English Teacher for doing substitutions


hace 4 horas81 vistas

We are looking for English Teachers for doing substitutions when necessary in our school.
We follow the British CV and it is desirable people who has expierence but not necessary.
It is necessary a BA in Education or related and PGCE or Máster in Education with experience doing classes in Early Years/ Primary students.
The schedule of the school is from 9am until 4:30pm and it could be desirable if you are available during this schedule.
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¡Teresa Ganduxé de Oak House School está entrevistando a personas como tú para este puesto hoy! ¡Muéstrale tu interés!
  • Experiencia
    Se requiere
  • Idiomas
    Inglés – Avanzado
  • Jornada
  • Horario
    9am until 4:30pm
  • Extras
    Lunch provided for the school
  • Inicio
    Incorporación inmediata

pin icon12 Carrer de Sant Pere Claver, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08017, Barcelona

Profesor/a de InglésBarcelona

Colegio Privado de Barcelona • 51-250 empleados

En JOB TODAY desde diciembre, 2018

Colegio Privado de Barcelona

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Teresa GanduxéActivo hace 2 horas
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