• Hire a Salad Chef. Find best employees in Grays

    Looking for a Salad Chef to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Salad Chef jobs in Grays
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    Candidate avatar
    Kevin C.
    tick icon5 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    one of my professional goals adapts to the needs to evolve and improve within the company where I developed as a professional.
    Chef - Hare and Tortoise
    Pizza Chef - Massianello Restauran
    Team Leader - Vapiano TottenhamCour Road
    Sous Chef - Tonkotsu
    Salad Chef - Vapiano Tower Brigde
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconLondon, England, United Kingdom
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    Genny F.
    Online 4 hours ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Hi, I'm Genny, I'm 22 years old and I'm punctual, energetic and eager for new experiences
    (Pizza Chef)(Pasta chef)(Salad chef) - Vapiano
    Chef de Partie - Blackwood
    I speak Italian, English
    location iconSoho, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Davide G.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I am a keen friendly and focused individual ! I am happy working on my own or as part of a team. I am hard working responsable and polite with good exsperience in hospitality.
    Sous Chef - Chick n sours
    Commis Chef - Youngs
    Salad Chef - Zia Lucia
    I speak Italian, English
    location iconHackney Central, Hackney, London, England, United Kingdom
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    Zoltan Sebastian H.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    An enthusiastic Pizza and Night Chef with the necessary drive and determination needed to resolve any issues.Possessing effective organisational skills and excellent working knowledge 6 years of experience as a Pizza Chef.
    Pizza & Salad Chef - Benugo
    Night Chef - Coya Restaurant LTD
    Pizza Chef - Homeslice 52-Wells Street Rest
    I speak Hungarian, Romanian, Italian, English
    location iconLondon, England, United Kingdom

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