Highest Paying Jobs under COVID 19 in the UK Blog Career Advice Resources Highest Paying Jobs under COVID 19 in the UK

Highest Paying Jobs under COVID 19 in the UK

Doris Benitez
Reading time: 4 min

As Europe hovers on the brink of a second lockdown, you must be wondering: how will the world survive this pandemic?  

The good news is: we’ve survived worse! Before we get to learning what the highest paying jobs are under Covid 19, let’s take a moment to be grateful and to appreciate what we do have. Think of your grandparents and the time period they were born in. They’ve survived two major global wars, the Spanish flu pandemic and the Great Depression. 

 The lesson to be learnt here is that the world will power through. We will power through. As human beings, all we can do is support and guide each other.  

On that note, we have a super interesting list of career guides for you to browse through – no matter what role you’re searching for. You can take a look at what kind of jobs you’d be up for. As we like to shake things up a bit: we’ve put together a catalogue of the highest paying jobs under Covid 19 in the United Kingdom, just for you!  


Average hourly pay: £14.00

 A Covid-19 industry research study reflected that the construction industry has actually witnessed increased productivity and output rates due to better task planning, higher individual accountability, reduced waiting time, and such. With work being outdoors and social distancing measures along with protective masks, this industry is somewhat thriving with more construction jobs opening up.

In other words, Covid 19 has inspired the construction industry to work better and to make brilliant changes that can continue after the pandemic is over. (Magic words we can’t wait to hear!) 

So, whether you take on the role of a handyman, a labourer, a steel fixer, an electrician a plumber or such – you’ll have to undergo some level of apprenticeship or training.  

Here are a few informative articles to help you get started:


Average hourly pay: £11.50

Ever since the first lockdown came into effect in March 2020, consumers began to shop more online. This trend is not showing any signs of slowing down, especially with the second lockdown here in most of Europe. Amazon anticipated this early on in the pandemic and created thousands of delivery driver jobs. As the retail and hospitality industries experience a slowdown in sales, most have turned to churning out online or delivery models to keep pace with targets.  

With plenty of opportunities to grow- there are a variety of driving roles available for you to choose from: delivery driver, taxi driver, an Uber driver or a bus one. Whatever path you choose to steer (no pun intended!), these skills you’ll rock as a driver. 

 Ensure that you obtain the relevant license that permits you to operate vehicles legally. You never know when your employer may ask to see it! Got questions on how to become a delivery driver? Well, this resource may just prove useful to you. And here’s another resources to nail any delivery driver interview you land.

Online Tutoring/Teachers

Average hourly pay: £17.50

 Note the above is just the starting salary for teachers/tutors! This is definitely one of the highest pay jobs under Covid 19.

The very nature of COVID 19 limits human connections and calls for social distancing as one of the most effective defense mechanisms. 

 Schools are no exception to this rule and whilst many educational institutes attempted a hybrid learning model – now with the UK under lockdown – schools are back online mostly. The demand for online tutors and teachers jobs is ever growing. Infact, the UK government announced the biggest pay rise for teachers ever in the past 15 years! To stay relevant and updated, qualified teachers/tutors are having to go back to retraining themselves to cater to this new digital learning realm. 

If you’re just starting out, here’s how you can become a teacher or how to become a tutor

 The pandemic has us all doing a bit of soul searching. So whether you’re looking for a career change or are a fresh graduate looking for your first job, download the JOB TODAY app and start a high paying job as soon as tomorrow!