About the job Funciones ¿Te apasiona el mundo de la hostelería y quieres desarrollarte en una empresa en expansión?¿Naciste con vocación por la cocina y eres una persona creativa e innovadora? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo, en la posición de cocinero para Sercotel Hotel Group en nuestro Sercotel Hotel Alfonso VI. Tus principales retos serán: - Preparar los alimentos según los estándares establecidos. - Cocinar platos y condimentos. - Conservar las materias primas y productos de uso en la cocina. - Brindar los diferentes servicios del hotel junto al resto del equipo, - Asegurar la correcta limpieza de los alimentos. - Cumplir con las normas de higiene y seguridad. - Mantener en perfecta limpieza y orden la cocina, equipos e instalaciones, incluyendo vajillas, cubiertos, platos, etc. - Gestión de pedidos. Requisitos ¿Qué necesitas para aplicar? - Experiencia en puesto similar 2 – 3 años. - Estudios: Grado Medio o Superior de Hostelería o Cocina. - Vocación e ilusión por la cocina. - Aplicación de APPCC, y resto de normas de seguridad e higiene sanitaria. - Incorporación Inmediata. Se ofrece Inscribete y descubre lo que Sercotel te puede ofrecer: - Contrato de indefinido a jornada completa con la categoría de cocinero. - Turnos rotativos - Salario según convenio. - Posibilidad de aplicar retribución flexible y disfrutar del Club Benefits Sercotel - Descuentos Family & friends en hoteles Sercotel - Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo. En Sercotel promovemos la equidad: sin sesgos de género. igualdad de oportunidades y liderazgo equitativo para todos. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.
About the job Funciones ¿Buscas continuar tu desarrollo profesional en una empresa en expansión? ¿Cuentas con vocación por la atención a las personas y te encanta trabajar en equipo? ¿Tienes experiencia en gestión de nóminas utilizando el programa A3 Equipo? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo en la posición de Técnico/a Laboral (en Administración y Gestión de RRHH) para nuestras oficinas centrales en Barcelona, donde tus principales tareas serán: • Llevar a cabo la confección de las nóminas de forma mensual, pagas extras y atrasos. • Movimientos en Seguridad Social: Gestionar las altas y las bajas, variaciones, etc. de la Compañía. • Gestionar posibles incidencias de presencia tales como IT, AT, vacaciones, etc. • Cotización mediante el sistema SILTRA. • Atención y solvencia a las consultas y dudas del personal. • Interpretación de convenios colectivos. • Confección de certificados para los trabajadores. • Elaboración de partes de accidentes de trabajo. • Preparación documentación inspecciones de trabajo. Requisitos ¿Qué necesitas para aplicar? • Tener un Grado en Relaciones Laborales o estudios afines. • Valorable máster en RRLL o formación complementaria. • Contar entre 1-3 años de experiencia en el puesto descrito. • Experiencia en programas de nómina (preferentemente A3 y A3 Equipo). • Experiencia en gestión de altas y bajas en el sistema RED de la Seguridad Social. • Experiencia en cotización mediante el sistema SILTRA. • Experiencia en presentación modelo 111 y modelo 190. • Experiencia en aplicación de varios convenios colectivos. • Pack Microsoft Office (nivel avanzado de Excel). Se ofrece ¿Qué ofrecemos? • Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (40hs). • Salario acorde a la posición y responsabilidades (remuneración fija + %variable acorde con un plan de Dirección por Objetivos). • Horario de entrada y salida flexible. • Teletrabajo 1 día/semana. • Horario intensivo los viernes y vísperas de algunos festivos nacionales (9hs a 15hs). • Posibilidad de aplicar retribución flexible y disfrutar del Club Benefits Sercotel • Descuentos Family & friends en hoteles Sercotel • Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo. En Sercotel promovemos la equidad: sin sesgos de género. igualdad de oportunidades y liderazgo equitativo para todos. Department: Maintenance About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.
About the job Funciones ¿Quieres continuar desarrollando tu carrera profesional en el área de recepción? ¿Te apasiona el mundo de los hoteles y quieres formar parte de Sercotel Hotel Group? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo en la posición de Recepcionista para Sercotel Hotel Group en nuestros hoteles situados en el Baix Llobregat, donde tus principales funciones serán: - Acoger y recibir a los huéspedes, atendiendo sus necesidades durante toda su estancia en el hotel y facilitándoles información sobre todos los servicios que ofrece el hotel. - Dar soporte en la coordinación de acciones con todos los departamentos, con el fin de ofrecer un servicio de calidad y experiencia que impulse hacia la fidelización de nuestro cliente y la reputación de la marca. - Controlar las entradas y salidas del hotel. - Gestionar las nuevas reservas. - Estar informado de las actividades, novedades, etc., que se produzcan en el hotel y entorno, con la finalidad de garantizar la gestión de la información interna y hacia el cliente. - Contestar los e-mails que lleguen durante el turno de trabajo. - Atención telefónica. - Participar, velar y asegurar, según las responsabilidades y funciones de su puesto de trabajo, el cumplimiento del Sistema de Compliance Penal. Requisitos ¿Qué necesitas para aplicar? - Haber cursado Grado en Turismo o estudios similares. - Experiencia de mínima de 2-3 años en la posición descrita. - Imprescindible nivel avanzado de inglés (se valorará de manera positiva el dominio de otros idiomas). - Conocimiento en programas de gestión hotelera, preferiblemente Opera. - Alta orientación al cliente y vocación por su trabajo. - Persona con iniciativa, dinámica, polivalente y con muchas ganas de aprender. Se ofrece ¿Qué ofrecemos? - Contrato indefinido (40hs/semana). - Horarios rotativos. - Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo de trabajo dinámico y profesional. - Posibilidad de aplicar retribución flexible y disfrutar del Club Benefits Sercotel - Descuentos Family & friends en hoteles Sercotel En Sercotel promovemos la equidad: sin sesgos de género. igualdad de oportunidades y liderazgo equitativo para todos Department: Reception About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.
About the job Funciones ¿Quieres continuar desarrollando tu carrera profesional en el área de recepción? ¿Te apasiona el mundo de los hoteles y quieres formar parte de una cadena en expansión? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo en la posición de Recepcionista para Sercotel Hotel Group en nuestro hotel Sercotel Parque Las Palmas, donde tus principales funciones serán: - Acoger y recibir a los huéspedes, atendiendo sus necesidades durante toda su estancia y facilitándoles información sobre todos los servicios que ofrece el hotel. - Dar soporte en la coordinación de acciones con todos los departamentos, con el fin de ofrecer un servicio de calidad y experiencia que impulse hacia la fidelización de nuestro cliente y la reputación de la marca. - Controlar las entradas y salidas del hotel. - Gestionar las nuevas reservas. - Estar informado de las actividades, novedades, etc., que se produzcan en el hotel y entorno, con la finalidad de garantizar la gestión de la información interna y hacia el cliente. - Contestar los e-mails que lleguen durante el turno de trabajo. - Realizar el cuadre de caja. - Atención telefónica. Requisitos ¿Qué necesitas para aplicar? - Haber cursado Grado en Turismo o estudios similares. - Experiencia mínima de 1-2 años en la posición descrita. - Imprescindible nivel avanzado de inglés (se valorará de manera positiva el dominio de otros idiomas, como por ejemplo el alemán). - Conocimientos de PMS en gestión hotelera (se valorará experiencia con Opera) - Conocimientos medios/avanzados de las herramientas del Paquete de Office Word y Excel. - Alta orientación al cliente y vocación por su trabajo. - Persona con iniciativa, dinámica, polivalente y con alta orientación al cliente. Se ofrece ¿Qué ofrecemos? - Contrato de sustitución a jornada completa (40hs/semana). - Salario según convenio. - Pack de beneficios sociales Sercotel. - Turnos de 7:00-15:00 / 15:00-23:00 / 23:00-7:00 - Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo de trabajo dinámico y profesional. - Posibilidad de desarrollo profesional. Department: Reception About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.
About the job Funciones ¿Quieres desarrollar tus habilidades culinarias dentro de una cadena reconocida en el sector de la hostelería? ¿Te gustaría trabajar en la cocina de un hotel de 3 estrellas en una ciudad increíble como Barcelona? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo, en la posición de cocinero/a en nuestro Hotel Sercotel Porta Barcelona, donde tus principales retos serán: - Preparar los alimentos según los estándares establecidos. - Cocinar platos y condimentos. - Conservar las materias primas y productos de uso en la cocina. - Brindar los diferentes servicios del hotel junto al resto del equipo, - Asegurar la correcta limpieza de los alimentos. - Cumplir con las normas de higiene y seguridad. - Mantener en perfecta limpieza y orden la cocina, equipos e instalaciones, incluyendo vajillas, cubiertos, platos, etc. - Gestión de pedidos. Requisitos - Formación mínima de grado medio en cocina (se valorará titulación de Escuela de Hostelería). - Conocimientos en nuevas técnicas de cocina y creatividad alimentaria. - Experiencia en puesto similar de 3 a 4 años. - Residir en la zona o alrededores. Nos gustaría que el candidato final fuese un profesional con gran capacidad de organización y de trabajo en equipo. Se ofrece Inscríbete y descubre lo que Sercotel te puede ofrecer: - Contrato de indefinido a jornada completa con la categoría de cocinero. - Turnos rotativos - Salario según convenio. - Posibilidad de aplicar retribución flexible y disfrutar del Club Benefits Sercotel - Descuentos Family & friends en hoteles Sercotel - Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo. En Sercotel promovemos la equidad: sin sesgos de género. igualdad de oportunidades y liderazgo equitativo para todos. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Complete closing duties, including storing all reusable goods, breaking down goods, cleaning all equipment and areas, returning equipment to proper locations, locking refrigerators, restocking items, turning off lights, locking doors, and completing daily cleaning checklist. Set up, stock, and maintain work areas. Inspect the cleanliness and presentation of all china, glass, and silver prior to use. Maintain cleanliness of work areas throughout the day, practicing clean-as-you-go procedures. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; and complete safety training and certifications. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional, maintain confidentiality of proprietary information, and protect company assets. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards. Speak with others using clear and professional language, and answer telephones using appropriate etiquette. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others, support team to reach common goals, and listen and respond appropriately to the concerns of other employees. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Read and visually verify information in a variety of formats (e.g., small print). Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time or for an entire work shift. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 50 pounds without assistance. Grasp, turn, and manipulate objects of varying size and weight, requiring fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Move over sloping, uneven, or slippery surfaces as well as up and down stairs and/or service ramps. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: No related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
About the job Desde Catalonia Hotels & Resorts estamos en búsqueda de un perfil junior para incorporarse como 2º de COCINA en el equipo de nuestro hotel ORO NEGRO, ubicado en Arona (Tenerife). Se trata de un hotel vacacional en el sur de la isla con servicio de buffet. Las tareas principales a realizar son las siguientes: - Coordinar la partida o sección de la cocina que se encuentra bajo su responsabilidad. - Dar apoyo, seguimiento e implantación a las demandas del Jefe de Cocina. - Elaborar platos de su partida y supervisar su acabado y presentación. - Supervisar la limpieza e higiene del área de la cocina destinada a su partida y asegurarse del perfecto estado de utillaje e instalaciones. - Coordinar el trabajo del personal a su cargo, distribuyéndolo en función del volumen de trabajo. - Colaborar en la instrucción del personal a su cargo. - Participar en el control de aprovisionamientos, conservación y almacenamiento de mercancías. REQUISITOS - Estudios profesionales en cocina. - Experiencia en buffet. - Proactividad, dinamismo, liderazgo. - Actitud positiva, trabajo en equipo, Iniciativa, orientación a resultados. OFRECEMOS - Incorporación inmediata. - Jornada completa. - Salario competitivo. - Alojamiento a cargo de la empresa (en caso de no residir en la isla de Tenerife). - Posibilidades reales de crecimiento dentro de la cadena. Alojamiento a cargo de la empresa OFRECEMOS - Incorporación en México - Salario competitivo - Alojamiento a cargo de la empresa - Posibilidades reales de crecimiento Department: F&B kitchen About you - Estudios profesionales en cocina - Experiencia en restaurantes gastronómicos - Proactividad, dinamismo, liderazgo - Actitud positiva, trabajo en equipo, Iniciativa, orientación a resultados Language required: Spanish. The company Catalonia Hotels & Resorts is a family chain of hotels that has not stopped growing since it began. The company made the move from the real estate sector to the hotel industry in the 1980s, and is now one of the leading chains in the urban segment in our country (leader in Barcelona). The chain currently has 72 establishments. 55 in Spain, 1 in Brussels, 1 in Berlin, 1 in Porto, 1 in Amsterdam and 12 resorts in the Caribbean (6 in the Dominican Republic and 6 in Mexico) and one urban hotel in Santo Domingo. With more than 8,000 rooms, Catalonia Hotels & Resorts has always implemented a policy for growth based on discretion and caution and the company has developed gradually and positively. Here, special mention must be made of the fact that the establishments are owned by the chain, with only 3 hotels under long-term lease. The chain opens hotels where it discovers a need that has not been met and where it can find the appropriate space and building for installing the hotel in compliance with its quality assurance standards. The corporate structure of the hotel chain is based on the principle of quality in service management, with its own, distinguished style. The company's philosophy is based on offering an excellent price-quality ratio in services, in accordance with strict criteria of professionalism. Service quality and comfort are guaranteed at every hotel.
About the job En Renaissance Hotels, creemos en ayudar a los huéspedes a disfrutar del ADN de las zonas que visitan. Los huéspedes vienen para descubrir lo inesperado, sumergirse en una nueva cultura o, simplemente, aprovechar al máximo una tarde libre. Ven los viajes de negocios como una aventura, porque así ven cualquier viaje. Mientras otros se conforman con lo habitual, nuestros huéspedes ven la oportunidad de llevarse a casa una gran historia. Igual que nosotros. Buscamos a exploradores espontáneos que se unan al equipo para acercar el alma del vecindario a nuestros huéspedes. Si te atrae la idea, te invitamos a descubrir las oportunidades de empleo de Renaissance Hotels. Al unirte a Renaissance Hotels, te unes a una cartera de marcas con Marriott International. Estarás donde puedes llevar a cabo tu mejor trabajo, comenzarás a cumplir tu propósito, formarás parte de un increíble equipo mundial y te convertirás en tu mejor versión. Comprobar las cifras, los asientos y los documentos para obtener exactitud. Registrar, guardar, tener acceso y/o analizar información financiera computarizada. Controlar y obtener el efectivo y los equivalentes de efectivo del hotel según la política y los procedimientos de manejo del efectivo. Organizar, asegurar y mantener todos los archivos y registros de acuerdo con la retención de documentos y las políticas y los procedimientos de confidencialidad. Preparar, mantener y distribuir las tablas y los informes estadísticos, financieros, contables, de auditoría o de nómina. Auditar las tablas y los informes estadísticos, financieros, contables, de auditoría o de nómina. Auditar y conciliar todos los asientos de ingresos. Cumplir con todas las políticas y los procedimientos de seguridad de la compañía; informar al gerente los accidentes, las lesiones y las condiciones laborales inseguras; estar alerta sobre la presencia de personas indeseables en las instalaciones del hotel. Cumplir con las políticas y procedimientos de la compañía; asegurarse de que el uniforme y la apariencia personal sean pulcras y profesionales; mantener la confidencialidad de la información patentada; proteger los bienes de la compañía; proteger la privacidad y seguridad de los huéspedes y colegas. Recibir y reconocer a todos los huéspedes de acuerdo con los estándares de la compañía; anticiparse a sus necesidades de servicio y atenderlas; agradecerles con aprecio genuino; asistir a las personas con discapacidades. Hablar con los demás utilizando un lenguaje claro y profesional, preparar y revisar los documentos escritos de manera exacta y completa y atender los teléfonos utilizando el protocolo adecuado. Cultivar y mantener relaciones laborales positivas con los demás; apoyar al equipo para alcanzar los objetivos comunes; escuchar y responder de manera apropiada las inquietudes de los demás empleados. Acatar las expectativas y los estándares de garantía de la calidad. Mover, levantar, transportar, empujar, arrastrar y ubicar sin ayuda objetos que pesen 10 libras o menos. Ejecutar otros deberes de trabajo razonables solicitados por supervisors. APTITUDES DESEABLES Educación: Título de estudios secundarios o certificado equivalente de un programa de Desarrollo de Educación General (General Educational Development, GED). Experiencia laboral afín: No se requiere experiencia laboral afín. Experiencia como supervisor: No se requiere experiencia como supervisor. Licencia o certificación: Ninguna Marriott International es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. Creemos en la importancia de contratar a una fuerza laboral diversa, así como apoyar una cultura inclusiva que anteponga a las personas. Nos comprometemos a respetar el principio de no discriminación por cualquier motivo protegido, como la discapacidad y condición de veterano o cualquier otra situación protegida por las leyes aplicables. Meal and laundry Department: Reception About you Language required: Spanish. The company Discover Barcelona while enjoying the defining luxuries of the Renaissance Barcelona Hotel. Conveniently situated in the heart of Barcelona, Spain, the hotel's location puts travelers near bountiful shopping, fine restaurants and a wealth of entertainment. Within walking distance of Paseo de Gracia, the city's world-renowned avenue filled with impressive architecture, exceptional shopping and prominent business destinations, this stylish hotel in Barcelona aptly offers exceptional service and contemporary designs. Whether traveling for business or leisure, the lodging's well-appointed guest rooms feature luxury bedding ensembles, individual climate control, high-speed Internet, cable/satellite service and modern bathrooms to provide travelers with everything needed for a remarkable hotel experience in Barcelona, Spain. On-site steakhouse dining and a relaxing lounge offer exciting food and beverage options and the hotel's impressive event venues are ideal for business meetings, conferences and social events.
About the job About Four Seasons Hotel Madrid: Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, a collection of seven heritage buildings is ideally situated near the business district and close to Madrid’s major tourist attractions. A historical landmark redefining elegance, sophistication and urban luxury, located in Centro Canalejas Madrid. After a careful restoration, Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is home to 200 guestrooms including 39 suites, three restaurants and bars including an expansive roof terrace, a cutting-edge Spa, stylish function spaces and luxury retail. What we are looking for: We are looking for a passionate hospitality student eager to start his career path in our Finance department. The finance internship is a great opportunity to get an understanding of hospitality finance and the crucial role that we play at the hotel. You will get exposed to all functions within the department, from income audit to accounts payable with a focus on accounts receivable under the supervision of our credit manager. As a finance intern you will: Assist with any accounting related inquiries from our guests. Assist with deposit payments and coordinate with our catering teams to prepare and process group billing. Assist with reviewing daily financial and investigating any discrepancies Work closely with the other department on projects, and maintaining policies and procedures. Join our Team Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts can offer what many hospitality professionals dream of; the opportunity to build a life-long career with global potential and a real sense of pride in work well done. We look for talent who share the Golden Rule – people who, by nature, believe in treating others as we would have them treat us. As Four Seasons works towards phenomenal growth in the next decade, our most valuable partners continue to be our talent, with whom we have a strong relationship based on the Golden Rule. ” Our team is built on mutual respect, collaboration, excellent service and a passion for cleanliness. Four Seasons provides employees with the same level of care that we give our guests. 450€ At the moment, no accommodation is provided Through this internship opportunity, we're hoping to provide a high caliber learning experience. The objective is that you take as many in-demand job skills as possible, rotating through different positions or through different tasks, in an environment of excellence and continuous improvement. This opportunity entails: Full time 6-months internship (40h/day), from Monday to Friday (8h/day). Weekends are free and we are including 30 minutes for lunch within the working day. Meals are covered during shift. Uniform and its cleaning is provided at the hotel. We are offering 5 days of holiday within the 6-months period, as well as the day of the birthday free. Monthly gross gratification of 450€. Learning plan adapted to the student, and based on previous experience, motivation and objectives. Department: Finance & Accounting About you About you: Currently enrolled in a post-secondary institution that requires you to complete a 6+month internship. Past hospitality and/or accounting experience are an asset Major in either Accounting/Business or Hospitality Management Strong knowledge of computer hardware/software Strong organization skills Excellent communication skills Strong commitment to service The applicants must have the legal right to work in Spain and have fluency in English and Spanish. This is a 6-months internship opportunity with a full-time schedule, all applicants must have the ability to sign an agreement with their university with these conditions. Languages required: Spanish and English. The company History comes to life with vibrant modern energy at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid. In the very heart of the capital – within walking distance of all the key attractions – seven historical buildings have been transformed into one dynamic destination. With rooftop dining by Spanish celebrity chef Dani García, a four-level spa and a sun-splashed pool terrace, Four Seasons is bringing a new level of luxury and service to Madrid.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Respond promptly to requests from guests and other departments. Identify and report preventative or other maintenance issues in public areas or guest rooms. Post caution signs. Contact other departments directly for urgent repairs. Deliver guest requests and set up furniture items in guest rooms as requested. Remove items from hallways and transport to service areas, including debris, room service food and beverage trays, unread newspapers, soiled linens, and trash placed near Housekeeper carts. Clean, maintain, and store cleaning equipment. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report any maintenance problems, safety hazards, accidents, or injuries; complete safety training and certifications; properly store flammable materials. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional; maintain confidentiality of proprietary information. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards; anticipate and address guests’ service needs; assist individuals with disabilities; thank guests with genuine appreciation. Speak with others using clear and professional language. Support team to reach common goals. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Move, lift, carry, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 55 pounds without assistance and in excess of 55 pounds with assistance. Ability to push and pull a loaded a housekeeping cart and other work-related machinery over sloping and uneven surfaces. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Visually inspect tools, equipment, or machines (e.g., to identify defects). Grasp, turn, and manipulate objects of varying size and weight, requiring fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Move through narrow, confined, or elevated spaces. Move up and down a ladder. Stand, sit, kneel, or walk for an extended period across an entire work shift. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Education: No high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: No related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Respond promptly to requests from guests and other departments. Fill cart with supplies and transport cart to assigned area. Enter guest rooms following procedures for gaining access and ensuring vacancy before entering. Replace guest amenities and supplies in rooms. Replace dirty linens and terry with clean items. Make beds and fold terry. Clean bathrooms. Remove trash, dirty linen, and room service items. Check that all appliances are present in the room and in working order. Straighten desk items, furniture, and appliances. Dust, polish, and remove marks from walls and furnishings. Vacuum carpets and performs floor care duties (e.g., in guest rooms and hallway). Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report any maintenance problems, safety hazards, accidents, or injuries; complete safety training and certifications; properly store flammable materials. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional; maintain confidentiality of proprietary information. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards; anticipate and address guests’ service needs; assist individuals with disabilities; thank guests with genuine appreciation. Speak with others using clear and professional language. Support team to reach common goals. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Move, lift, carry, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 25 pounds without assistance and in excess of 25 pounds with assistance. Ability to push and pull a loaded housekeeping cart and other work-related equipment over sloping and uneven surfaces. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Stand, sit, kneel, or walk for an extended period across an entire work shift. Grasp, turn, and manipulate objects of varying size and weight, requiring fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATION Education: No high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: No related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: Housekeeping About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
About the job Hotel Brand: Six Senses Location: Spain, Ibiza Hotel: Ibiza (IBZSS), Cami Sa Torre 71, Portinatx, 07810 Job number: 136058 As Director of Rooms, I will fully comprehend the vision of Six Senses to help people reconnect with themselves, others and the world around them and our values of local sensitivity and global sensibility, crafted experiences, emotional hospitality, responsible and caring, fun and quirky and pioneering wellness. Sustainability, Wellness and Out of the Ordinary experiences are at the core of everything we do at Six Senses. I will safeguard these pillars and its strategic planning and development and ensure all directives, practices and initiatives are implemented, embraced, adopted within the resort. Duties and Responsibilities As Director of Rooms, I will assume full responsibility for the efficient operation of the Rooms department to provide exceptional products and services within brand operating standards. The duties and responsibilities will include: Continually focus on the rejuvenation of rooms experience by keeping abreast of industry trends and practices and updating knowledge and skills to improve the product and service offering. Instill a cost-focused philosophy through training and education. Lead a team of engaged and experienced managers within the departments (Front of House and Housekeeping) who each manage their own teams on a daily basis to provide the Six Senses exceptional standards of operation and service. Establish and deliver pre-established financial returns related to revenue generation, profitability and ROIC. Operate the property consistent with all legal, statutory and financial requirements and documentation, reporting systems, contractual obligations, security and safety protocols, communications, product and service standards, host management practices and budgetary controls are implemented, reviewed and maintained to ensure the successful operation of the hotel. Implement, review and maintain documentation, reporting systems, contractual obligations, security and safety protocols, communications, product and service standards. A high standard of personal appearance, grooming and hygiene, plus comprehensive knowledge of safety, security and emergency procedures will be maintained by myself and all hosts in line with brand and statutory requirements. Ensure that interaction and communications between departments within the property are clear and effectively maintained to support the smooth running of the property. Ensure that all activities within my department are carried out ethically, honestly and within the parameters of local law. Revise and control that my department’s budget is strictly adhered to and all costs will be continually monitored and controlled to drive profitability, while taking into consideration the preservation of required standards with every decision made. Prepare and submit legally required and confidential documentation related to my department. Attend or conduct the designated meetings and briefings as instructed by the General Manager with a two-way flow of pertinent information and communications. Perform any additional duties given to me by the General Manager. Qualifications To execute the position of Director of Rooms, I must have the required qualifications, technical skills and experience in a similar role in luxury hotels with proven results and includes the following: Possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality or Hotel Management or Business Administration or equivalent and four years guest service/hotel experience with two years in a management capacity, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. More than five years’ experience in a similar hotel operational role, preferred. Fluent in English; I understand that Spanish is preferred. All candidates must hold the right to work in the EU. The above is intended to provide an overview of the role and responsibilities for an Director of Rooms at Six Senses Ibiza. It is not and does not infer that the above is an inclusive and/or exhaustive list of the duties and responsibilities inherent in the position. Six Senses Ibiza is an equal opportunity employer. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment. Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today. Department: Account Management About you Language required: Spanish. The company Six Senses Ibiza showcases the best in music, art, sustainable fashion, pioneering wellness and culinary exploration, and perfectly captures the authentic island experience of community, spirituality and celebration. Six Senses Ibiza is located on the crystalline Xarraca Bay at the island’s northern tip. Nestled on the magical Xarraca Bay with unobstructed sunset views, Six Senses Ibiza is located just 35 minutes from the airport, and is the first sustainable BREEAM certified resort & residential community in the Balearics. With 116 guest accommodations set across a 20-acre site, including a series of villas and unique beachfront cave suites, the resort’s vision perfectly captures the authentic Ibiza experience of community, spirituality and celebration. Curated experiences will showcase the best in music, art, sustainable fashion, pioneering wellness, culinary exploration and authentic island culture. Four restaurants will serve the freshest organic produce right from our own farm, created under the masterful eye of celebrated chef Eyal Shani, and a signature Six Senses Spa heralds a new wellness benchmark for Ibiza.
About the job We are looking for a talented and passionate cooks to join our kitchen teams at our hotels throughout Spain. In this role, you will be responsible for preparing and cooking delicious meals for our guests, ensuring high-quality standards, consistency, and contributing to their holiday memories. Number of positions: 6 Accommodation available if required Department: F&B kitchen About you - Proven experience as a Cook or in a similar kitchen position. - Strong knowledge of food safety and hygiene standards. - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks simultaneously. - Strong communication and teamwork skills. - Flexibility to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. - Passion for cooking and delivering high-quality food experiences. Language required: Spanish. The company ALEGRIA Hotels is a leading hospitality group known for providing exceptional experiences and high-quality service in prime locations throughout Spain. Our portfolio includes a range of upscale properties, from beachfront resorts to city-center hotels, each offering a unique blend of comfort, style, and innovation. At ALEGRIA Hotels, we are committed to delivering unforgettable stays for our guests, with a focus on sustainability, personalized service, and fostering a warm and welcoming environment. As part of our team, you will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic, supportive environment where your professional growth is encouraged. We offer diverse career opportunities in hospitality, from guest services to management, all aimed at cultivating talent and providing hands-on experience in the industry. Join us and be a part of a company that values creativity, excellence, and teamwork.
About the job Si quieres empezar a formarte en el mundo hotelero, esta es tu oportunidad! Seleccionamos estudiante de TURISMO / HOSTELERIA para realizar prácticas en la recepción de nuestros hoteles de la ciudad de BARCELONA en turno de tarde. La fecha de inicio es flexible, según disponibilidad de los candidatos El objetivo es dar soporte a toda el área de Recepción para realizar de manera cualificada, con iniciativa y responsabilidad, la recepción de los clientes y todas las tareas relacionadas con ello. Las principales tareas a desarrollar son las siguientes: • Check-in/Check-out. • Control y lectura de las llaves de las habitaciones. • Alquiler de cajas de seguridad. • Gestión de incidencias, pero no resolución. • Gestión de equipajes. • Cambios de habitaciones. • Gestión de llamadas a centralita. REQUISITOS: • Estar estudiando el grado en Turismo o similares. • Poder firmar un convenio con la entidad educativa. • Inglés medio alto + Otros idiomas valorables. • Orientación al cliente y ganas de aprender. OFRECEMOS • Prácticas remuneradas. • Jornada parcial de tardes. • Posibilidad de formar parte de una empresa en plena expansión. Number of positions: 3 Remuneradas. NO manutención posibilidad de incorporarse en la empresa una vez finalizadas las prácticas TURNOS MAÑANA /TARDE en función de la disponibilidad del estudiante Department: Reception About you Ser estudiante de turismo/hostelería o similar poder firmar un convenio de practicas y ganas de aprender Languages required: Spanish and English. The company Catalonia Hotels & Resorts is a family chain of hotels that has not stopped growing since it began. The company made the move from the real estate sector to the hotel industry in the 1980s, and is now one of the leading chains in the urban segment in our country (leader in Barcelona). The chain currently has 72 establishments. 55 in Spain, 1 in Brussels, 1 in Berlin, 1 in Porto, 1 in Amsterdam and 12 resorts in the Caribbean (6 in the Dominican Republic and 6 in Mexico) and one urban hotel in Santo Domingo. With more than 8,000 rooms, Catalonia Hotels & Resorts has always implemented a policy for growth based on discretion and caution and the company has developed gradually and positively. Here, special mention must be made of the fact that the establishments are owned by the chain, with only 3 hotels under long-term lease. The chain opens hotels where it discovers a need that has not been met and where it can find the appropriate space and building for installing the hotel in compliance with its quality assurance standards. The corporate structure of the hotel chain is based on the principle of quality in service management, with its own, distinguished style. The company's philosophy is based on offering an excellent price-quality ratio in services, in accordance with strict criteria of professionalism. Service quality and comfort are guaranteed at every hotel.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Complete closing duties, including storing all reusable goods, breaking down goods, cleaning all equipment and areas, returning equipment to proper locations, locking refrigerators, restocking items, turning off lights, locking doors, and completing daily cleaning checklist. Set up, stock, and maintain work areas. Inspect the cleanliness and presentation of all china, glass, and silver prior to use. Maintain cleanliness of work areas throughout the day, practicing clean-as-you-go procedures. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; and complete safety training and certifications. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional, maintain confidentiality of proprietary information, and protect company assets. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards. Speak with others using clear and professional language, and answer telephones using appropriate etiquette. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others, support team to reach common goals, and listen and respond appropriately to the concerns of other employees. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Read and visually verify information in a variety of formats (e.g., small print). Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time or for an entire work shift. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 50 pounds without assistance. Grasp, turn, and manipulate objects of varying size and weight, requiring fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Move over sloping, uneven, or slippery surfaces as well as up and down stairs and/or service ramps. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: No related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen F&B service About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
About the job Company Description Join Torre del Visco, a distinguished Relais & Châteaux property set in the stunning landscape of Matarranya, known as the 'Tuscany of Spain.' With over 30 years of gastronomic excellence, we are the leaders in the region. Our restaurant is proud to be recognized with a Green Michelin Star.. Our uniqueness lies in our own organic farm, where the produce directly influences our seasonal menus. We are looking for an Assistant Maitre eager to develop their career in an environment where tradition, innovation, sustainability and creativity are key. Job Description - Ensure a memorable experience for every guest through efficient and personalized service - proudly representing our unique gastronomic concept. - Assist in all sommelier functions ´ Oversee staff schedules and performance, maintaining high standards of service and professionalism. Qualifications • Passion for sustainable and ethical gastronomy and the art of service. • Positive and professional attitude, with a strong focus on detail and guest satisfaction • Ability to learn, adapt, and face new challenges with enthusiasm. • Desire to contribute innovative ideas for the continuous improvement of the restaurant. • Minimum commitment of 2 years to the position, ensuring a long-term investment in your professional development and the success of the team. Language skills: Spanish and English Driving license Pleasure in nature and living in a peaceful rural environment with quality of life Additional Information Competitive salary and an interesting package of extra benefits including the possibility of accomodation Department: F&B service The company La Torre del Visco, el único Relais & Châteaux en Aragón, lleva más de 30 años desarrollando su proyecto integral de finca ecológica de 90 hectáreas con 2.000 olivos, gran huerto, que provee su restaurante gastronómico El Visco con aceite AOVE, verduras, frutas y hierbas, verdadera Km 0. El boutique hotel con sus 16 habitaciones, atrae cliente de todo el mundo a este lugar recondita, una valle escondida de gran belleza que inspira paz y tranquilidad.
Actualmente, buscamos a un/a profesional como tú: Operario/a de Artes Gráficas con experiencia en barnizado, para incorporarse a una destacada empresa ubicada en Sant Quirze del Vallès. Responsabilidades: -Operación de equipos de barnizado: manejo preciso y seguro de máquinas de barnizado, asegurando la calidad y uniformidad en el acabado de impresiones. -Control de calidad: revisión y ajuste de las aplicaciones de barniz para obtener un acabado superior. -Mantenimiento básico de maquinaria: limpieza y ajuste de equipos para garantizar un funcionamiento óptimo. -Colaboración en procesos de producción: apoyo en diferentes etapas de impresión y acabado según las necesidades del equipo. Requisitos: -Experiencia previa en barnizado en el sector de artes gráficas. -Conocimiento en técnicas de barnizado y manejo de maquinaria específica. -Capacidad para trabajar con precisión y mantener altos estándares de calidad. -Disponibilidad para incorporación inmediata. ¿Qué te ofrecemos? -Contrato temporal a través de ETT, con posibilidades de continuidad según el desempeño. -Jornada laboral a tiempo completo, al principio sería de 7 a 15.00h. más adelante serían turnos rotativos de 6 a 14h y de 14 a 22h -Salario competitivo, acorde al convenio del sector, con todas las condiciones incluidas. -Buen ambiente laboral. ¿Estás listo/a para dar el siguiente paso en tu carrera en artes gráficas? ¡Aplica hoy y forma parte de un equipo comprometido con la excelencia!
About the job We are looking for a proactive Administrative to join our Finance & Administration team. You will work closely with the Manager of Financial Controlling and team members to ensure the seamless execution of administrative tasks and continuous improvement of operational processes. Responsabilities: - Analyze figures from various systems and create reports for the Manager of Financial Controlling, including gather essential financial data - Support finance-related projects, particularly on process improvements and system implementations - Provide support on daily accounting tasks such as daily closures, bank transactions, debtors and creditors management, and month-end closings - Provide administrative support to internal and external stakeholders in financial matters - Assist in all areas of administration, including handling invoices, billing, provider management, accounting, and taxes (primarily during holiday coverage) - Assist in ensuring the company complies with group financial standards and supports internal compliance efforts - Maintain organized records of administrative projects, systems updates, and processes improvements Working with us comes with excellent benefits, including the opportunity to enjoy an active lifestyle with discounts on all resort amenities and activities, promoting a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, if you’re relocating from outside Spain, you’ll receive personalized support in handling the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition for your employment. Department: Administration Finance & Accounting About you - Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, or related field - Minimum 2 years of experience in an administrative role, ideally within finance (accounting / controlling) - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and knowledgeable in financial/accounting software - Ideally experience with PMS (Opera), Dynamics, and other relevant systems - A structured and analytical approach to projects and administrative tasks - Excellent communication skills in English and Spanish (bilingual proficiency desirable) - Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines - Detail-oriented, with excellent time management and problem-solving skills - Hospitality sector experience is highly desirable Language required: Spanish. English is a plus The company DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts constitutes the hotel company of the DERTOUR Group. It consists of five distinct hotel brands: Sentido, Aldiana, Playitas, ananea, Calimera and COOEE. Are you passionate about hospitality and eager to dive into the vibrant world of resorts and clubs? We are looking forward to welcoming you on board for internships or career openings. Discover our extraordinary team spirit, learn and grow through the guidance of experienced professionals and get exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking. Together we will turn the holiday dreams of our guests into unforgettable experiences. Join our #TrustedTravelTeam
We’re excited to announce that we’re looking for a talented Cocinero (cook) with a good experience to join our fun, transparent, and collaborative team in our new restaurant management in Torrevieja. Do not hesitate to Contact us and arrange a job meeting.
About the job Desde CATALONIA HOTELS & RESORTS precisamos incorporar un/a COCINERO/A para trabajar en nuestro hotel ORO NEGRO, ubicado en Arona (Tenerife). TAREAS PRINCIPALES: · Colaboración con el equipo de cocina en los procesos de recepción de materias primas, almacenaje, descongelación, control de temperaturas, manipulación y limpieza y desinfección. · Realización de las tareas pautadas de elaboración y presentación de platos. · Realización de las limpiezas periódicas establecidas en el plan elaborado. · Manipulación de alimentos en cumplimiento de la normativa vigente. · Revisar y controlar el material de uso en la cocina, comunicando cualquier incidencia al respecto. · Colaborar en la ejecución de menús y cartas · Controlar y cuidar de la conservación y aprovechamiento de los productos puestos a su disposición. REQUISITOS: · Experiencia previa en cocina. · Proactividad, dinamismo. · Actitud positiva, trabajo en equipo, Iniciativa, orientación a resultados. SE OFRECE · Contrato de 40h semanales. · Salario competitivo. · Incorporación inmediata. · Posibilidad de crecimiento en una empresa en plena expansión. Number of positions: 2 Department: F&B kitchen The company Catalonia Hotels & Resorts is a family chain of hotels that has not stopped growing since it began. The company made the move from the real estate sector to the hotel industry in the 1980s, and is now one of the leading chains in the urban segment in our country (leader in Barcelona). The chain currently has 72 establishments. 55 in Spain, 1 in Brussels, 1 in Berlin, 1 in Porto, 1 in Amsterdam and 12 resorts in the Caribbean (6 in the Dominican Republic and 6 in Mexico) and one urban hotel in Santo Domingo. With more than 8,000 rooms, Catalonia Hotels & Resorts has always implemented a policy for growth based on discretion and caution and the company has developed gradually and positively. Here, special mention must be made of the fact that the establishments are owned by the chain, with only 3 hotels under long-term lease. The chain opens hotels where it discovers a need that has not been met and where it can find the appropriate space and building for installing the hotel in compliance with its quality assurance standards. The corporate structure of the hotel chain is based on the principle of quality in service management, with its own, distinguished style. The company's philosophy is based on offering an excellent price-quality ratio in services, in accordance with strict criteria of professionalism. Service quality and comfort are guaranteed at every hotel.
Desde Gi Group, la firma de servicios de trabajo temporal y permanent placement de Gi Group Holding, multinacional italiana líder en soluciones de Recursos Humanos, estamos convencidos de que podemos ayudarte a encontrar tu trabajo ideal. Es sencillo, cuidamos de ti y nos preocupamos por potenciar tu carrera profesional. Actualmente, desde la delegación de VALLADOLID nos encontramos en busca de UN/A RECEPCIONISTA para HOTEL SITUADO EN CIUDAD RODRIGO, SALAMANCA. Te contamos los principales requerimientos y otras habilidades de la posición: FUNCIONES: -Realiza trabajos de atención a los clientes del hotel presencial y telefónicamente. -Satisface, siguiendo las normas de calidad del establecimiento, las necesidades del cliente en cuanto a reservas, asistencia e información, atendiendo las comunicaciones, realizando para ello funciones administrativas, de facturación y comerciales. REQUISITOS: - Disponibilidad horaria de lunes a domingo principalmente en turno de tarde. -DISPONIBILIDAD INMEDIATA. - Valorable experiencia en atención al público. - Disponibilidad para días puntuales (normalmente un día del fin de semana). Y por nuestra parte, ¿qué podemos ofrecerte? Contrato fijo discontinuo para días sueltos. Suele ser contrato a jornada completa en turno de tarde de 15 a 23 horas. Salario por convenio 9,69 € brutos/ hora trabajada. Y bien, ¿estás preparad@? Una oportunidad laboral de calidad y un trato personalizado y cercano te están esperando. ¡Inscríbete a la oferta y únete al equipo Gi Group! Te estamos esperando porque #NuestroCompromisoEresTú. En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales, le informamos de que sus datos personales forman parte de un fichero propiedad de Gi Group Spain ETT S.L.U. y son tratados con la única finalidad de mantener la relación adquirida con usted. Puede ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición dirigiéndose por escrito a Paseo de la Castellana, 89, 5º Planta, 28046, Madrid.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Prepare ingredients for cooking, including portioning, chopping, and storing food. Wash and peel fresh fruits and vegetables. Weigh, measure, and mix ingredients. Prepare and cook food according to recipes, quality standards, presentation standards, and food preparation checklist. Prepare cold foods. Operate ovens, stoves, grills, microwaves, and fryers. Test foods to determine if they have been cooked sufficiently. Monitor food quality while preparing food. Set-up and break down work station. Serve food in proper portions onto proper receptacles. Wash and disinfect kitchen area, tables, tools, knives, and equipment. Check and ensure the correctness of the temperature of appliances and food. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report maintenance needs, accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; complete safety training and certifications. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional; maintain confidentiality of proprietary information; protect company assets. Speak with others using clear and professional language. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others; support team to reach common goals; listen and respond appropriately to the concerns of other employees. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time or for an entire work shift. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 25 pounds without assistance. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATION Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: At least 1 year of related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
TE GUSTARÍA TRABAJAR EN ¡BANAGHER! HORARIO DE TARDE - NOCHE De cara a la nueva apertura, buscamos personal. Tenemos puestos de trabajos disponibles con incorporación inmediata, se busca camarero/a con experiencia en el sector, se valora: manejo de bandeja conocimientos en cachimbas
About the job Funciones ¿Quieres desarrollar tu carrera laboral en el área de Recepción? ¿Te apasiona el mundo de los hoteles y quieres formar parte de Sercotel Hotel Group? Ven a ser parte de nuestro gran equipo de trabajo, en la posición de Recepcionista en nuestro Hotel Sercotel Ayala. Tus principales retos serán: - Acoger y recibir a los huéspedes, atendiendo sus necesidades durante toda su estancia en el hotel y facilitándoles información sobre todos los servicios que ofrece el hotel. - Dar soporte en la coordinación de acciones con todos los departamentos, con el fin de ofrecer un servicio de calidad y experiencia que impulse hacia la fidelización de nuestro cliente y la reputación de la marca. - Controlar las entradas y salidas del hotel. - Gestionar las nuevas reservas. - Estar informado de las actividades, novedades, etc., que se produzcan en el hotel y entorno, con la finalidad de garantizar la gestión de la información interna y hacia el cliente. - Contestar los e-mails que lleguen durante el turno de trabajo. - Realizar el cuadre de caja. - Informes de producción para dirección. - Atención telefónica. - Participar, velar y asegurar, según las responsabilidades y funciones de su puesto de trabajo, el cumplimiento del Sistema de Compliance Penal Requisitos ¿Qué necesitas para aplicar? - Haber cursado el grado en Turismo o estudios afines. - Imprescindible nivel avanzado de inglés (se valorará de manera positiva el dominio de francés o alemán). - Experiencia mínima de 2 años en hoteles como Recepcionista. (Preferiblemente en hoteles de 3/4 estrellas) - Conocimiento en programas de gestión hotelera, preferiblemente Opera. - Alta orientación al cliente y vocación por su trabajo. - Persona con iniciativa, dinámica, polivalente y con muchas ganas de aprender Se ofrece ¿Qué ofrecemos? - Contrato de interinidad a jornada completa (40hs/semana). - Turnos rotativos de mañana/tarde/noche. - Salario según convenio - Buen clima laboral e incorporación a un gran equipo de trabajo dinámico y profesional. - Posibilidad de aplicar retribución flexible y disfrutar del Club Benefits Sercotel - Descuentos Family & friends en hoteles Sercotel En Sercotel promovemos la equidad: sin sesgos de género. igualdad de oportunidades y liderazgo equitativo para todos Department: Reception About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Sercotel is a leading hotel company with urban facilities in destinations all over Spain. Here, we want our guests to forget about the little things of everyday life when they stay at our hotels, so that they can focus on getting the best out of themselves. We have hotels of 3 and 4 stars, and flats, in first class cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia, San Sebastián or Gran Canaria. Each in excellent locations so that guests can enjoy all that a city has to offer. We accompany them in everything they need to make travel an opportunity to explore, discover and have fun, whether with family, friends, as a couple or on their own. Also, for business travellers, Sercotel is a great option. We have hotels with excellent locations close to the major trade fairs and financial areas, as well as the city's main points of interest. Thanks to their central locations, they also facilitate mobility, whether you are travelling by plane, high-speed train or private car. Our hotels have spaces to host conventions, meetings, congresses, conferences and training sessions of various types.