Are you a business? Hire part time freelance candidates in New York, NY
looking for experienced freelancers for midweek at night and weekend events. and waitress whit experience to setup plates nicely & serve great opportunity for a side job! (profile required)
1. Very detailed in there work 2.2year's of experiance 3. Must show skilled knowledge about your craft 4.Great communication skills 5.Must have smooth camera techniques must be 23 or older
Center at West Park (165th 86th St.) is a cultural hub for films, arts and culture, rental spaces, and even pickleball! We have a beautiful pickelball court we rent out on the third floor of our building and are currently seeking experience pickleball instructors to teach our guests upon request. This is a freelance position -- we will make sure to give you a couple day's notice each time guests book an instructor to see if you are available!
Freelance financial person to complete business plan for medical tourism facility. Primarily remote work in concert with development team.