Trabajos market intelligence en Leicester

¿Eres empresa? Contrata market intelligence candidatos en Leicester

  • Lioness Marketing Ltd
    Brand Representative
    Brand Representative
    hace 1 mes
    £10000–£48000 anual
    Jornada completa

    **Looking for an exciting opportunity? ** We’re looking for motivated, driven individuals to join our team of self employed brand representatives! About us : We make part of the direct sales & marketing industry, representing multi-million pound brands on a face to face basis in order to increase customer acquisition. Uncapped performance based earnings. What we offer : We offer both a sales and business program, allowing our team members to develop sales skills, business skills and other valuable transferable skills (e.g. interpersonal, emotional intelligence, etc) Due to our fantastic business model, there’s also plenty of room for progression alongside travel opportunities. Our requirements : -18+ years -Full eligibility to work in the UK (no visa restrictions) -A drive for success!

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