Good questions to ask in an interview for candidates and employers Blog Employers Advice Hiring Process Good questions to ask in an interview for candidates and employers
Employer interviewing candidate with good questions to ask in an interview

Good questions to ask in an interview for candidates and employers

Bianca Alves
Reading time: 12 min

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, proper preparation and having a set of good questions to ask in an interview can significantly impact your success.

And the same goes for employers and HR professionals. It doesn’t matter if you’re hiring for the first time or have some experience on the topic, finding the perfect match can be tricky.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get ready for your interview and share some of the best questions you can ask as a job seeker or an employer. Let’s dive in!

Preparing for an interview

Before we dive into the art of asking good questions in an interview, let’s first discuss how to prepare effectively.

Preparing for an interview as a job seeker

Many of us get anxious about job interviews, especially those who have participated in only a few selection processes – but you’ll be surprised to see that even people with no experience can nail in a job interview!

According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), 69% of Americans think that researching the company is important for preparing for a job interview. In that sense, you’d have to learn about the company’s history, mission, values, and recent developments.

It would be best if you also had an answer to common interview questions. While you can’t predict every question you’ll be asked, it can help you feel more confident and articulate during the interview.

Finally, don’t forget to prepare a list of questions to ask your interviewer. Thoughtful questions not only demonstrate your interest in the role and company but also help you gather valuable information to make an informed decision about whether the job is the right fit for you.

Preparing for an interview as an employer

Interviews are not just about evaluating candidates; they’re also an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations that can uncover valuable insights about potential team members.

However, interviewing without a structured plan can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities to assess whether a candidate is the right fit for your team and organization.

Before you pick up the phone, join a call, or start a face-to-face meeting with a candidate, here’s what you should consider preparing beforehand:

  • Job Description and Requirements: Start by revisiting the job description and requirements for the position you’re hiring for.
  • Check the candidate’s CV before the interview: Take this opportunity to review their answers to your screening questions as well.
  • Interview Agenda: Develop a structured interview agenda outlining the topics you want to cover during the conversation and the questions you’ll ask during the interview.
  • Key Competencies and Criteria: This could include technical skills, soft skills, cultural fit, leadership potential, and alignment with company values. Having a clear understanding of these criteria will help you assess candidates consistently and effectively.
  • Get a notebook, tablet, or paper where you can take notes and record your impressions.

Good Questions to Ask in an Interview if You Are a Job Seeker

When seeking a job, asking good questions in an interview is crucial.

So, what are some good questions to ask in an interview? Let’s delve into a few essential areas and a list of questions that will help you land the job!

Company-Related Questions to Ask in an Interview

Asking the right questions can help you assess whether the company is the right fit for you and demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the role.

Research-Based Questions

Demonstrate your knowledge of the company and its industry by asking insightful questions based on your research.

  • I noticed that your company recently received recognition for innovation in [industry]. Can you share more about how innovation is encouraged and supported within the organization?
  • I read about the company’s recent expansion into [market/sector]. How do you see this expansion impacting the company’s future growth strategy?

Culture Fit Questions

As per TeamStage findings, merely 14% of managers express confidence in their team’s grasp of the company’s strategy, goals, and direction. As a candidate, it’s crucial to demonstrate to the recruiter that you have a comprehensive understanding and care for the company’s vision, objectives, and trajectory. Here are some questions to do so:

  • Can you describe the company culture and what sets it apart from other organizations?
  • How does the company foster collaboration and teamwork among employees?
  • Can you provide examples of recent initiatives or projects that align with the company’s strategic objectives?
  • Can you outline the company’s long-term vision and goals for growth and expansion?

Role-Specific Questions to Ask in an Interview

As a job seeker, tailoring your questions to the specific role you’re applying for can demonstrate your understanding of the position and your knowledge about a specific area. Here are two key areas to focus on:

Deepen your understanding of the Job Description by Asking Questions

Job descriptions can sometimes be vague or leave room for interpretation. Asking clarification questions during the interview not only shows your attention to detail but also helps ensure that you have a clear understanding of the role’s responsibilities and expectations.

On the other hand, it’s a good way to show you have the perfect skill set to get hired!

  • Could you provide more insight into the day-to-day tasks involved in this role?
  • I noticed that the job description mentions ‘project management skills.’ Could you elaborate on what specific projects I would be managing in this position?

Team Dynamics Questions

According to Zippia, about 75% of employees rate teamwork and collaboration as being very important.

Asking team dynamics questions can help you gauge the company’s culture and your potential fit within the team. These are some suggestions:

  • Can you tell me more about the team I’ll be working with and their roles within the organization?
  • How does the team typically collaborate on projects, and what role does communication play in ensuring project success?

Personal Growth and Development

n order to assess if you’ll be able to develop a career within the company, take a look at the following topics:

Questions to Discover Learning Opportunities in a Company

Employers often provide diverse learning avenues, from formal training programs to on-the-job experiences.
But what opportunities are on the table? How will the company provide you with opportunities to grow? Here’s how to get these questions answered:

  • Can you provide insights into the company’s approach to employee development and learning initiatives?
  • How does the company encourage employees to pursue continuous learning and development?

Feedback and Evaluation

Receiving feedback from your employer offers a valuable opportunity to gain insights into their priorities and expectations, as well as how you can contribute effectively. But how are these evaluations shared? Discover it using the following questions to ask in an interview:

  • Can you describe the company’s approach to providing feedback and performance evaluations for employees?
  • What is expected from the person who is going on the role?
  • How does the company foster open communication and dialogue between employees and managers regarding performance feedback?

How many questions to ask in an interview as a job seeker?

Try not to ask more than five questions. More than that, it can feel too rehearsed and run over the time reserved for the interview.

Always remember: the main goal of asking questions for your interviewer is to understand the job role better, get to know the opportunities the company has to offer, and show your interest and that you are ready for work!

During the interview, you’ll see that some of the questions we mentioned earlier have already been covered. So be wise when selecting the questions you’ll ask.

Also, pay attention to every single topic raised during the interview. Sometimes, you can pivot the conversation towards a topic you want to cover, without asking questions.

What are the best questions to you ask in an interview?

There’s no definitive answer to this question. When selecting questions to ask, it’s important to approach them strategically. Before the interview:

  • Review the job description and make note of any unclear points.
  • Avoid asking about topics you could research online.
  • Draw upon past experiences to formulate relevant questions: consider what information would have been helpful in your previous roles.

Now, let’s delve into the essential questions every employer should pose during an interview. If you’re a job seeker, read on to prepare for addressing these questions!

Good Questions to Ask in an Interview if You Are an Employer

When interviewing candidates, you’ll want to make sure their skills are aligned with your company’s needs, values and culture. You also need to evaluate if you’re going to be able to create a trustful relationship with them to delegate tasks and be sure your business is in good hands.

Women in a wheel-chair interviews a job seeker
According to Job Spin, 67% of recruiters feel that eye contact is crucial to making a good impression.

Let’s explore effective questions to ask during interviews to ensure that you’re selecting the best candidates.

Assessing Employee Fit

Assessing fit goes beyond evaluating technical skills; it’s about finding candidates who will thrive in your organization’s environment and contribute positively to your team. Here, we’ll discuss two key areas to focus on: behavioral questions and inquiries about candidates’ motivation and values.

Best Behavioral Questions to Get to Know Your Candidate

Behavioral questions are designed to elicit specific examples from candidates’ past experiences, providing insights into their skills, decision-making abilities, and work ethic. Here are some effective behavioral questions to help you get to know your candidates better:

  • Can you tell me about a time when you faced a challenging situation at work and how you handled it?
  • Describe a successful project you led. What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to work collaboratively with a team to achieve a common goal. What was your role, and how did you contribute to the team’s success?

Questions to Understand Candidates’ Motivation and Values

Understanding candidates’ motivation and values is essential for assessing their alignment with your company culture and long-term goals. Here are some questions to help you gauge candidates’ motivations and values:

  • What attracted you to our company and this particular role?
  • Can you describe your ideal work environment and company culture?
  • What motivates you to excel in your work, and how do you stay motivated during challenging times?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision that conflicted with your values. How did you handle it?

Skills and Experience-Related Questions

As an interviewer, you’ll need to understand the technical and soft skills of your future employees and how they acquired them during past work experiences.

But before deciding which questions to ask, you’ll need to be certain of the experience level you’re looking for. For example, let’s say you’re a retail store owner who needs to hire a cashier. You’ll probably want someone who is comfortable with numbers and has at least 6 months of experience in the same position, whereas if you’re hiring a shop assistant, past experiences might not be so crucial.

And one more thing: be wise when selecting the questions. Take a look at the candidate’s resume, analyze their experiences, and the duration of their collaborations with other companies, and be specific. This approach allows you to assess their abilities and catch potential lies or exaggerations.

Good Questions to Know Candidate’s Technical Proficiency

Technical proficiency is crucial for success in many roles. Here, we explore questions that help evaluate candidates’ expertise in key areas:

  • Can you give examples of your experience using [specific equipment]?
  • Could you describe a task or project where you applied [specific skill or technique]? What was your role, and what was the result?

Assessing Problem-Solving Capabilities during a Job Interview

Let’s face it: dealing with workplace challenges is part of every job – especially for roles that involve interacting with the public or customers directly. That’s why candidates must have strong ‘people skills’ and a proactive problem-solving mindset.

These are good questions to ask in an interview to understand how a candidate handles unexpected situations:

  • Can you describe a challenging situation you encountered at work and how you resolved it?
  • Describe a time when you had to handle a dissatisfied customer. How did you approach the situation, and what steps did you take to resolve their concerns?
  • How do you approach solving complex problems, and can you provide an example of a successful outcome?

Questions to Assess Candidates’ Growth Potential

If you’re a small business owner, delegating operational tasks and responsibilities is crucial to allow you to focus on the growth and expansion of your business. However, when hiring employees, it’s essential to evaluate your needs for the short, medium, and long term.

Are you seeking individuals for short-term collaborations with your company, or are you in need of employees interested in long-term positions? Clarifying this will assist in crafting good questions to ask in an interview to assess candidates’ growth potential effectively.

Questions for Discovering Your Candidate’s Motivations

You can go ahead and ask directly if the candidate is looking for a long-term job. However, by asking the following questions, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know the person on a deeper level, understanding their aspirations and what is important for them in the workplace.

  • Where do you see yourself in [X] years?
  • How do you envision your career progressing within our company?

Adaptability and Learning

We live in an ever-changing world, where adaptability is essential for every business to survive. According to a Forbes article, ‘surviving in a competitive, complex environment requires the willingness and ability to learn from the difficult and often humbling experience of navigating off-seasons and cyclical slumps’.

Therefore, hiring employees who demonstrate adaptability in their skill set might help you solve future problems. Here are some questions to measure your candidates’ adaptation capabilities:

  • Can you describe a time when you had to adapt to a significant change in your work environment? How did you approach it, and what was the result?

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