How to Prevent Interview No-Shows with Job Today Blog Employers Advice Hiring Process How to Prevent Interview No-Shows with Job Today
Employer preparing for an interview

How to Prevent Interview No-Shows with Job Today

Bianca Alves
Reading time: 3 min

Interview no-shows, often referred to as ghosting, have become a troubling trend, with candidates disappearing without a trace just when you need them the most. At Job Today, we understand the impact this can have on your hiring process, and we’re here to help you navigate these challenges. In this article, we’re going to explain why no-shows happen and how we’re fighting the problem as your all-in-one hiring app.

Why are candidates not showing up for interviews?

No-shows during the hiring process have become more common in recent years, with various factors contributing to this trend.

66% of workers admit to having ghosted employers, even after accepting a job offer. Additionally, 1 in 6 Millennials and Generation Z candidates confessed to ghosting during the interview process.

According to the Thriving Center of Psychology, the city where people are most likely to experience ghosting is New York City. At Job Today, we understand the unique challenges of this market and are dedicated to providing effective solutions that reduce no-shows and improve the hiring experience for New York City employers.

So, why are candidates not showing up for interviews? Here are some of the main reasons:

  • Lost Interest: Sometimes, candidates simply lose interest in the role and decide not to proceed.
  • Another Offer: It’s common for job seekers, especially blue-collar workers, to receive multiple job offers. When a more attractive opportunity comes along, they may choose to opt out of other interviews.
  • Bad Experience: A negative interaction before the interview can discourage candidates from continuing.
  • Personal Reasons: Unexpected personal issues or changes in circumstances can lead to a no-show.
  • Communication Breakdown: Miscommunication or lack of clear information about the interview can also be a factor.

How to stop interview no-shows from happening with Job Today

At Job Today, we understand the frustration of interview no-shows. That’s why we’ve developed an interview scheduling feature that makes the process more efficient. With just a few taps, you can schedule an interview, and we’ll handle the rest. Here’s how it works:

1. Invite Candidates

When you’re ready to invite a candidate for an interview, simply navigate to your chat with them and set the appointment.

Candidate chat on Job Today
In the chat, click on set up to schedule an interview

2. Select Date and Time

Choose a convenient date and time for the interview. It’s that simple!

Calendar to schedule an interview on Job Today
Once you choose a date and time, we’ll let the candidate know they’ve been invited to an interview.

3. Leave the Rest to Us

Once you’ve set the appointment, we’ll send an interview invitation to the candidate, including the interview address and some helpful preparation tips. We’ll also let you know once they confirm their attendance!

Interview appointment with candidate on Job Today
In the chat, you’ll be able to see the details of the interview, along with some tips to prepare yourself!

4. Automatic Reminders

To minimize the chances of no-shows, we’ll send the candidate two reminders: one 24 hours before the interview and another one hour before. This way, you can focus on finding the right candidate without the stress of last-minute cancellations.

How to cancel an interview?

If you need to cancel or reschedule an interview, you can do so directly in the chat with the candidate. However, we also encourage you to communicate with the candidate directly to explain the change of plans. This personal touch helps maintain a professional relationship and shows respect for their time. After canceling, you’ll have the option to set a new time if needed.

Ready to schedule your first interview using the Job Today app? We can’t wait to see how it goes!