The rules of the game have changed. For many years, the Curriculum Vitae, cover letter, or kilometer form, was the most significant tool to find employment, but with the incursion of new technologies in everyday life we can say that the curriculum vitae has become part of history , a reality that helps simplify the job search process, especially for the youngest, adapting it to the needs of society.
Nowadays, just type our name in Google to have a much more extensive and decisive curriculum that we could present in a single A4 facet; This, and not another, is the main reason why this tool has become part of the past. It is not uncommon that having such a powerful search engine, and taking into account that we increasingly turn our full identity on the Internet, large companies have climbed into the car of this new formula.
In Job Today, we wanted to collaborate in the death of the CV by creating a platform capable of handling a multitude of job applications , the user only has to register in the App , prepare a simple profile, and in less than 1 min you can now opt to the offers that best suit your qualities! In addition, to know a little more about the candidate (hobbies, character …) or to know more about the job offer (schedules, salary …), we have shortened the distances, and the application has a direct chat in which company and worker You can get in touch.
If you are looking for a job, go ahead and register and start choosing the job offers you like best! We assure you a Yes or No in a 24 hour period.
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