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Jobs, courses & advice in hospitality • 11-50 empleados
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En BETWEEN te ofrecemos las oportunidades que necesitas para alcanzar tus objetivos profesionales. Si quieres desarrollar tus capacidades en IT e Ingeniería ¡este es tu próximo destino! Damos soporte en una gran variedad de áreas como Firmware, Software, BI, Diseño, Project Management y muchas más. Además, desarrollamos soluciones tecnológicas a medida desde nuestros BETWEEN Labs. Estamos buscando un Modelador/a REVIT para ampliar uno de nuestros equipos en Madrid. FuncionesModelado de cimentaciones y edificios de hormigón tipo industrial Modelado de arquitectura de edificios tipo industrial BeneficiosSeguro médico con Sanitas: Te ofrecemos la tranquilidad de contar con un seguro médico completo que se adapta a tus necesidades. Oportunidades de formación: Accede a programas de idiomas, certificaciones, bootcamps y mucho más para potenciar tu carrera profesional. Multitud de eventos: Participa en actividades enriquecedoras como la BETWEEN Night, Torneo de Padel, Black Mamba Race y muchas más para fortalecer la cohesión del equipo. Retribución flexible: Aprovecha beneficios como tickets de restaurante, transporte y guardería que se adaptan a tu estilo de vida. Incentivos por validar o recomendar talento: En BETWEEN valoramos que puedas contribuir a nuestro crecimiento recomendando a profesionales que se alineen con nuestros valores. Si eres una persona apasionada por el diseño, con un enfoque en la industria y una experiencia mínima de 2 años en el uso de REVIT, te invitamos a formar parte de un entorno dinámico y colaborativo donde podrás desarrollar tu carrera profesional y contribuir a proyectos innovadores en el sector industrial. ¡Únete a BETWEEN y sé parte de nuestro equipo en Madrid! Requisitos Delineante / Proyectista (Grado medio/superior de formación profesional). Experiencia de al menos 2 años en modelado REVIT con experiencia dentro del sector industrial Experiencia en proyectos siguiendo un BIM Execution Plan. Experiencia con uso de Navisworks Nivel de Inglés B1 Department: Maintenance The company En Mac Hotels nuestro principal valor son las personas, valorando muy positivamente la actitud y la iniciativa. Ofrecemos las herramientas necesarias para que las personas puedan desarrollarse y obtener el éxito profesional deseado: ·Atraemos y gestionamos el talento. ·Realizamos un proceso de acogida al inicio, cada persona conoce todo lo referente a su puesto. ·Tutorización los primeros días de la incorporación. ·Formación colectiva e individual Interna y Externa. ·Planes de carrera. ·Promociones Internas. ·Comunicación. Si te identificas como una persona Proactiva (SI siempre te marcas objetivos y metas, tienes actitud mental positiva, te motiva motivar a los demás y siempre estás en continuo aprendizaje….) y quieres formar parte del equipo Mac, envíanos tu CV. En nuestros hoteles... Hacemos realidad las vacaciones perfectas en el Mediterráneo. Hoteles en Mallorca y Costa del Sol. Ahora, también en Zaragoza. Próximamente, Punta Cana. Nuestra esencia es la hospitalidad mediterránea, donde el dinamismo se encuentra con la frescura, el compromiso se refleja en cada detalle y la transparencia es la clave de nuestra experiencia.
Eurostars Hotel Company es la cadena hotelera de Grupo Hotusa del que forman parte las marcas Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels y Tandem Suites. Actualmente, nuestro portofolio cuenta con más de 250 hoteles con presencia en más de 18 países de todo el mundo. Nuestra actividad está avalada por un importante know how que se refleja en todos los ámbitos, desde la gestión hotelera a los valores de marca o al cuidado en la experiencia del huésped. ¿Quieres unirte a la Industria de la felicidad? Buscamos un/a Recepcionista para nuestro Hotel 4* en Córdoba ¿Cuáles serán tus tareas? - Gestión de la reserva de habitaciones. - Optimización de los recursos con el objetivo de ofrecer la mejor calidad en la atención al cliente. - Check in y check out de huéspedes. - Atención telefónica y gestión de reservas. - Ofrecer un excelente servicio al cliente. ¿Qué buscamos? - Estudios en turismo o similar. - Nivel alto de inglés y otros idiomas valorable. En Eurostars Hotel Company podrás formar parte de una empresa líder en el sector travel, en continuo crecimiento y expansión global, que apuesta por el constante desarrollo profesional de su equipo. Además, al formar parte de Eurostars Hotel Company podrás disfrutar de los siguientes beneficios: - 50% de descuento en nuestros hoteles de alta gama: Podrás beneficiarte de descuentos de hasta el 50% en todos nuestros magníficos hoteles 4*/5* alrededor del mundo y hasta un 20% para tus familiares. - Formación The Power Business School: Acceso 100% gratuito e ilimitado a todas las formaciones (MBA, digital, ofimática, Skills etc) de la mano de nuestro partner The Power Business School, la escuela de negocios online nº 1 del mercado e impartida por los mejores profesionales en activo del sector. - Acceso a nuestro Club del Empleado: donde podrás beneficiarte de diferentes tipos de descuentos y ventajas de todo tipo (ocio, tecnología, deporte, moda etc) - Disfrutar de noches de hotel gratis: con el Programa de referenciados de Eurostars Hotel Company, recompensamos las recomendaciones que se transforman en contrataciones. Si recomiendas a alguien y le contratamos, recibes noches de hotel gratis. Si este proyecto te interesa y crees que encajas en el perfil, nos encantaría que apliques a la posición. O, si conoces a alguien que le pueda interesar, no dudes en compartir esta oferta. Department: Reception About you Language required: Spanish. The company Somos una cadena de establecimientos de 4* y 5* con ubicaciones estratégicas en las ciudades más importantes entre las que se encuentran las principales capitales. Actualmente, contamos con más de 200 hoteles que operan bajo nuestras distintas marcas entre las que se encuentran Eurostars Hotels, Aurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels y Crisol Hotels. Recorrer las instalaciones de cualquiera de nuestros hoteles significa descubrir un universo de espacios de cuidado interiorismo y mimada decoración, donde vanguardismo y tradición se funden para dar lugar a establecimientos cálidos y acogedores. En ellos, nuestros huéspedes sienten el confort del propio hogar, sin renunciar a las ventajas y comodidades de las más modernas instalaciones y los equipamientos tecnológicos de última generación.
Eurostars Hotel Company es la cadena hotelera de Grupo Hotusa del que forman parte las marcas Eurostars Hotels, Áurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels, Crisol Hotels y Tandem Suites. Actualmente, nuestro portofolio cuenta con más de 250 hoteles con presencia en más de 18 países de todo el mundo. Nuestra actividad está avalada por un importante know how que se refleja en todos los ámbitos, desde la gestión hotelera a los valores de marca o al cuidado en la experiencia del huésped. ¿Quieres unirte a la Industria de la felicidad? Buscamos un/a Técnico/a de Mantenimiento para nuestro hotel en Jerez de la Frontera. ¿De qué serás responsable? · Identificar todos los equipos sujetos a mantenimiento. · Verificar y ejecutar el plan de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo. · Inspeccionar el estado de las instalaciones, maquinaria y equipos. · Contactar y supervisar los servicios de mantenimiento subcontratados y el desarrollo de las inspecciones reglamentarias. · Ejecución de reparaciones básicas de mantenimiento corriente del edificio en coordinación con las necesidades transmitidas por los demás departamentos del hotel, así como de acuerdo con las necesidades encontradas tras la ejecución de los planes de mantenimiento preventivo. · Mantener informado a Dirección y al responsable de Mantenimiento de Zona sobre el estado de las instalaciones y maquinarias, del comportamiento de proveedores y empresas de mantenimiento subcontratadas. ¿Qué buscamos? - Conocimientos en fontanería general del edificio, instalaciones eléctricas, instalaciones de Protección Contra Incendios, detección de averías, instalaciones de climatización y producción de Agua Caliente Sanitaria. - Conocimientos sobre control y prevención de legionela. (instalaciones con SPA y piscinas) - Experiencia previa en mantenimiento de Hoteles o grandes edificaciones. - Disponibilidad para trabajar de lunes a domingo. - Buscamos a una persona dinámica, con la suficiente autonomía como para gestionar el departamento de mantenimiento de su hotel, con capacidad de aprendizaje y adaptación y orientado al servicio y a la disponibilidad. ¿Qué ofrecemos? En Eurostars Hotel Company podrás formar parte de una empresa líder en el sector travel, en continuo crecimiento y expansión global, que apuesta por el constante desarrollo profesional de su equipo. Además, al formar parte de Eurostars Hotel Company podrás disfrutar de los siguientes beneficios: · 50% de descuento en nuestros hoteles de alta gama: Podrás beneficiarte de descuentos de hasta el 50% en todos nuestros magníficos hoteles 4*/5* alrededor del mundo y hasta un 20% para tus familiares. · Formación The Power Business School: Acceso 100% gratuito e ilimitado a todas las formaciones (MBA, digital, ofimática, Skills etc) de la mano de nuestro partner The Power Business School, la escuela de negocios online nº 1 del mercado e impartida por los mejores profesionales en activo del sector. · Acceso a nuestro Club del Empleado: donde podrás beneficiarte de diferentes tipos de descuentos y ventajas de todo tipo (ocio, tecnología, deporte, moda etc) · Disfrutar de noches de hotel gratis: con el Programa de referenciados de Eurostars Hotel Company, recompensamos las recomendaciones que se transforman en contrataciones. Si recomiendas a alguien y le contratamos, recibes noches de hotel gratis. Si este proyecto te interesa y crees que encajas en el perfil, nos encantaría que apliques a la posición. O, si conoces a alguien que le pueda interesar compártela. Department: Maintenance About you Language required: Spanish. The company Somos una cadena de establecimientos de 4* y 5* con ubicaciones estratégicas en las ciudades más importantes entre las que se encuentran las principales capitales. Actualmente, contamos con más de 200 hoteles que operan bajo nuestras distintas marcas entre las que se encuentran Eurostars Hotels, Aurea Hotels, Exe Hotels, Ikonik Hotels y Crisol Hotels. Recorrer las instalaciones de cualquiera de nuestros hoteles significa descubrir un universo de espacios de cuidado interiorismo y mimada decoración, donde vanguardismo y tradición se funden para dar lugar a establecimientos cálidos y acogedores. En ellos, nuestros huéspedes sienten el confort del propio hogar, sin renunciar a las ventajas y comodidades de las más modernas instalaciones y los equipamientos tecnológicos de última generación.
Descripción de la empresaNuestra unidad de producción se enorgullece de ofrecer un servicio de catering aéreo de lujo de primer nivel, elegante y sofisticado. Nuestro equipo se dedica a crear una experiencia única que resulte atractiva incluso para los pasajeros más exigentes. Nos centramos en ofrecer una calidad excepcional, un servicio de primera clase y una exquisita gama de opciones de menú que sin duda impresionarán. Descripción del empleoActualmente estamos buscando Repostero/a en nuestra Unidad del Aeropuerto en Madrid. Si tienes pasión por la eficiencia, la calidad y el trabajo en equipo, ¡esta es la oportunidad para ti! Como Repostero/a , serás asignado a un departamento como Cantina, Carniceria, Pasteleria, Verduleria, Cocina Halal (¡y más!). Tu rol será diverso, dependiendo del departamento en el que trabajes. Tus responsabilidades pueden incluir: RequisitosComo repostero/a, tu rol será diverso y tus responsabilidades serían las siguientes: Realizar elaboraciones propias de pastelería (horneado de bizcochos; cocción de cremas básicas, como la crema inglesa o crema pastelera; mousses), con ayuda de un dossier de la compañía. Usar maquinaria industrial para la realización de las recetas de pastelería (batidoras, hornos, termómetros, inducciones, basculantes, abatidores...). Establecer proporciones de cantidades en relación con la materia prima y las necesidades operativas. Revisar y controlar el equipo menor utilizado en pastelería (básculas, batidora, turmix, boquillas, lenguas…), asegurando una adecuada limpieza y desinfección del mismo. Controlar la temperatura durante el proceso de elaboración teniendo en cuenta criterios de Calidad y llevar a cabo los registros pertinentes (manual y/o digitalmente). Mantener el orden de neveras, planta y congeladores tanto de materia prima como de producto terminado. Gestionar el orden y limpieza del área, cumpliendo con los estándares de higiene. Realizar una limpieza profunda semanal del almacén de secos. Información adicionalCreemos que nuestros empleados son el motor de nuestro éxito y nos esforzamos por crear un entorno de trabajo positivo y solidario. Como miembro de nuestro equipo, tendrá acceso a una serie de beneficios, entre los que se incluyen: Alimente su jornada laboral con deliciosos almuerzos y tentempiés gratuitos. Únase a nuestra dinámica empresa donde sus ideas son bienvenidas y valoradas. Eleve su carrera con auténticas oportunidades de crecimiento, ¡incluso en el extranjero! Aproveche la oportunidad de trabajar con un líder mundial del entretenimiento gourmet de lujo y deje su huella en el sector. DO&CO es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Se tendrá en cuenta a todos los candidatos sin distinción de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, identidad de género, nacionalidad, condición de veterano o discapacidad. Department: F&B kitchen F&B service Pastry About you Language required: English. The company As a global powerhouse within the hospitality and airline industry, DO & CO is one of the most exciting and revered businesses across the globe. From the pit lane of the Formula 1, through the iconic restaurants & hotels of Vienna and Munich, to the culinary delights served at 37,000 feet, DO & CO offers anyone joining an incredible journey to the top. At DO & CO luxury and elegance are at the forefront of everything we do. Our secret to success lies in the unwavering dedication of our staff members, who are passionate hosts committed to ensuring that each and every one of our guests feels welcomed, comfortable, and well-cared for. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, our team is always ready to go above and beyond to provide you with the highest level of service and attention to detail. With a reputation for flexibility, personal service, and exceptional product quality, DO & CO is synonymous with luxury and elegance. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our business, from the quality of our products to the excellence of our service. Our employees are the heart of our brand, and it is their exceptional dedication, love for detail, and adherence to our service-oriented principles that make DO & CO truly unique and unmistakable in the marketplace.
We’re looking for a Housekeeping Supervisor to join our team at The Hoxton, Poblenou! The Hoxton Poblenou in the city of Barcelona is our 11th Hoxton. The hotel boasts 240 bedrooms of different sizes, a large restaurant Four Corners with The Slice shop and La Bodega, a rooftop pool and our taqueria Tope, a bright and airy lobby, a multi-functional basement events space and The Apartment (our unique meetings & events concept). More about us... The Hoxton is a series of open-house hotels, each in a neighbourhood that we love. Ever since we opened our first hotel in Shoreditch, we’ve never just been about offering a bed for the night. We want to be more than that: proving style doesn’t need to be sacrificed for good value and providing a place where guests can hang out alongside the locals and submerse themselves in the neighbourhood with vibrant, welcoming public spaces. Reporting to the Head Housekeeper, you will be responsible to provide brilliant and genuinely helpful customer service for every guest looking to stay in The Hoxton Poblenou. What's in it for you... Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences. A competitive salary and plenty of opportunity for development. Type of contract: Contrato de sustitución por baja. Food on us during your shift. Enjoy a free night at The Hoxton and a meal for two when you first start with us. Training to get you settled into your role with ongoing development that helps you think, make and thrive to set you up for success at work. Time off to volunteer with one of our partner charities. Hox Hero and Nifty fifty, our rewards for going the extra mile and living our values. An annual diversity and inclusion calendar of events creating opportunities for you to learn, celebrate and make a positive impact. Regular team get togethers, from our High Fives to our (pretty special!) team parties – we know how to have a good time! The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that is shaking things up on the hospitality scene. Excellent discounts across The Hoxton and the global Ennismore family. Regular team get togethers, from our team drinks to our (pretty special!) bi-annual parties – we know how to have a good time! An annual diversity and inclusion calendar of events creating opportunities for you to learn, celebrate and make a positive impact. Job Description What you’ll do… To be responsible for the cleaning and servicing of guest rooms, ensuring that these are always cleaned to brand standards, and are well presented and maintained. Support the running of our hotel by ensuring our guests have a memorable experience in a spotless and well put together room. Lead and inspire the housekeeping team by example, creating an environment that lets them be themselves and bring their best selves to work, encouraging their development and progression. Take a hands-on approach to training and supporting your team in keeping to our high standards. Oversee and check the cleaning and servicing of all our bedrooms and public areas. Work with our Head Housekeeper and Assistant Head Housekeeper on maintaining and developing the partnership with our external housekeeping provider. What we’re looking for… Individuals. You’re looking for a place where you can be you; no clones in suits here. Passion for hospitality – whether that’s a drink, a meal, an event or a bed for the night. You’re all about having a positive impact on the people you interact with, leaving them with a memorable experience. You’re not precious. We leave our egos at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. If we got stuck in a lift together, we’d have a good time and share a few laughs. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Previous experience in a similar role, ideally around a year at Supervisor level. Must be fluent in Spanish and English, additional languages will be highly valuable. An eagle-eye for detail, you can spot a slip in standards from a mile away. A natural people person who people like working with. You make those around feel good at their jobs and comfortable coming to you with questions. You're great at motivating others to keep to your own high standards of service. Experience of Micros Fidelio Opera or a similar front desk operating system would be an advantage. The company Homey & Layered The Hoxton is a series of hotels rooted in culture and community. Each hotel is a reflection of its neighbourhood, inspired by the diversity of the streets and scenes that surround them. Ever since we opened the doors of our first hotel in Shoreditch back in 2006, we’ve been known for our vibrant, homey lobbies and our celebration of the locality through art, design, retail and eclectic programming.
SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for an experienced Assistant Director of Finance to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Director of Finance, the Assistant Director of Finance directs the day-to-day operations of the accounting team, assuring that a highly productive and well trained team is always maintained. The Assistant Director of Finance assures the accuracy, consistency, and timeliness of the financial reporting and accounting functions while providing information and assistance to the Director of Finance. Responsible for overseeing all accounting/finance duties and management reporting for multi-site Hotel, food and beverage venues including but not limited to: full cycle month end closes, financial statement preparation, complex account analysis, reconciliation, as well as budgeting and forecasting for Hotel, Restaurants and Bars, and Recreation. Ensuring data integrity and accuracy as well as development and documentation of system controls, operational procedures and business process improvements. Supporting the implementations and upgrades of all front of house systems. Maintain balance sheet analysis on a monthly basis with full supporting. Investor reporting, payroll entries, coordination of year end audits, consolidations, and will work on special projects as needed. Supervise, manage and mentor their staff in all areas of accounting including but not limited to technical training, professional development and conducting and delivering performance reviews. Ensure compliance of budgets and cost controls; and will also be responsible to train venue Managers in financial accounting as needed. Ensure all legal, treasury, and tax documentation is properly maintained and secured, and that all statuary and fiscal reporting requirements are satisfied, which includes any governmental requirements for permits and licenses. Ensuring hotel’s compliance to all regulatory licenses and permits, leases, contracts, legal agreements, and the proper execution of all operational taxes. Provide assistance to management in enforcing compliance on all these items. We recognize we are in the hospitality industry and that may require us to provide lateral service. We will on occasion call for each individual in the team to on a routine basis perform various related tasks as needed in the spirit of providing exceptional guest service. Qualifications What we are looking for... University degree with emphasis in Accounting, Business, Finance or Economics is required. Experience in Hospitality, Restaurants and Nightlife Accounting preferred. Three to five (3-5) years accounting experience including 3 or more years at supervisory/management level, preferably in an upscale or lifestyle brand hotel. Strong knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards. Proven team leader with a high level of energy and motivation with a proven track record of living the company's values. An intermediate understanding of hotel system such as Opera if preferred and proficient knowledge of computer systems such as: Microsoft Word, Excel & Outlook is required. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high level attention to detail. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You have a solid understanding of local legal compliance requirements. You make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. You’re a strong team leader, a natural at managing and inspiring others in a way that gets the best out of them. You are an excellent relationship builder, confident in working with other teams and leaders; you’re passionate about what we can achieve together. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Finance & Accounting The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
COYA is a worldwide renowned luxury lifestyle hospitality brand with venues in London; Mayfair and City, Monaco, Mykonos, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Marbella and Barcelona. COYA Barcelona opened in July 2023 in a privileged location overlooking the Barceloneta beach, which is the W Hotel , bringing the spirit of Peru to Spain, inspired by the flavors and colors of Incas heritage. We are recruiting for a Receptionist to join our family in Barcelona. The ideal candidate for this Receptionist position will have: -Advanced knowledge of SevenRooms. -Excellent communication skills, both Spanish and English. -Keen interest to develop their knowledge and progress. -Great interpersonal skills. The ability to work as a team with a positive work ethic. -Must be friendly and attentive. -A passion for hospitality and customer service. We treat our employees as family, so we offer excellent benefits. We provide: -Competitive salary. -On-going training program and interactive induction. -Family meals. -Uniforms. -Endless opportunities to grow and develop as we really do believe in promoting talent from within the business
COYA is a worldwide renowned luxury lifestyle hospitality brand with venues in London; Mayfair and City, Monaco, Mykonos, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Doha and Riyadh. Born from the spirit of an adventure, COYA celebrates Latin American culture through delicious Peruvian food, innovative cocktails, music, art and happenings. We are currently looking for a passionate Senior Head Waiter to join the team of COYA Barcelona. Experience you will need: · Minimum 2 years’ experience in high end hospitality venue. · Ability to build strong relationships at all levels and with guests. · Attention to detail with good customer service. · Extensive wine knowledge. · Ability to work under pressure and long shifts. · Good command and understanding of English and Spanish with the ability to communicate confidently. · Committed to personal development and a passion for working with people. ·Being a great team-player and not having a problem taking a section when needed. · Good with numbers, we will need your help with cash-up and closing venue. We treat our employees as family, so we offer excellent benefits. We provide: · Competitive salary. · On-going training program and interactive induction. · Endless opportunities to grow and develop as we really do believe in promoting talent from within the business. · Opportunities to transfer overseas. · Family meals at the start of your shift · A fun workplace · Great discounts at some of best restaurants · Reward programs recognizing employee longevity. If this sounds like what you’re looking for and you want to be part of our incredible team, please reply with your CV and tell us why you are the perfect candidate for the job.
COYA is a worldwide renowned luxury lifestyle hospitality brand with venues in London; Mayfair and City, Monaco, Mykonos, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Doha and Riyadh. Born from the spirit of an adventure, COYA celebrates Latin American culture through delicious Peruvian food, innovative cocktails, music, art and happenings. We are currently looking for a passionate Supervisor to join the team of COYA Barcelona. Experience you will need: · Minimum 2 years’ experience in a supervisory role in high end hospitality venue. · Experience with managing and leading a team. · Ability to build strong relationships at all levels and with guests. · Ability to motivate and drive the team. · Attention to detail with good customer service. · Extensive wine knowledge. · Ability to work under pressure and long shifts. · Good command and understanding of English and Spanish with the ability to communicate confidently. · Committed to personal development and a passion for working with people. ·Being a great team-player and not having a problem taking a section when needed. · Good with numbers, we will need your help with cash-up and closing venue. We treat our employees as family, so we offer excellent benefits. We provide: · Competitive salary. · On-going training program and interactive induction. · Endless opportunities to grow and develop as we really do believe in promoting talent from within the business. · Opportunities to transfer overseas. · Family meals at the start of your shift · A fun workplace · Great discounts at some of best restaurants · Reward programs recognizing employee longevity. If this sounds like what you’re looking for and you want to be part of our incredible team, please reply with your CV and tell us why you are the perfect candidate for the job.
Palm Solutions is a company specializing in property management, maintenance, and renovations. We focus on providing professional and high-quality services to our international clients. We are a fast paced growing company that is looking for a dynamic person with attention to detail, who values clear and efficient communication and wants to grow with us. What we’re looking for • Previous experience in administrative and accounting tasks (preferably with HOLDED/NOTION or the ability to quickly learn SAAS tools). • Ability to work efficiently, solve problems proactively & ask questions. • Excellent organization and attention to detail, with a high standard when supervising third parties. • Someone who values clear, honest, and empathetic communication with our clients & providers - ENGLISH BILINGUAL OR NATIVE LEVEL IS A MUST AS WELL AS SPANISH • Experience or interest in property management, including maintenance coordination, property supervision, supplier management, and issue resolution. Responsibilities • Recording and reviewing income, expenses, and budgets in our systems. • Organising accounting and tax documents and communicate with our Gestoría. • Purchasing materials (handling deliveries and deadlines). • Maintaining constant communication with suppliers and partners. • Handling keys and overseeing property supervision. • Managing cleaning and maintenance of properties. • Receiving deliveries at the office. • Organizing daily administrative tasks and managing physical documentation.
Acai&Me is looking for a Waiter/Waitress for a store in l’Eixample and El Born, Barcelona! Are you passionate about healthy eating, team management, and delivering an exceptional customer experience? Join AcaiMe new store in the heart of Barcelona! 🔹 What we offer: ✨ Opportunity for growth in an expanding brand. ✨ A dynamic and positive work environment. ✨ Training and professional development. We are waiting for you to share together the passion for açaí and healthy living! ¡Acai&Me busca Camarero/a para tienda en l’Eixample y El Born, Barcelona! ¿Te apasiona la alimentación saludable, la gestión de equipos y ofrecer una experiencia excepcional al cliente? ¡Únete a Acai&Me nueva tienda en el corazón de Barcelona! 🔹 Lo que ofrecemos: ✨ Oportunidad de crecimiento en una marca en expansión. ✨ Un ambiente de trabajo dinámico y positivo. ✨ Formación y desarrollo profesional. ¡Te esperamos para compartir juntos la pasión por el açaí y la vida saludable! por favor envía
Do you want to work on your terms, choosing your own schedule and workplace? Join our large community of private tutors on Superprof! With Superprof, you can: Set your own rates. Select your workhours Easily receive students and manage everything from your phone. Combine teaching with other activities. Share your passion while earning extra money! We are looking for tutors to give English private lessons, in person or online. No prior experience is required! We are looking for people who: Have good teaching skills and a passion for education. Master the subject they want to teach. No Previous Experience Needed Have a good internet connection (for online classes). Join Superprof and start teaching today! Register for free and share your knowledge!