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  • English with John
    English Teacher
    English Teacher
    hace 1 mes
    €1050–€1650 mensual
    Jornada parcial

    🔊A English with John Language School Balaguer estem ampliant la contractació de personal!! Busquem English teachers amb disposició horària de tardes de dilluns a divendres durant el curs escolar. 🤓 Tens un C1 o C2 oficial i estàs vinculat en l’àmbit de l’educació? O potser has realitzat 🗺️ Erasmus en països de parla anglesa? 💪🏻 Vols ajudar a petits i grans a potenciar el seu talent lingüístic? Si et vols unir al nostre equip tècnic, envia’ns un missatge i ens ficarem amb contacte amb tu! 👉 🇬🇧 🔊 At English with John Language School Balaguer, we are hiring! We are looking for English teachers with availability in the afternoons from Monday to Friday during the school year. 🤓 Do you have an official C1 or C2 level and are you connected in the field of education? Or perhaps you have participated in 🗺️ Erasmus programs in English-speaking countries? 💪🏻 Do you want to help both children and adults enhance their linguistic talent? If you want to join our team, send us a message, and we will get in touch with you! 👉

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