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    Jada N.
    Online 44 minutes ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Office & Admin
    I am a well-rounded worker who is driven. I bring lots of positive, productive, and bubbly energy to any environment or workplace. Lastly, I am a born leader who is always willing to lead and most importantly learn.
    Clerical Aid - Catholic Charities
    Administrative Assistant - Legal Hand
    I speak English
    location iconBrownsville, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Melissa H.
    Online 3 hours ago
    tick icon6 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Marketing Manager with a rich blend of customer service, administrative, and marketing expertise, specializing in content creation and social media marketing, with over a decade of experience
    Virtual Assistant - Radical Reboot
    Virtual Assistant - Radical Reboot Coaching
    Office Assistant - Medical Office
    Office Assistant -
    Administrative Assistant -
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconManhattan, New York, NY, United States
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    Shadira S.
    Online 4 hours ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Entrepreneurial self-starter with strong skills in operations and team development. Seasoned manager with experience in retail and F&B, focused on maximizing efficiency.
    Office Assistant - Stony Brook University - Philosophy Department
    I speak English
    location iconSpring Creek, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Marsha S.
    Online 10 hours ago
    tick icon24 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Strategic and highly organized administrative professional with over a decade of experience supporting senior leaders in tech, healthcare, and non-profit organizations.
    Executive Assistant - NTM Services LLC
    Administrative Assistant - Park Slope Jewish Center
    Administrative Assistant - Park Slope Jewish Center
    Administrative Assistant/Data Coordinator - Medgar Evers College Youth Programs
    I speak English
    location iconCrown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    blazine L.
    Online 10 hours ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Office & Admin
    I’ve had vast experience in customer service and recently now in office management/medical assistance. I’m a very fast learner and I’m always eager to broaden my knowledge. I’m punctual and ready to learn
    Office Assistant - Soho Surgical
    I speak English
    location iconPark Slope, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Pavel N.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Highly motivated and experienced in databases, CRM systems, and spreadsheets. Seeking a job in NYC.
    Data Entry Specialist - Acodis
    Data Entry Clerk - Business Summit
    Back Office Assistant - BeBrabd
    I speak English, Russian
    location iconNew York
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    Sowande A.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon14 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Detail-oriented and dedicated security professional with 5 years of experience in ensuring safety and security. Proficient in monitoring surveillance cameras and alarm systems.
    Data Entry Clerk - 311 Operator
    Receptionist / Administrator - King Teleservice
    Administrative Assistant - Riverside Printing
    Administrative Assistant - Best Graphics Press
    I speak English, Chinese
    location iconWoodside, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Brandon A.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon5 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    I am a hardworking, detail-oriented, and organized individual, looking to take the next steps in my career. I am motivated and excited when I can use my computer savviness and communication skills to help others.
    Office Assistant - Wight Foundation
    I speak Spanish
    location iconLinden
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    Christopher G.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon12 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    To secure a position where I can serve as an important part of a team and facilitate office administration needs to improve efficiency and performance.
    Office Assistant - Krez & Flores LLP
    Office Manager - Wrevel
    Office Assistant Intern - FTA Design Co
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconBushwick, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Rebecca S.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Creativity has always been a core part of my life, from music to illustration. After studying graphic design in college, I pursued my passion for art. Now, as an admin assistant, I’m transitioning back into design while growing my platform.
    Administrative Assistant - Bethel Gospel Assembly
    Administrative Assistant - Bethel Gospel Assembly
    Administrative Assistant - Bethel Gospel Assembly
    I speak English
    location iconBrooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Ashley T.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Office & Admin
    Ashley is a bilingual real estate agent experienced in property management and customer service, skilled in Microsoft Office and marketing.
    Executive Assistant - Casa Real Properties
    Administrative Assistant - Passaic Pediatrics II
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconKearny, NJ, United States
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