Part time nanny in Southall

Child Care

16 November 2024186 views

Expires in 28 days

Finding a part-time job you love is easy, when you work with Koru Kids.
Don’t just take our word for it - see what our nannies have to say:
💟 “I genuinely have never been so satisfied with working for a company this much in my life.”
👀“Very supportive and always checking up on my well-being.”
🤝“Always at hand if needed.”
🙌“A great company to work for.”
Want a part-time job that makes you feel like that?
Yeah. We thought so.
Apply now to earn £11.85-14.50 per hour depending on childcare experience. No qualifications needed - your training, insurance, invoicing, and DBS checks are all taken care of.
Easy peasy.
Find your Mon-YAY. Enjoy your job and earn some cash - win-win amirite?
Apply now!
  • Experience
    Not required
  • Employment
  • Schedule
    Weekday afternoons
  • Salary
    £11.85 – £14.5 hourly
  • Benefits
    depending on experience

pin iconSouthall Lane, Hounslow

Nanny / ChildminderHounslow

Childcare provider • 11-50 Employees

Hiring on JOB TODAY since April, 2017

We are a young booming company who are looking for bright enthusiastic people like you to join our growing nanny community. We aim to be the top childcare provider for busy professional mums and dads.

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Koru KidsActive 2 days ago

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