From now on we are one of the first employment companies to work with Google Jobs in Spain . The potential of this tool will allow to attract a greater number of users and companies to our app. Even more! Through it, users can filter to find all the offers of Job Today, and then receive a more direct and personalized treatment in our app. The first month has been a success. Job Today‘s works have been viewed 2.7 million times , and the details of each have received 150,000 visits. All this thanks to the position provided by Google Jobs.
In Job Today we have closed July with a great growth of published offers compared to last year. Specifically they have increased 40%. In addition, many of the companies that rely on our app to find candidates are true to the quality of service. There is also a 41% increase in offers since January compared to the same period in 2017 . These positive data are supported by the drop in unemployment to 15.2% in the second quarter of the year.
By sector, the hospitality and marketing continue to drive the advancement of the economy in Spain and occupy half of the jobs offered in the app. In addition, unemployment has been reduced in all sectors, so we are celebrating.
Por ciudades, Madrid y Barcelona son las ciudades donde más crecieron las ofertas en julio. En concreto, el paro en Madrid se ha reducido en casi 46.000 personas. Cataluña sería una de las comunidades autónomas con mayor incremento de actividad este trimestre, con 30.500 nuevos puestos de trabajo. Por su parte, la comunidad Valenciana continúa batiendo récords con una de las bajadas de paro más significativas; 32.600 personas.