$20–$25 por hora
Jornada completa
Forest Park, Queens
Our family is looking for a caring and reliable full time housekeeper, who will clean, cook, organize and also assist caring for our one-year-old baby girl.
Location: Forest Hills New York
Position Type: Full-time
Effective Date: 1 January 2025 or earlier
Payment - includes accommodation (1 bathroom + 1 bedroom private entrance new basement apartment with kitchen, all amenities plus internet included) plus $2,000 per month.
Key Responsibilities - Provide cleaning and organizing of the house, including cooking main meals - drop and pick up baby from day care/school and provide care for the 1 year old baby, including feeding, diapering, dressing, and bathing, when required. - Follow a consistent daily routine that includes naptime, meal times, and playtime. - take baby to classes and group activities - ensure the baby’s environment is safe and clean, including regular cleaning of toys and play areas. - Perform household tasks, such as preparing and cooking meals, cleaning dishes, cleaning bedroom and doing laundry - Maintain the house living areas in an organized and tidy manner. Qualifications and Skills - Previous experience in cleaning, cooking and organizing houses and caring for infants and toddlers is required. - Relevant certifications in First Aid and CPR. - a background check will be conducted. - Ability to remain calm under pressure and handle emergencies effectively. - Patience, pro-activity, resilience, flexibility, and a nurturing attitude.