Job Description:- Financial Empowerment.
Job Title:- Middlemen
Job Type:- Part Time
Weekly Payment:- $600
Required hours:- 12hours/weekly
Responsibilities:- Your task for the company will basically be on helping the supplier to keep record of materials he or she bought for the week. You will be getting paid every Friday of the week; we shall Email you a paycheck to cover your weekly payment and also includes money for you to pay the supplier so he or she can start working on materials that will be supplied. The supplier will only order for materials weekly between Mondays and Saturdays depending on the task he/she is to complete for that week. You are to carry out your own job task as assigned to you and this may require 2-hours in a day and twice in a week. No prior experience is necessary because we would give you instructions and guidelines on how to carry out your job task perfectly and effectively.