Ophthalmology assistant jobs in New York, NYCreate job alerts

Are you a business? Hire ophthalmology assistant candidates in New York, NY

  • Robert Friedman, MD PC
    Staff Assistant
    Staff Assistant
    2 months ago
    $18–$20 hourly
    Manhattan, New York

    Ophthalmology Office Staff Responsibilities include: - Performing tests on patients (we will instruct you if you are not already familiar). These include: Optos, OCT, Visual Fields, IOL Measurements, Autorefraction - front desk responsibilities (including: answering phones, booking appointments, collecting charges, posting charges and payments, ordering contact lenses) - Maintaining electronic records - Booking and coordinating surgery Every member of the staff must be able to perform all office tasks. The office operates five days a week; average week is 36-40 hours.

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