The labor landscape is constantly changing. The economy, capitalization, or the rise and fall of different sectors are usually the cause. Before, the candidate was always considered the “weak” in a selection process. Now we are faced with a change of context in which a more active role is attributed.
It has always been taken for granted that employers have the pan by the handle. Especially, during the last years of crisis, the level of job offers was lower than the level of demand. Fortunately, the situation has improved (a little), and the candidates are increasingly beginning to see the selection processes not as a pulse but as a dialogue between two equal parties.
The relationship between employee and employer has changed a lot, and work no longer exists forever. Candidates increasingly take into account that if they are not admitted to one position, there will be another. The same happens if they have already been hired but are not comfortable. In fact, according to the American firm ‘Kelly Services’, more than 50% of millennials are looking for work even if they are satisfied in their company. To this we must add the clamor for greater flexibility in favor of conciliation. In this new context, attempts are made to escape free availability and lack of flexibility.
The digital landscape in which we move also plays an important role. A few years ago to look for a job you had to print several copies of CV, and “kick the street.” With luck on a productive day you could opt door to door for about four or five job offers. Today, in two hours of intense search you can opt for more than 20. Descárgate la app JOB TODAY ahora!
During the last fifteen years, another of the most important changes that the Spanish labor market has undergone has been the incorporation of women into the labor activity. While before they were pigeonholed in a few jobs, today they have it much easier to find any type of job. However, there is still a long way to reduce the wage gap and achieve full equality. According to the National Statistics Institute, salaries received by women are 22.9% less than that of men.