How To Get a Job with No Experience – 2024 Guide Blog Career Advice Career Guides How To Get a Job with No Experience – 2024 Guide
Young worker that nailed how to get a job with no experience

How To Get a Job with No Experience – 2024 Guide

Bianca Alves
Reading time: 8 min

When it comes to landing a job, experience often takes the spotlight. But here’s the thing: while it can certainly be a valuable asset, it’s not the only thing that matters. Being prepared and enthusiastic about work can also make a compelling case for employers. In this article, we’ll explain how to get a job with no experience and where to find it!

9 Tips To Get a Job with No Experience

Let’s explore actionable tips for entry-level job seekers looking for jobs that go from a server to a warehouse worker, delivery driver, shop assistant, accountant, and more.

1. Focus on soft skills

Soft skills, also known as interpersonal or people skills, are abilities and qualities that enable individuals to accomplish tasks effectively.In fact, they’re just as important as technical skills, according to 61% of professionals.

In entry-level positions, these skills can often outweigh technical expertise. Examples include communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving, and customer service.

To showcase your soft skills, consider incorporating specific examples into your job applications. For instance, if you’re applying for a cashier position, highlight your communication skills by mentioning how you could interact with customers to resolve issues or upsell products.

2. Write a good about me section in your resume or profile

Writing a good “About Me” section on your resume or profile can enhance your chances of landing a job. Instead of merely saying your name and mentioning you’re on the lookout for certain jobs, use this space to showcase your unique qualities and what you bring to the table as a candidate.

For example, consider a profile description like: “Hey, I’m Sarah! While I may not have formal work experience yet, I bring enthusiasm, reliability, and a strong work ethic to the table. I’m eager to learn and always ready for work! Let’s chat about how I can fit into your company’s needs!”

3. Record a creative intro video

Even without prior work experience, you can make a memorable impression with a creative intro video on the Job Today app. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile in the app, and click on Full Preview. Scroll down to find the Intro Video section.
  2. Click on record a video and start recording when you are ready.

‘But what should I say?’ Remember: you only have 30 seconds, so make the most of your time! You want employers to watch your video and be eager to invite you for an interview. Here’s our key advice:

  • Make sure to be in a neutral background and a calm space. Don’t record while lying down or in a busy environment.
  • Make a small script and train a little bit!
  • In your script, you must mention: your name and location, the types of jobs you’re looking for, any experience you may have, and your top three professional skills (get inspiration from your latest section about soft skills!).
  • Encourage employers to learn more about you by inviting them to explore your profile or reach out for further discussion.

4. Create a network

Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances to let them know you’re looking for work. You never know, a friend of a friend who owns a small business might be searching for employees just like you! On Job Today, you can follow companies you’re interested in and stay updated on future opportunities. Plus, you can connect with employers directly via chat, making it easier to establish those valuable connections.

5. Prepare for the interview

If you’ve secured an interview, make sure to show up on time and dress appropriately—not necessarily in formal attire, but in a casual outfit suitable for work. Preparation is key: rehearse answers to common interview questions and think of questions to ask the interviewer at the end. This shows your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

Related: How to Ace a Job Interview with No Experience

6. Why you are the best person for this job?

When creating a profile on any job search platform, it’s essential to present yourself as the ideal candidate. Highlight why you are a good fit for the job, whether it’s because of your relevant experience or your positive attributes as an employee.

Tailor your profile and resume to match the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re aiming for a delivery driver position, emphasize your punctuality, reliability, and knowledge of the local area. By clearly demonstrating how your skills and qualities align with the job requirements, you’ll convince employers that you’re the best person for the job.

7. Leverage Life Experiences to Highlight Job-Ready Skills

Think about the experiences you’ve had outside of formal employment that can be valuable in the workplace. Everyday activities and responsibilities often cultivate transferable skills that employers value. For example:

  • School Projects: Group projects or leading a club at school can demonstrate your leadership, collaboration, and project management abilities.
  • Hobbies: Participating in team sports can show your ability to work well with others and stay committed to a goal. Creative hobbies like photography or writing can showcase attention to detail and creativity.
  • Family Responsibilities: Managing household chores, budgeting, or caring for siblings can reflect your responsibility, multitasking, and time management skills.

8. Follow up on your interviews

After an interview, it’s important to follow up with the employer through chat. It’s polite to send a message thanking the recruiter for their time and inquiring about the next steps. However, take a moderate approach to follow-ups. Excessive messages can be off-putting and might hinder your chances of getting the job. A single, polite follow-up a few days after the interview is typically sufficient.

9. If you didn’t get a job, stay in touch with the company

Rejection is a normal part of the job search process; everyone goes through it. On average, it takes between 2 and 4 interviews to land a job. If you don’t get the job, use it as a learning experience and stay in touch with the company. Since you’ve already had the chance to speak directly with the employer, follow them on Job Today and stay alert for any future opportunities they post. Keeping in touch shows your continued interest and could lead to future openings.

How to Find Entry-Level Jobs

At Job Today, we specialize in connecting job seekers with entry-level positions across various industries. Whether you’re looking for roles as a retail assistant, sales advisor, cleaner, or hospitality worker, we have a wide range of opportunities available to kickstart your career.

Jobs That Hire Without a High School Diploma

There are several job titles where a high school diploma is not required. Some examples include:

+ See listings in NYC that don’t require a High School diploma on Job Today

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we’ll address some common queries job seekers have about finding employment with no experience.

How to Get a Construction Job with No Experience?

Construction jobs often need immediate hires, making them accessible for those without experience. To get started, show your willingness to learn and your ability to work hard.

Highlight any physical tasks you’ve handled in the past, such as helping with home repairs or moving heavy items. You can also emphasize your reliability and punctuality.

How to Get a Job as a 16-Year-Old with No Experience?

At 16, it’s normal not to have work experience. Focus on presenting yourself as eager to learn, respectful, and genuinely interested in the job. Emphasize your soft skills, like being a good team player, communicating well, and being adaptable. For example, you could say, “I’m very responsible and always complete my school projects on time. I’m excited to bring that same dedication to this job.” Employers appreciate a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.

Young girl starts a new job and is being trained by an experienced worker
There are many employers that prefer hiring people with no experience and are willing to offer training.

Also, apply only for part-time jobs, since there are limits on the number of hours worked by minors under the age of 16.

How to Get a Job at 30 with No Experience?

Starting a new career at 30 is entirely possible, and sometimes even advantageous. Employers may value your maturity and sense of responsibility. Highlight any life experiences that have helped you develop relevant skills. For example, managing a household can translate into strong organizational and multitasking abilities. Emphasize your readiness to learn and adapt, and how your diverse experiences make you a good match. Remember, it’s never too late to start something new!

Related: 4 Awesome Jobs that Require No Experience!

How to Get a Truck Driving Job with No Experience?

The first step to getting a truck driving job is obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), which requires passing a written test and a driving exam. Enrolling in a CDL training program provides essential skills and hands-on experience with large vehicles.

While training, gain experience by driving vans or small trucks, or helping with local deliveries. This builds confidence and competence with larger vehicles.

Apply for entry-level truck driving positions or apprenticeships, which often offer on-the-job training. Highlight your reliability, ability to handle long hours, and any relevant vehicle maintenance experience.