Education • 51-250 Employees
Hiring on JOB TODAY since October, 2024
An international education company with a presence in Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Malta, and Ireland, focused on language teaching and the development of linguistic immersion programs
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In International education we are currently hiring group leaders to accompany our Spanish groups in England, Malta and Ireland. We are looking for native or highly proficient English-speaking candidates who are dynamic, experienced in managing high school groups, and enjoy traveling. As our groups are mainly Spanish, good level of the language will also be considered. Destinations: Oxford Salisbury Southampton Bournemouth Torquay Eastbourne Hastings Brighton London Edinburgh Cambridge The job involves accompanying school groups from the arrival to the country to the departure. During the stay, candidates will be responsible for carrying out all the activities previously organized by the International Education team (transfers, accommodation, English lessons..). Additionally, they will take on the role of a tour guide, as they will be required to provide explanations during visits and excursions for the groups.
In International education we are currently hiring group leaders to accompany our Spanish groups in England, Malta and Ireland. We are looking for native or highly proficient English-speaking candidates who are dynamic, experienced in managing high school groups, and enjoy traveling. As our groups are mainly Spanish, good level of the language will also be considered. Destinations: Oxford Salisbury Southampton Bournemouth Torquay Eastbourne Hastings Brighton London Edinburgh Cambridge The job involves accompanying school groups from the arrival to the country to the departure. During the stay, candidates will be responsible for carrying out all the activities previously organized by the International Education team (transfers, accommodation, English lessons..). Additionally, they will take on the role of a tour guide, as they will be required to provide explanations during visits and excursions for the groups.
En Engranajes Ciencia nos dedicamos a realizar todo tipo de actividades educativas, culturales y de ocio y tiempo libre. Estamos interesados en la incorporación a nuestra plantilla de monitores/as de ocio y tiempo libre para la realización de actividades con niños y niñas: talleres educativos, cumpleaños, gymkhanas, etc. Las actividades se realizarían principalmente en Sevilla capital y provincia y, eventualmente, en otras provincias cercanas: Huelva, Cádiz, Córdoba,… Por lo que es imprescindible disponer de permiso de conducir y vehículo propio. Además, el/la monitor/a debe estar en posesión del certificado de delitos sexuales actualizado. Fecha de inicio prevista: Febrero de 2025 Horario: contrato fijo discontinuo a tiempo parcial Horas semanales: de 5 a 10 horas por semana Recomendable: experiencia como monitor/a de ocio y tiempo libre Buscamos: Personas dinámicas, activas y con muchas ganas de trabajar con niños/as ¿Crees que encajas con el perfil que buscamos? ¡Ven a formar parte de nuestro equipo!
En Educación Internacional, estamos seleccionando monitores dinámicos y responsables para acompañar y gestionar grupos de estudiantes españoles en sus programas de inmersión lingüística en Reino Unido. ¿Qué buscamos? • Nivel de inglés mínimo B2. • Experiencia o habilidades en la gestión de grupos, especialmente adolescentes. • Gusto por viajar y trabajar en entornos multiculturales. • Disponibilidad para residir temporalmente en Reino Unido durante un período de 2 meses, con todos los gastos de estancia cubiertos por la empresa. ¿En qué consiste el trabajo? Supervisar las actividades y planificación de los programas, acompañar a los estudiantes durante visitas y excursiones, hacer de guía turístico, y actuar como enlace entre los estudiantes, las empresas colaboradoras y el equipo de Educación Internacional. Ofrecemos: • Alojamiento, manutención y transporte cubiertos por la empresa durante tu estancia en Reino Unido. • Una experiencia única en el extranjero, trabajando en un entorno educativo y enriquecedor.
We're looking for a young travel lover receptionist to cover the staff holidays before the high season starts.There is the possibility of joining the team permanently. **The hostel: Young backpackers environment, people all around the world. **The job: some young and friendly person, someone who enjoys being attentive to others and giving always the best experience to all our guests. And of course, that loves to speak in English ;) **How is the work week: it's 6 days of working and 2 days off which means that your days off are not going to be the same every week,this way everyone can have a free weekend. Example: you work from Monday till Saturday, so your days off will be Sunday and Monday, You will be back on Tuesday, so your last day will be Sunday, and your days off will be Monday and Tuesday, and so on. **The shift: 23:00 - 07:00 **What do you need: Fluent speaking in English and Spanish Being proactive at solving problems Internet and Microsoft Office pack knowledge Being oriented to guest attention Enjoying being in a backpacker environment NIE, Seguridad Social, and Spanish bank account If you think that you can fit in this description do not hesitate to apply!