Personal Assistant - Contract to Hire

Online Jobs

10 hours ago265 views

A personal assistant is needed for running everyday life both personal and professional. Skills needed include facile work with microsoft excel, powerpoint, word, as well as google docs and sheets and forms. This person should also be able to work with canva and a bonus would be instragram and X.
I expect this assistant to be able to help with preparing for personal and professional appointments, assignment deadlines, and ability to do research online as needed for purchases or projects.
A personal assistant is needed for running everyday life both personal and professional
Skills needed include facile work with Microsoft excel, PowerPoint, word, as well as google docs and sheets and forms
This person should also be able to work with canva and a bonus would be instragram and X
I expect this assistant to be able to help with preparing for personal and professional appointments, assignment deadlines, and ability to do research online as needed for purchases or projects
You must also be a fast learner, while you're learning you'll be paid but it won't be as much as you get when you're done with the Training.
interview badgeInterviews tomorrow
Ken Adams avatar icon
Ken Adams from MassMutual’s is interviewing people like you for this position tomorrow! Let them know you are interested!
  • Experience
    Not required
  • Languages
    English – Intermediate
    Spanish – Intermediate
  • Employment
  • Salary
    $30 – $40 hourly
  • Benefits
    Fast learner will be compensated.
  • Starting time
    Immediate start!

pin icon250 West 34th Street, Manhattan, 10119, New York

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