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    Looking for a Chef de Partie / Sous-Chef to hire? Post a job or find & contact these recently online employee candidates directly!

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    Larnelle M.
    Online 55 minutes ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I am excellent team player. I am also a hard worker, driven and determined person who also completes tasks efficiently.
    Line cook - Escondido lake and golf club
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconCoop City
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    Eduardo C.
    Online 10 hours ago
    tick icon20 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Soy apasionado por la cocina, he trabajado en diversas partidas y diferentes clases de cocinas tradicionales y vanguardistas. Me gusta mezclar sabores y innovar platos con creatividad.
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Anchorage Illetas
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Son Amar - El Castillo
    Jefe/a de Cocina - Titanic
    Jefe de cocina - Taberna Azafran (Sevilla)
    Jefe/a de Partida - Abades de Triana
    I speak English, Spanish, Portuguese
    location iconCorona, Nueva York, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
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    Silviano R.
    Online 11 hours ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience as Chef & Cook
    I’m a friendly person who has a passionate interest in the kitchen. I like anything that has to do with the kitchen, whether it’s cooking, cleaning, organizing and trying need recipes.
    Line cook - Emmys square
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconJackson Heights, New York, New York, United States
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    Pablo A.
    Online 15 hours ago
    tick icon1 yr of experience as Chef & Cook
    I am a very kind and friendly person, I like customer service and I really enjoy making coffee.
    Line Cook - El sótano de María
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconJackson Heights
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    Raymell J.
    Online 17 hours ago
    tick icon2 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I’m a hard worker&I previously worked for Applebees for ten years & now I’m looking for a change
    Line cook - Apple metro
    I speak English, Arabic
    location iconNew York
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    Reynaldo David T.
    Online 1 day ago
    tick icon15 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Responsible guy offers to do any type of WORK Immediate availability Eager to learn and work as a team
    Line cook - Pitagrill manthattan
    Cocinero - Hotel Selina manthattan
    Jefe de cocina - Hotel whala fum
    Cocinero line cook - El agachadito
    Cocinero - Taberna azafrá sevilla
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconCorona, New York, New York, United States
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    Edgar R.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon17 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I’m friendly person a goo cook-worked
    Line cook - Docks oyster bar
    I speak English, Spanish
    location iconCorona, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    leonel C.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon8 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Friendly person,I’m ready for a new adventure.
    Prep Chef - Mission ceviche
    Line Cook - Barn joo
    Salad Chef - Palermo
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconNew York
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    bimal G.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon6 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I have 25 years kitchen experience I have food lice also nyc
    Chef de Partie - Celebrate cruse
    I speak English, Hindi
    location iconElmhurst, Queens, New York, NY, United States
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    Raju D.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon4 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    I am a motivated and results-driven person with good experience in communication and sales, especially in the insurance industry. I am good at understanding and meeting customer needs, which has helped me reach sales targets and build
    Sous chef - Manducaties Rustica
    I speak English, Nepali, Spanish
    location iconElmhurst, New York, New York, United States
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    Miguel C.
    Online 2 days ago
    tick icon11 yrs of experience as Chef & Cook
    Soy una persona amable tratable responsable amigable me gusta trabajar en equipo soy una persona muy trabajadora
    Pizza man - Drem pizza
    Line Cook - Pio pio 1 Restaurant
    I speak Spanish, English
    location iconEast Elmhurst, New York, New York, United States
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