Avinguda Magaluf, 07181, Illes Balears
RRHH • Más de 250 empleados
En JOB TODAY desde abril, 2018
1ª empresa nacional de RRHH. Eurofirms es una compañía gestionada por valores, donde las personas son el centro de todo. Con una red de 95 oficinas en España y Portugal, actuamos bajo un marco de transparencia, responsabilidad y respeto
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Buscamos promotores/as comerciales para formar parte del sector energético. Trabajarás en un stand en el centro comercial Gran Vía de Hortaleza. Condiciones: - Contrato estable ( 3 meses + 3 meses+ Indefinido). - Jornada completa de 36 horas semanales. - Salario: 1244€ brutos/ mes + altas comisiones ( +1500 € brutos/mes). Funciones: · Asesoramiento al cliente, resolución de dudas y/o consultas sobre el producto. · Atención al cliente. · Promocionar la venta del producto. Requisitos: · Experiencia mínima como promotor comercial de 1 año. . Disponibilidad para hacer turnos rotativos de mañana y tarde. . Disponibilidad de incorporación inmediata.
¿Te apasiona el mundo de las ventas y de la tecnología? ¿Eres una persona extrovertida con dotes comerciales y facilidad en el trato con el cliente? Si tu respuesta es sí, queremos que seas parte de nuestro equipo. Desde Eurofirms Services para el área de Trade Marketing estamos en búsqueda de promotores/as comerciales para trabajar en una importante marca telefónica en San Sebastián de los Reyes. Condiciones: • Contrato estable (2 meses + 4 meses + indefinido) • Jornada parcial • Salario: 1316 € brutos/ mes + ALTAS COMISIONES Funciones: • Asesoramiento al cliente sobre los dispositivos móviles de la marca. • Atención al cliente. • Resolución de dudas y consultas sobre el producto. • Promocionar la venta del producto. Requisitos: • Formación: Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, FP Grado Superior, Bachillerato. • Conocimientos: habilidades de ventas. • Experiencia mínima como promotor de 1 año. • Experiencia en ventas en el sector de la tecnología (Valorable)
¿Te apasiona el mundo de las ventas y de la tecnología? ¿Eres una persona extrovertida con dotes comerciales y facilidad en el trato con el cliente? Si tu respuesta es sí, queremos que seas parte de nuestro equipo. Desde Eurofirms Services para el área de Trade Marketing estamos en búsqueda de promotores/as comerciales para trabajar en una importante marca telefónica en Gavá. Condiciones: • Contrato estable (2 meses + 4 meses + indefinido) • Jornada parcial • Salario: 1289 € brutos/ mes + ALTAS COMISIONES Funciones: • Asesoramiento al cliente sobre los dispositivos móviles de la marca. • Atención al cliente. • Resolución de dudas y consultas sobre el producto. • Promocionar la venta del producto. Requisitos: • Formación: Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, FP Grado Superior, Bachillerato. • Conocimientos: habilidades de ventas. • Experiencia mínima como promotor de 1 año. • Experiencia en ventas en el sector de la tecnología (Valorable)
¿Te apasiona el mundo de las ventas y de la tecnología? ¿Eres una persona extrovertida con dotes comerciales y facilidad en el trato con el cliente? Si tu respuesta es sí, queremos que seas parte de nuestro equipo. Desde Eurofirms Services para el área de Trade Marketing estamos en búsqueda de promotores/as comerciales para trabajar en una importante marca telefónica en PLASENCIA. Condiciones: • Contrato estable (2 meses + 4 meses + indefinido) • Jornada parcial • Salario: 993 € brutos/ mes + ALTAS COMISIONES Funciones: • Asesoramiento al cliente sobre los dispositivos móviles de la marca. • Atención al cliente. • Resolución de dudas y consultas sobre el producto. • Promocionar la venta del producto. Requisitos: • Formación: Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, FP Grado Superior, Bachillerato. • Conocimientos: habilidades de ventas. • Experiencia mínima como promotor de 1 año. • Experiencia en ventas en el sector de la tecnología (Valorable).
Sobre Nosotros Kimpton Aysla Mallorca es un santuario de calma y bienestar, enclavado entre la exuberante vegetación del soleado sur de Mallorca. Una visión progresiva de la vida de club de campo, donde el ocio activo se encuentra con la relajación total, y los toques de tradición se mezclan con los valores modernos. Este es el lujo del estilo de vida moderno: al estilo de Mallorca. ¿Por Qué Estamos Aquí? Creemos que las conexiones humanas genuinas hacen que la vida de las personas sea mejor. Especialmente la vida de las personas que trabajan aquí. Nuestro fundador, Bill Kimpton, se rebeló contra la hospitalidad impersonal y genérica que hace que las personas se sientan desconectadas. Inició un nuevo estándar de hotel boutique y un entorno en el que las personas pudieran conectarse desde el corazón. Ese fue el objetivo entonces, y sigue siendo nuestro propósito hoy. Tu trabajo aquí tiene significado. Estás aquí para mejorar la vida de tus compañeros de trabajo, huéspedes, propietarios, comunidades, y juntos hacemos que eso suceda. Es lo que impulsa todo lo que hacemos. Cada día puedes mejorar la vida de los demás de tu manera única y puedes esperar lo mismo a cambio. Todo empieza contigo. ¿Cómo Somos Diferentes? Nuestro espíritu emprendedor nacido en San Francisco y nuestro entusiasmo por la vida impulsaron esta cultura en 1981, y sigue brillando hasta el día de hoy. Todo fluye desde ti. El tú vivaz, rebelde, genuino, con tu diverso trasfondo, talentos, experiencias y personalidad audaz, es completamente bienvenido y celebrado aquí. Porque sabemos que cuando las personas pueden ser ellas mismas en el trabajo, brillan. Eso es lo que buscamos y celebramos. Buscamos personas de todo tipo que compartan una inclinación por la creatividad y el autoliderazgo. Personas que no necesitan que les digan qué hacer para hacer las cosas. Personas que tienen una pasión innata por mejorar la vida de los demás. Esto suma a un entorno laboral un poco peculiar, irreverente, emocionante, poco común, empoderador y absolutamente excepcional. Los huéspedes lo sienten; tú también lo sentirás. Trabajar en Kimpton no es solo trabajar. Y ciertamente no es como trabajar en otros lugares. Valoramos la personalidad, la individualidad, la creatividad, hacer lo correcto, mejorar continuamente, el enfoque y la pasión. Las diferencias hacen la diferencia. Estamos comprometidos en crear una cultura que refleje la diversidad de nuestros huéspedes de hotel y restaurante. Con ese objetivo en mente, animamos a cada uno de nuestros empleados a entender, aceptar y celebrar las diferencias entre las personas. Eso incluye diferentes personalidades, estilos de vida, estilos de trabajo, educación y experiencia. También damos la bienvenida y abrazamos a personas de todas las razas, etnias, edades, religiones, habilidades físicas, orientaciones sexuales, identidades de género y géneros. Be Yourself – Lead Yourself – Make it Count ¿Cuál es el trabajo? Serás el responsable de organizar y coordinar, desde la parte administrativa, el departamento de Servicios Técnicos del hotel, en coordinación con el Responsable de Mantenimiento. Funciones Estar en contacto con los proveedores en todo lo relativo a documentación (albaranes, facturas…), Ser enlace con el departamento financiero en las necesidades que puedan tener del departamento de SSTT, gestionando toda la parte documental y administrativa de las distintas necesidades que hacen falta en el departamento. Coordinar los equipos y sus distintos puntos de trabajo diarios en base a las necesidades del hotel, reflejando esa información en las herramientas de gestión internas del departamento, el hotel y el grupo. Preparar toda la documentación necesaria para las auditorias y coordinar la realización de estas. Gestionar todo lo necesario dentro del área de SSTT en materia administrativa. Requisitos Experiencia en el ámbito administrativo. Se valorará positivamente disponer de experiencia previa en gestión de proyectos o dentro del sector de instalaciones y/o construcción. Conocimiento avanzado en paquete office, especialmente Excel. Se valorará positivamente conocimientos avanzados en inglés. Persona organizada. Proactividad, flexibilidad y adaptabilidad. ¿Qué ofrecemos? Contrato indefinido de 30h semanales. Descuentos internacionales en los hoteles del grupo IHG. Programa de reconocimiento de empleados. Acceso a la plataforma de training del grupo IHG. Comidas en cantina de personal. Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today. Department: Administration About you Language required: Spanish. The company About Us Kimpton Aysla Mallorca is a sanctuary of calm and well-being, nestled among the lush foliage of sunny southern Mallorca. A progressive take on country-club life, where active leisure meets utter relaxation, and touches of tradition blend with modern values. This is modern lifestyle lux – Mallorca style. Why We're Here We believe heartfelt, human connections make people's lives better. Especially the people who work here. Our founder, Bill Kimpton rebelled against impersonal, generic hospitality that makes people feel disconnected. He initiated a new boutique hotel standard and environment where people could connect, from the heart. That was the goal then, and it is still our purpose today. Your work here has meaning. You're here to improve the lives of coworkers, guests, owners, communities, and together we make that happen. It's what drives all that we do. Every day you can improve lives in your own, unique way and you can expect the same in return. It all starts with you. How We're Different Our San Francisco-born entrepreneurial spirit and zest for life kick started this culture in 1981, and it shines through to this day. It all flows from you. The lively, rebellious, genuine you - with your diverse background, talents, experiences, and plucky personality - is fully welcome, and celebrated here. Because we know that when people can be themselves at work, they shine. That's what we seek out and celebrate. It's people of all kinds who share a knack for creativity and self-leadership. People who don't need to be told what to do to get things done. People who have an innate passion for making others' lives better. It adds up to a work environment that's a bit quirky, irreverent, exciting, uncommon, empowering, and downright exceptional. Guests feel it; you'll feel it too. Working at Kimpton is not just about working. And it’s certainly not like working at other places. We value personality, individuality, creativity, doing right, continually improving, focus and passion. Differences make a difference. We are committed to creating a culture that reflects the diversity of our hotel and restaurant guests. With that goal in mind, we encourage each of our employees to understand, accept, and celebrate differences among people. That includes different personalities, lifestyles, work styles, education, and experience. We also welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities and genders.
About Us Kimpton Aysla Mallorca is a sanctuary of calm and well-being, nestled among the lush foliage of sunny southern Mallorca. A progressive take on country-club life, where active leisure meets utter relaxation, and touches of tradition blend with modern values. This is modern lifestyle lux – Mallorca style. Why We're Here We believe heartfelt, human connections make people's lives better. Especially the people who work here. Our founder, Bill Kimpton rebelled against impersonal, generic hospitality that makes people feel disconnected. He initiated a new boutique hotel standard and environment where people could connect, from the heart. That was the goal then, and it is still our purpose today. Your work here has meaning. You're here to improve the lives of coworkers, guests, owners, communities, and together we make that happen. It's what drives all that we do. Every day you can improve lives in your own, unique way and you can expect the same in return. It all starts with you. How We're Different Our San Francisco-born entrepreneurial spirit and zest for life kick started this culture in 1981, and it shines through to this day. It all flows from you. The lively, rebellious, genuine you - with your diverse background, talents, experiences, and plucky personality - is fully welcome, and celebrated here. Because we know that when people can be themselves at work, they shine. That's what we seek out and celebrate. It's people of all kinds who share a knack for creativity and self-leadership. People who don't need to be told what to do to get things done. People who have an innate passion for making others' lives better. It adds up to a work environment that's a bit quirky, irreverent, exciting, uncommon, empowering, and downright exceptional. Guests feel it; you'll feel it too. Working at Kimpton is not just about working. And it’s certainly not like working at other places. We value personality, individuality, creativity, doing right, continually improving, focus and passion. Differences make a difference. We are committed to creating a culture that reflects the diversity of our hotel and restaurant guests. With that goal in mind, we encourage each of our employees to understand, accept, and celebrate differences among people. That includes different personalities, lifestyles, work styles, education, and experience. We also welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities and genders. Be Yourself – Lead Yourself – Make it Count What’s the Job? As a Front Office Agent, you’ll not only be the person they rely on to handle transactions, offer local insights and anticipate every detail of a friction-free experience. You’ll also create the warm atmosphere that makes our guests feel at home in any location. Reports to the Front Office Manager. Your day-to-day Be the warm welcome that kicks off a memorable guest experience! Support the Front Office Supervisors in all required tasks. Acknowledge IHG Rewards Club and Kimpton Karma members and returning guests, in person or on the phone. Take and manage guest bookings, up-selling opportunities and telling them about ways to improve their stay. Handle cash and credit transactions. Start every stay right by swiftly checking guests in and out - take IDs, hand out room keys, and control and release safety deposit boxes. Stay one step ahead of guests’ needs – record and act on their preferences, and handle their messages, requests, questions and concerns. Be a trusted contact for all guests. Help them with anything from bill issues to local knowledge, and loop in management when necessary. Stay safe all the time. Following our safety procedures, you’ll report all incidents and wear any protective gear needed. Take pride in your appearance and place as a brand ambassador. Always know what events and activities are on the day’s schedule. What we need from you Bachelor’s degree in hospitality or related field. 2+ years’ experience working in Front Office department. Must be fluent in local language and English, German will be highly valuable. Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker and with passion for service. What to expect from us Competitive salary. Discounted international room rates. Employee recognition programmes. Training programmes and access to IHG’s training tool. Meals whilst on duty. Uniform and laundry service. Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today. Department: Reception About you Language required: Spanish. About Us Kimpton Aysla Mallorca is a sanctuary of calm and well-being, nestled among the lush foliage of sunny southern Mallorca. A progressive take on country-club life, where active leisure meets utter relaxation, and touches of tradition blend with modern values. This is modern lifestyle lux – Mallorca style. Why We're Here We believe heartfelt, human connections make people's lives better. Especially the people who work here. Our founder, Bill Kimpton rebelled against impersonal, generic hospitality that makes people feel disconnected. He initiated a new boutique hotel standard and environment where people could connect, from the heart. That was the goal then, and it is still our purpose today. Your work here has meaning. You're here to improve the lives of coworkers, guests, owners, communities, and together we make that happen. It's what drives all that we do. Every day you can improve lives in your own, unique way and you can expect the same in return. It all starts with you. How We're Different Our San Francisco-born entrepreneurial spirit and zest for life kick started this culture in 1981, and it shines through to this day. It all flows from you. The lively, rebellious, genuine you - with your diverse background, talents, experiences, and plucky personality - is fully welcome, and celebrated here. Because we know that when people can be themselves at work, they shine. That's what we seek out and celebrate. It's people of all kinds who share a knack for creativity and self-leadership. People who don't need to be told what to do to get things done. People who have an innate passion for making others' lives better. It adds up to a work environment that's a bit quirky, irreverent, exciting, uncommon, empowering, and downright exceptional. Guests feel it; you'll feel it too. Working at Kimpton is not just about working. And it’s certainly not like working at other places. We value personality, individuality, creativity, doing right, continually improving, focus and passion. Differences make a difference. We are committed to creating a culture that reflects the diversity of our hotel and restaurant guests. With that goal in mind, we encourage each of our employees to understand, accept, and celebrate differences among people. That includes different personalities, lifestyles, work styles, education, and experience. We also welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities and genders. Be Yourself – Lead Yourself – Make it Count
Kimpton Aysla Mallorca is a sanctuary of calm and well-being, nestled among the lush foliage of sunny southern Mallorca. A progressive take on country-club life, where active leisure meets utter relaxation, and touches of tradition blend with modern values. This is modern lifestyle lux – Mallorca style. HOW WE'RE DIFFERENT Our San Francisco-born entrepreneurial spirit and zest for life kick started this culture in 1981, and it shines through to this day. It all flows from you. The lively, rebellious, genuine you - with your diverse background, talents, experiences, and plucky personality - is fully welcome, and celebrated here. Because we know that when people can be themselves at work, they shine. That's what we seek out and celebrate. It's people of all kinds who share a knack for creativity and self-leadership. People who don't need to be told what to do to get things done. People who have an innate passion for making others' lives better. It adds up to a work environment that's a bit quirky, irreverent, exciting, uncommon, empowering, and downright exceptional. Guests feel it; you'll feel it too. Working at Kimpton is not just about working. And it’s certainly not like working at other places. We value personality, individuality, creativity, doing right, continually improving, focus and passion. DIFFERENCES MAKE DIFFERENCE We are committed to creating a culture that reflects the diversity of our hotel and restaurant guests. With that goal in mind, we encourage each of our employees to understand, accept, and celebrate differences among people. That includes different personalities, lifestyles, work styles, education, and experience. We also welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities and genders. Be Yourself - Lead Yourself - Make it Count. WHAT'S THE JOB? As a Guest Experience Agent, you’ll not only be the person they rely on to handle transactions, offer local insights and anticipate every detail of a friction-free experience. You’ll also create the warm atmosphere that makes our guests feel at home in any location. Reports to the Front Office Manager & Guest Experience Manager. YOUR DAY-TO-DAY Welcome guests in a friendly, prompt and professional manner recognizing IHG Rewards Club Members and returning guests. Accommodating general and unique requests. Analysing customer feedback and reviews to continuously improve overall rating, scores and metrics. Provide information on hotel services and facilities. Work as part of a team and communicate with other departments as per hotel procedures to ensure excellent quality and service. Perform other duties as assigned including guest room tours, concierge services, special guest requests and needs, etc. Support the Front Office Team in all required tasks. Acknowledge IHG Rewards Club and Kimpton Karma members and returning guests, in person or on the phone. Take and manage guest bookings, up-selling opportunities and telling them about ways to improve their stay. Stay one step ahead of guests’ needs – record and act on their preferences, and handle their messages, requests, questions and concerns. Be a trusted contact for all guests. Help them with anything from local knowledge, and loop in management when necessary. Stay safe all the time. Following our safety procedures, you’ll report all incidents and wear any protective gear needed. Take pride in your appearance and place as a brand ambassador. Always know what events and activities are on the day’s schedule. WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU Bachelor’s degree in hospitality or related field. 2+ years’ experience working in Guest Experience department. Must be fluent in local language and English, German will be highly valuable. Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker and with passion for service. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM US Discounted international room rates. Employee recognition programmes. Training programmes and access to IHG’s training tool. Meals whilst on duty. Uniform and laundry service. Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today. The company About Us Kimpton Aysla Mallorca is a sanctuary of calm and well-being, nestled among the lush foliage of sunny southern Mallorca. A progressive take on country-club life, where active leisure meets utter relaxation, and touches of tradition blend with modern values. This is modern lifestyle lux – Mallorca style. Why We're Here We believe heartfelt, human connections make people's lives better. Especially the people who work here. Our founder, Bill Kimpton rebelled against impersonal, generic hospitality that makes people feel disconnected. He initiated a new boutique hotel standard and environment where people could connect, from the heart. That was the goal then, and it is still our purpose today. Your work here has meaning. You're here to improve the lives of coworkers, guests, owners, communities, and together we make that happen. It's what drives all that we do. Every day you can improve lives in your own, unique way and you can expect the same in return. It all starts with you. How We're Different Our San Francisco-born entrepreneurial spirit and zest for life kick started this culture in 1981, and it shines through to this day. It all flows from you. The lively, rebellious, genuine you - with your diverse background, talents, experiences, and plucky personality - is fully welcome, and celebrated here. Because we know that when people can be themselves at work, they shine. That's what we seek out and celebrate. It's people of all kinds who share a knack for creativity and self-leadership. People who don't need to be told what to do to get things done. People who have an innate passion for making others' lives better. It adds up to a work environment that's a bit quirky, irreverent, exciting, uncommon, empowering, and downright exceptional. Guests feel it; you'll feel it too. Working at Kimpton is not just about working. And it’s certainly not like working at other places. We value personality, individuality, creativity, doing right, continually improving, focus and passion. Differences make a difference. We are committed to creating a culture that reflects the diversity of our hotel and restaurant guests. With that goal in mind, we encourage each of our employees to understand, accept, and celebrate differences among people. That includes different personalities, lifestyles, work styles, education, and experience. We also welcome and embrace people of all races, ethnicities, ages, religions, physical abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities and genders. Be Yourself – Lead Yourself – Make it Count
We are seeking a highly organized, proactive, and detail-oriented Real Estate Assistant to join our team in Mallorca. The ideal candidate will be responsible for providing administrative and operational support, ensuring every task and detail is handled with precision and efficiency. A personal car is required for travel within the island. Requirements: Strong organizational and multitasking skills. Ability to work independently and manage priorities effectively. Proficiency with digital tools, platforms, and basic design software. Fluent in English and Spanish (additional languages are a plus). Knowledge of the real estate market is an advantage. Own car and valid driver’s license. What We Offer: A dynamic and collaborative work environment. Opportunities to grow within the real estate industry. Competitive compensation package. Join us and be an essential part of a thriving real estate business in Mallorca!