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    Looking for a Head Chef to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Candidate avatar
    Malik N.
    Online 2 hours ago
    tick icon5 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Hello my name is Malik Nelson I’m 28. I’ve been in the food industry for over 9 years my wife and I recently moved from San Diego CA to Brooklyn NY .I’m passionate about cooking.
    Executive Chef - Atlas Monroe
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconForest Park, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Chris A.
    Online 6 hours ago
    tick icon5 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Hi ! I have more than 20 years in the hospitality industry. I currently reside in New York. I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of your team as I believe I have the experience and skills necessary to perform this role success
    Chef - Le Quatorce
    Head Chef - Kokomo
    Chef de Partie - The clock tower, Michelin ⭐️
    I speak Spanish, French, English
    location iconMaspeth, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Eduardo C.
    Online 13 hours ago
    tick icon20 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Soy apasionado por la cocina, he trabajado en diversas partidas y diferentes clases de cocinas tradicionales y vanguardistas. Me gusta mezclar sabores y innovar platos con creatividad.
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Anchorage Illetas
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Son Amar - El Castillo
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Titanic
    Jefe de cocina - Taberna Azafran (Sevilla)
    Jefe/a de Partida - Abades de Triana
    I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
    location iconCorona, Nueva York, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
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    Reynaldo David T.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon15 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Responsible guy offers to do any type of WORK Immediate availability Eager to learn and work as a team
    Line cook - Pitagrill manthattan
    Cocinero - Hotel Selina manthattan
    Jefe de cocina - Hotel whala fum
    Cocinero line cook - El agachadito
    Cocinero - Taberna azafrá sevilla
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconCorona, New York, New York, United States
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    Jefferson S.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon9 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Private Chef - Aura Wellness Retreats
    Chef - Mishik NYC
    Cook - Dan and John's Wings
    Chef - Tradisyon NYC
    Cook - Faena Hotel Miami beach
    I speak English, Tagalog, Spanish
    location iconElmhurst, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Raymond P.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon13 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I’m very passionate about food. I am a work-fiend and will not rest until our food reaches and is accepted with the masses.
    Chef - Sanger Hall
    Culinary staff - JijJatJo
    Head Chef/Manager - Franklin Park
    I speak English
    location iconFlushing, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Michael T.
    Online 4 days ago
    tick icon5 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I’ve been working in the kitchen field in every aspect except chef for the last decade. I know my way around the kitchen and I’m currently unemployed and looking for work I can start immediately
    Head Cook - Look Dine-In Cinema
    Cook - Mingles Bar & Grill
    I speak English, Spanish, French
    location iconWest Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, New York, United States
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    Kyaw K.
    Online 5 days ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    My name is Kyaw Kyaw and I’m 25 years old. I am Gorkhali. I am Myanmar Citizen and I was living and working in Phi Phi island before I came to USA. I’m a hardworking guy and do my job perfectly.
    Head Chef - My house Restaurant
    I speak English, Burmese, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu
    location iconRego Park, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Moses T.
    Online 6 days ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Very friendly and open minded person. Quick learning and adaptability to any situation
    Head Cook - Daisys dream nyc
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconMount Hope, New York, New York, United States
  • Recommended
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    Samy N.
    Online 8 days ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Working in the kitchen for 11 years. In that time, I grew from dishwasher to head chef. I love the work I do. Watching consumer enjoy what we prepared make everyday.
    Head Chef - Juicy box bar
    Line Cook - Brooklyn blend
    I speak English
    location iconEast New York, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States

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How Can JOB TODAY Help me Hire Head Chefs?

JOB TODAY is the best app to look for a new head chef for your restaurant or catering business! Many of the most highly trained and experienced head chefs in the UK are looking for their next role on JOB TODAY, and we will connect you to them in a few simple steps. Specify the years of experience, culinary expertise, and any other relevant factors you are looking for, and find your very own Jamie Oliver with us today!

Is this Head Chef candidate the best person for the job?

To truly understand if a candidate is the best person for your Head Chef position, chat away and invite them for a trial shift. See if their cooking and management style suits your restaurant's culture.

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What qualities should an ideal Head Chef have?

Your ideal Head Chef would have a clear passion for food along with a love for cooking. He needs to have great people management skills to manage the team under him as a good leader. Strong number skills are important too for him to control and execute budgets.