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  • HouseWrapped
    ECO4 Canvassers and Retrofit Assessors
    ECO4 Canvassers and Retrofit Assessors
    1 month ago
    £2000 monthly

    We are looking to take on 3/4 canvassers and 2/3 retrofit assessors in both Leeds and Greater London. Canvassers will be paid weekly wage and receive bonus on any installed jobs. Retrofit assessors will be paid their rate per property. Authority given to door canvass all areas, id badges provided upon receiving DBS check documentation, plus areas to canvass will be advised of as we will be targeting IMD zones to maximise conversions. We are working via the HUGS scheme but GBIS properties can still be accesped. £36k maximum household income only required if property is NOT inside the IMD zones.

    No experience
    Easy apply