#FirstSevenJobs Blog Career Advice Life at work #FirstSevenJobs
Job Today #FirstSevenJobs astronaut


Doris Benitez
Reading time: 2 min

Over the last few weeks the hashtag #FirstSevenJobs has set the Twittersphere alight.

What started out as a simple piece of song lyric research from singer-songwriter Marion Call has morphed into a global phenomenon, attracting thousands of tweets from all walks of life.

Everybody from five-year-old children, to CEOs and astronauts have chipped in with rundowns of their #FirstSevenJobs.

It’s certainly fun to imagine celebrities toiling away at familiar jobs before they were famous.

Picture a 10-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger approaching people at a lake on a scorching summer afternoon trying to flog them ice cream on his way to becoming the Terminator and the Governor of California.

Arnold Schwarzenegger #firstsevenjobs

Or a young Sheryl Sandberg walking home dejected after being sacked from her second babysitting job on her journey to becoming Chief Operating Officer of Facebook.

Perhaps the most compelling part of the trend, however, is its ability to inspire. Everybody has to begin their careers somewhere and many successful people acknowledge that their humble first few jobs equipped them with the skills to progress later down the line.

Work ethic, time-management, responsibility, customer service and teamwork are some of the most important attributes that people gained from their #FirstSevenJobs.

Buzz Aldrin is widely regarded as the unofficial winner of the hashtag, with his meteoric liftoff from Dish Washer and Camp Counselor to Fighter Pilot and Astronaut.

Buzz Aldrin #firstsevenjobs

Of course, as with any internet meme, the best responses were not always the most serious.

American politician Ben Sasse’s five-year-old son hasn’t jumped on the career ladder yet. But he’s certainly aiming high.

Ben Sasse first seven jobs

An account dedicated to making a deadly rod-shaped bacterium President of the United States struck a characteristically scientific tone in listing its #FirstSevenJobs.

E-coli first seven jobs

While the Bard cast an melodramatic poesy over his esteemed legacy.

William Shakespeare #firstsevenjobs

But nobody came up with a cuter response than this “one dog.”

Cute dog #firstsevenjobs

All this talk of career stories has no doubt got you feeling inspired and we’d love for you to share your #FirstSevenJobs with us.

You can post a message in the comments section below, hit us on our Facebook page, or tweet us @JobToday_UK.

And if you haven’t had seven jobs yet, or you’re looking for a new role, you’d better download our app and find a new Job Today.