Job Title: Part-Time Driver for Florist Location: E14, London Hours: Flexible, Monday-Saturday (occasional shifts). Delivery time usually are between 9-2PM. Job Description: We’re looking for a reliable, part-time driver based near E14 to assist with occasional floral deliveries across London. Ideal for someone with local knowledge, a clean driving record, and great customer service. Perfect for someone who’s flexible with time and enjoys a job on the go!
seasonal work for halloween & Christmas installations, crew help, driving a van if possible, lifting, carrying onsite
This opportunity is for a versatile and ambitious individual with a creative flare and innovative artistic abilities in a start-up. Knowledge about flowers and floral arrangements is necessary. Duties include- - Create floral arrangements (fresh, dried, artificial) with versatility, in never-before-seen designs, meshing your creativity and the themes provided. - Source floral supplies cost-effectively. - Do miscellaneous duties for the startup. - No previous professional experience is required but must be able to create artistic floral arrangements and have innovative ideas and interest in flowers, along with knowledge regarding flower arrangements. ***When applying, must add a small introduction explaining your ability to create the flower arrangements