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    Looking for a Sales Agent to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Candidate avatar
    Aron G.
    tick icon7 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I am a person accustomed to working under pressure, fulfilling the requirements and developing an adequate, orderly work with discipline and responsibility with the company
    Asesor comercial telefónico - Saga falabella
    I speak Spanish, Italian, English
    location iconNorwood, Bronx, New York, NY, United States
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    Donald J.
    Online 2 hours ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I aim to gain a supportive role for someone whose growth aligns with my goals. I want to help them scale to the next level while gaining valuable insight and skills. Collaboratively, we will become essential, impressive, impactful, and unforgettable
    1099-Showing Agent - Showami
    Real Estate Agent - Weichert Realty
    I speak English
    location iconForest Hills, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Ishfiaque A.
    Online 21 hours ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Motivated and detail-oriented individual with a strong willingness to learn and adapt to new challenges. Possess a solid foundation in IT and a proven ability to work collaboratively in diverse environments.
    Agent Support Officer - UK Bangla IT Limited
    I speak English, Bengali
    location iconJamaica, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Hello, My self Rajdeep. I have 2 years experience in Sales Executive, 1 year experience in Front Desk Manager and 6 month Liquer store Experienced Person. In short I am suitable for all type of work. I can do register, Cashier, Sales All.
    Sales Consultant - ANAND TODAY
    I speak English, Gujarati, Hindi
    location iconFlushing, New York, New York, United States
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    Mamadou Issa B.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Bonjour monsieur Je réponds au nom de Mamadou Issa Barry et je suis intéressé par ce travail
    Agent commercial , marketing - Sonoco, Bonagui
    I speak English, French
    location iconClason Point, New York, New York, United States
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    Alex Tobias P.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I have experience +3 years on restaurants/sales associates eng/spa, I’m looking for part tim
    Sales Consultant - PTM MARKETING
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconPelham Bay, New York, New York, United States
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    Altaf M.
    Online 4 days ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Hardworking employee enthusiastic about learning business operations inside and out. Pursues opportunities ot learn new skills and contribute to group success. Offers strong administrative, relationship-building and problem-solvingabilities
    Sales Consultant - Mariyam Jewels
    Marketing Assistant - Glen Oaks Medical Dental Pros
    I speak English, Hindi, Urdu
    location iconGarden City, New York, United States
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    Edwin Arturo N.
    Online 14 days ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Soy una persona responsable, entregada a mis labores, con buena capacidad de comunicación, aprendizaje, trabajo autónomo y en grupo.
    Vendedor y organizador de exibiciones. - STINCHCOM
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconJamaica

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