Art, Media, Design jobs in Stamford, CTCreate job alerts

  • Visenta Studio
    2 months ago
    $16–$35 hourly
    South End, Stamford

    Initially the job will be as a photographer assistant for 2 shift (16$ per hour), however we are looking for people who are interested in working as photographers in the future (100-400$ per shift). Photographer gets commission from sales. Work days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The job itself involves taking pictures of people in restaurants, printing those pictures and selling them in frames. We also provide free trainings for a photographer. Our dress code is total black. Black shoes, black pants, black t-shirt. Friday usually from 5pm till 2 am Saturday and Sunday usually starts from 12 pm till midnight If you are interested we need to make a video call interview And I’m gonna to answer all of your questions! Thank you!

    Immediate start!
    No experience
    Easy apply