Home Consejos para tu carrera Guías Cómo empezar una carrera profesional en un restaurante
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Cómo empezar una carrera profesional en un restaurante

Doris Benitez
Tiempo de lectura: 2 min

El personal de un restaurante aboga y apuesta por ofrecer el mejor servicio a los clientes. Son muchas las funciones que pueden realizar los empleados de este establecimiento: chef, cocinero, segundo cocinero, jefe de sala, ayudante de cocinero, camareros, lavaplatos, director, personal de mantenimiento y limpiadores…

Es un trabajo en equipo en el que cada pieza debe saber exactamente qué hacer en ese momento. El director o chef tendrá que organizar al equipo para que el éxito del restaurante sea gracias al trabajo del personal en restaurantes.

Empezar una carrera profesional en un restaurante puede ir desde ser ayudante de cocina a camarero o bien entrar directamente como director o chef según la experiencia profesional que tenga cada uno.

What do restaurant professionals do?

  • Organize the tasks of each department.
  • Serve food and drinks to customers.
  • Respond to customer requests.
  • Investigate and devise new dishes for customers.
  • Team management.
  • Control of restaurant expenses.
  • Maintenance and cleaning of the facilities.
  • Control stock and raw materials so that they are up to date.

The teams and staff of a restaurant work in restaurants of different sizes, bars, gastrobars, hotel, spa, gymnasium, school and residence restaurants, high school restaurants, rural farmhouses restaurants, farmhouse restaurants, cruise restaurants and resorts, private club restaurants, etc.

What qualities should restaurant professionals have?

The competencies that restaurant employees must have are excellent customer service, language skills, teamwork, motivation, responsibility and memory, knowledge of food handling, desire to aspire professionally, be quick, agile and with the enough flexibility to perform different tasks depending on the time, establishment and size of each.

What qualification do they have?

Professionals working in restaurants may have higher degrees or not at all, depending on the positions to be filled. In the case of the director, chef and kitchen assistant or head of the room, it is important to have degrees in tourism, degree of gastronomy and masters who complete the studies related to the hospitality industry. Descárgate la app JOB TODAY ahora!