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    Juan Esteban P.
    Online 6 hours ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Soy una persona muy amable, me caracterizó por ser un hombre respetuosa generoso y responsable con mis obligaciones, me esmeró por brindar un buen servicio al cliente de la manera más adecuada y pertinente, tengo la mejor disposición.
    Operador y vendedor - Homecenter
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconJackson Heights, New York, New York, United States
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    Christopher L.
    Online 7 hours ago
    Hello my name is Christopher I’d like to describe myself as personable, attentive, helpful, and great team player, I have the ability to handle multiple tasks at once, I’m very driven and always complete my work to the best of my ability..
    location iconNew York
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    Lismairy G.
    Online 16 hours ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Soy una persona amable y muy educada y respetuosa siempre .
    Ventas - Global solutions
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconUniversity Heights, Bronx, New York, NY, United States
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    Edward G.
    Online 20 hours ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I’m a friendly guy but a good closer in sales.
    Sales Consultant - Sim4u llc
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconHillside, NJ, United States
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    Adalgisa A.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon7 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Estudié en la universidad en República Dominicana, negocios , tengo capacidad y entrenamiento en el área de contabilidad, administración de área, cuentas por cobrar, cuentas por pagar , cajera y fácil adaptación a cualquier área disponible
    Ventas , mantenimiento , asistente financiero , asistente de cocina arte culanario - Print labels
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconGlendale, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Fanta B.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Capable of mastering new skills to increase revenue and drive business success. Skilled in conflict resolution, customer service, and team leadership.
    Guest Service Agent - The Sheraton
    Marketing Assistant - Embrace Management
    I speak English, Spanish, Bambara, French
    location iconNew York
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    Valentina C.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I’m a 24 years old girl from Italy. I am graduated in History of Art and tourism in Milan University. I moved to USA 3 years ago, I’ve worked as a server and a Lead host in Epcot, Disney World in a fine dining restaurant, and in a museum
    Advertising Sales Representative - FPM pubblicità ( Milan )
    I speak Italian, English, Spanish
    location iconUpper West Side, Manhattan, New York, NY, United States
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    Breyner A.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon11 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Soy una persona proactiva y profesional. Muy buena en servicio al cliente, trabajo bajo presión, manejo muy bien la organización de las tareas y los tiempos, enfocado siempre en los resultados y en el trabajo en equipo.
    Key Account Manager - Clientify
    Key Account Manager - Fincaraiz.com.co
    Agente comercial - GT CONSULTING
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconJamaica Estates, New York, New York, United States
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    Oumar S.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon9 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    I am punctual and a hard worker
    Agent - EMOS Import /Export
    I speak English, French, Arabic
    location iconKensington, Brooklyn, New York, NY, United States
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    Madison P.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon3 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Experienced sales and service professional with a proven track record of appealing to complex clientele. Possesses strong customer service skills, technical proficiency, and a passion for delivering exceptional service. Seeking a challenge.
    Collections Agent - TSI
    Sales Manager - Cirque du Soleil
    I speak English
    location iconBedford-Stuyvesant, New York, New York, United States
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    Abdoulaye D.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience in Sales & Marketing
    Je suis très motivée et j'apprends vite
    Agent commercial - Xave Sénégal
    I speak French, English
    location iconJersey City, NJ, United States
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