts and done a lot in-between, i can get along with whoever where ever. Thanks for your time.
    Volunteer track marshal and mechanic - Oasis Right Track Project
    I speak English
    location iconChalk Farm, Camden, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Kethan B.
    Online 23 hours ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience in Construction & Trades
    Experienced painter and decorator with over five years in interior and exterior residential projects, delivering high standards and client satisfaction.
    Labourer - MJN Construction
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconHayes
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    Andre N.
    Online 6 days ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Construction & Trades
    Very eager, hard worker always looking to learn and try new roles. Adapt to surroundings and environments fast and well. Very friendly and bubbly and always hoping for the best for my client's and colleagues.
    Alloy Wheel Technician / Paint Sprayer - Whoops Wheel Fix It
    Alloy Wheel Technician - Berry BMW & Mini
    I speak English
    location iconStreatham Vale, Wandsworth, London, Greater London, United Kingdom
  • Recommended
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    Amirreza F.
    Online 8 days ago
    location iconIslington

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