Home Consejos para tu carrera Guías Guía para negociar tu sueldo
Cómo negociar tu sueldo

Guía para negociar tu sueldo

Doris Benitez
Tiempo de lectura: 4 min

Have you never known how to negotiate salary increases in your work? Do you panic about the topic in a first job interview? If you give us 5 minutes we will give you our best tips so you can overcome one of the most thorny parts of the job search:

Things we must be clear before negotiating

  1. It is imperative that you know how much someone in the category you opt for earns (to avoid coming too high).
  2. Think about the value of your work. For example, if you have been in a job for a long time and want to ask for a raise, how do you justify that increase? You have to disclose details of your work / achievements that deserve it. They are also positive things to highlight if you have gained responsibility or more workload.

To take into account: normally the increases range between 10% and 20% on your salary.

The best time to bring up the subject?

Whether you opt for a new job or if you already want to ask for a raise, the key to choosing well when to do it is easy, to have common sense! For example:

  • Don’t start a job interview for salary. Leave it for last. It is obvious that we all work for a salary, but asking at the outset can convey the idea that you are not really interested in the type of work. First find out well about how the work is and its conditions (it will also help you refine how much you can ask for).
  • In the event that you are already in a job and want to opt for a salary increase: here it is more complicated to be able to give advice that can be used ‘for everyone and in any situation’. You as an employee who knows the company should value it: lately your company is doing well, has more customers? Have you done any successful projects recently?

In the first case, in a job interview, it is clear that someone will have to raise the issue of money at some point. Instead, as a worker, you have more decision power over how and when you do it.

What can I say?

Interviewers will usually address the salary issue in two ways:

  1. Asking: How much are you charging right now in your current position?

Avoid giving a specific entry figure. Focus on what you would like to charge (being realistic, of course).

  1. “Put a figure.” Here it is important that you can give realistic value for your work (and improving your previous employment).

If the answer is negative …

We hope that everything goes well at first, but sometimes it is true that things may not go as expected. But don’t worry, it has a fix!

Against things like “at this time we have no budget for a raise”, do not stay with the bad, try to look ahead to the future with questions such as:

  • Do you know when there will be a budget available?
  • Do you think if we check my salary again in x months?

In case of refusal, you can also do a moment of reflection: consider whether it really compensates you to work for that salary or you prefer to start looking for another job. Everything has a solution!

All clear?

In summary: negotiating salary is a mixture of common sense and experience . The first time you ask for it in your working life it will be difficult for you, but when you see how it works you will have it clearer.

Last tip! In a good way, consider yourself: what is the worst thing that can happen to you? Let them tell you no. There you can assess if you are interested in the position, but if you have followed the steps correctly, you will have made a good impression.

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