Ets una persona dinàmica, comunicativa i amb ganes de treballar en equip? Uneix-te al nostre equip d'informadors per campanyes! Realitzem campanyes informatives durant tot l'any sobre diverses temàtiques relacionades amb el medi ambient, societat i cultura a Barcelona: mobilitat sostenible, soroll i contaminació acústica, tinença responsable d'animals de companyia, conservació del medi natural... Aquesta és una oportunitat ideal per a: - Guanyar experiència en educació ambiental i comunicació. - Treballar a l'aire lliure i en contacte amb la gent. - Contribuir a un futur més sostenible. Requisits: - Experiència prèvia en tasques d'atenció al públic. - Flexibilitat horària per adaptar-se als horaris de cada campanya - Actitud positiva, proactiva i capacitat de treballar en equip. - Excel·lents habilitats de comunicació i interpersonals. Què oferim? - Contracte fixe-discontinu - Horaris i jornada en funció de la campanya - Possibilitat de desenvolupament professional dins de l'organització. - Un ambient de treball jove, dinàmic i col·laboratiu. Si estàs interessat/da en aquesta oferta, no dubtis en inscriure't. T'esperem!
Mozo/a Operario/a Con Ruta de la Empresa Zona Sur Madrid Desde Synergie ofrecemos soluciones globales de Recursos Humanos, acompañando a empresas y candidatos en su crecimiento. Ponemos a tu disposición ofertas de empleo tanto de trabajo temporal, como trabajos indefinidos, así como servicios de consultoría y formación. ¿Por qué confiar en SYNERGIE para encontrar tu próximo empleo? +Porque somos cercanos y ofrecemos un trato personalizado desde nuestras 46 oficinas distribuidas geográficamente en España. +Porque nos preocupamos por ti y, cuando termines un proyecto, te ayudaremos a encontrar el siguiente. +Porque hacemos nuestro trabajo con ilusión, compromiso y alegría. +Porque llevamos más de 50 años uniendo candidatos con empresas, por lo que con nosotros siempre encontrarás una amplia gama de ofertas de trabajo. +Porque estamos en el TOP 5 de las empresas de RRHH más importantes de Europa. +Porque nos avalan múltiples certificaciones como una empresa profesional y comprometida y operamos con altos estándares en el sector. +Porque somos globales: Synergie España forma parte del GRUPO SYNERGIE, con presencia en 17 países. +Porque la ética, la sostenibilidad y la inclusión forman parte de nuestra cultura. Seleccionamos a los candidatos, en independencia de su edad, género, raza y capacidades, por lo que nuestras ofertas engloban a todos los colectivos sin excepción. ¡No te autodescartes, queremos conocerte! Formar parte de una compañía líder en su sector, con excelente trayectoria de crecimiento, lo que significa muchas oportunidades para formarte y desarrollarte profesionalmente. Disposición de todo nuestro equipo de Synergie para realizar tu acogida y acompañamiento durante esta nueva experiencia profesional, donde prima un buen ambiente de trabajo. Trabajaras en la Polígono Industrial de Ontígola Contratación estable hasta finales de enero a través de ETT, con posibilidades de continuar en la compañía. *Se ofrece turno fijo de tarde 14:00-22:00 durante la campaña disponibilidad de lunes a domingo. Posterior disponibilidad a turnos rotativos mañana y tarde de lunes a domingo pasado el período de campaña. *Salario 9,45€ brutos/hora, mas plús de asistencia, plus nocturno y recargo de festivos y/o domingos. Las funciones principales que desempeñarán son: Empaquetado de productos textiles Preparación de pedidos con radiofrecuencia Ubicación y clasificación de mercancía Cargas y descargas ¡Accede con nosotros a un sector en plena expansión, fórmate y consigue experiencia en una de las principales empresas españolas del sector Logístico!
En Monio Group ¡seguimos creciendo! ¿Tiene experiencia en RRHH y administración de personal? ¡te estamos buscando! Buscamos una persona para que realice la organización y planificación de los recursos humanos, defina, implemente y supervise la estrategia global alineada con los objetivos de la empresa. La persona a incorporarse deberá tener un perfil autónomo y enfocado al negocio. Experiencia en restauración o gran consumo (con experiencia en sector hostelería). Reporte directo al Responsable de la compañía. Funciones: · Reclutamiento y selección: Gestionar la publicación de ofertas, la búsqueda de talento y el proceso de selección. Diseñar y ejecutar estrategias innovadoras de reclutamiento para atraer a los mejores profesionales, alineados con la cultura de innovación y servicio al cliente. Definición de perfiles, gestión de fuentes de reclutamiento, realización de entrevistas y on boarding. · Gestión administrativa y documental: Supervisar la gestión de nóminas, contratos laborales, bajas laborales, reducciones de jornada, control de fichajes y horas, así como la gestión del canal de denuncias y políticas como el Plan de Igualdad y el Código Ético. · Desarrollo y formación: Promover y coordinar programas de desarrollo profesional, incluyendo el diseño e implementación del Plan de Formación, con el objetivo de mejorar las competencias y el crecimiento interno. · Seguridad y prevención: Coordinar la implementación de políticas de prevención de riesgos laborales, incluyendo la gestión de la uniformidad y EPIs, formaciones obligatorias, y auditorías anuales. Asegurar el cumplimiento de las normativas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. · Mantenerse actualizado/a con las normativas laborales, asegurar que todos los procesos de administración de personal cumplan con la legislación laboral vigente y las políticas internas de la empresa. · Bienestar y clima laboral: Impulsar acciones orientadas al bienestar del personal, actuar como punto de contacto para los empleados en cuestiones relacionadas con la administración de personal, resolviendo inquietudes y fomentando una buena comunicación interna. · Proyectos de Mejora: Participar en proyectos de mejora continua relacionados con la eficiencia de la administración de personal y la satisfacción de los empleados. Requisitos: · Formación: Grado universitario en Relaciones Laborales y formación complementaria en RRHH (Máster en Dirección de RRHH). · Experiencia: Mínimo 5 años de experiencia en administración de personal, preferiblemente en entornos de gran tamaño o sector de Hostelería. · Conocimientos: Sólidos conocimientos de legislación laboral y gestión de recursos humanos. Manejo de sistemas de gestión de nóminas y recursos humanos. · Habilidades: Excelentes habilidades de comunicación, liderazgo y organización. Capacidad para trabajar bajo presión y gestionar múltiples tareas. · Sólida experiencia en análisis de datos y resolución de incidencias. Si estás interesado/a, inscríbete en la oferta y nos ponemos en contacto contigo.
Únete a nuestro equipo en Ikigai, ubicado en Calle Velázquez,136 En Ikigai fundimos tradiciones gastronómicas muy diferentes para crear platos nuevos e innovadores. Con este enfoque, mezclamos ingredientes, técnicas de cocina y presentaciones de muchas culturas, lo que resulta en una experiencia gastronómica única y diversa. Puesto: Camarero/a a Jornada Completa (40 horas semanales). Requisitos: - Experiencia mínima de 2 años como camarero/a en restaurantes. - Disponibilidad para trabajar en turnos rotativos, incluyendo fines de semana. Responsabilidades: - Atención al cliente - Conocimiento del menú - Servicio de mesa - Preparación de la sala - Cobro y facturación
Salsabachata tiene como objetivo difundir las ventajas físicas y psicosociales del aprendizaje y práctica de ritmos latinos a través de la impartición de clases de baile al público general, con especial foco en aquellos que son nuevos en este apasionante mundo. Valoramos a nuestros empleados y fomentamos una cultura de proactividad, comunicación efectiva y toma de decisiones, elementos clave para proporcionar a nuestros alumnos una experiencia de baile única y positiva. Descripción del puesto: Estamos buscando una recepcionista entusiasta y dedicada para ser la primera cara que nuestros clientes ven cuando entran a nuestra escuela. Las responsabilidades del puesto incluirán la atención al cliente, el manejo de pagos, mantener en óptimas condiciones las instalaciones de la escuela y ser un nexo comunicativo entre los alumnos, los profesores y la dirección. Requisitos: - Habilidades de comunicación y atención al cliente. - Capacidad para trabajar en equipo en un ambiente dinámico y rápido. - Conocimientos básicos de ofimática. - Nivel básico de inglés en conversación. Horario de Trabajo: - De lunes a sábado, de 17:15 a 23:15 (6 horas) - Una día a la semana por la mañana 4 horas (rotativo) Tipo de contrato: - Indefinido a jornada completa. Salario - 1245 euros netos al mes en 12 pagas.
SOCIAL MEDIA Como Social Media serás la persona encargada de mantener, mejorar y hacer crecer los diferentes canales de comunicación de los clientes. RESPONSABILIDADES Deberás generar diferentes informes semanales y monitorizar el éxito de cada campaña en curso, así como su actividad, dando soporte en la gestión de acciones de comunicación tanto online como offline, haciendo un seguimiento exhaustivo de los planes de comunicación, asegurando su alineación con la estrategia de los clientes . REQUISITOS: Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, Periodismo o Comunicación Audiovisual. Conocimiento de marketing digital y manejo de plataformas sociales a nivel profesional. Inglés B2. Experiencia de al menos dos años en puestos similares. Conocimiento de posicionamiento SEO/SEM. Se valorará el conocimiento de IA y Metricool FUNCIONES: Crear el contenido de los diferentes canales de Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin, TikTok), tratando de mejorar todos y cada uno de ellos cada día. Realizar el seguimiento, monitorización e informes de las diferentes campañas para la posterior toma de decisiones. Dar apoyo en la organización de eventos, internos y externos. Crear y fidelizar clientes a través de los diferentes canales digitales. Participar en el diseño de la estrategia de contenidos. Llevar a cabo estrategias e ideas que ayuden a mejorar el número de seguidores e influencers en las diferentes redes sociales. OFRECEMOS: Contrato inmediato siempre que se cumpla con la creatividad deseada en contenidos y gestión de redes. Estabilidad laboral en sector publicidad creativa Capacidad de desarrollo profesional con planes de formación SE VALORARÁ POSITIVAMENTE: Idiomas: inglés C1. Experiencia previa en Agencia de Publicidad Interés en la cultura Pop, Música, Ficción, Artes Escénicas, Redes Sociales Criterio estético y referencias variadas Conocimientos IA y Metricool Buscamos algo que nos una a generar ideas y ser creativos. ¿Cuáles serán tus principales responsabilidades? Gestionar las Redes Sociales Planificar y crear todos los contenidos para las Redes Sociales. Coordinar las estrategias de campañas Social Ads Monitorización y análisis (conocimiento de Facebook e Instagram Insights, Youtube Analytics, Metricool y otras herramientas) para presentar al cliente informes detallados de campañas, resultados mensuales, aprendizajes y recomendaciones para mejorar el rendimiento. Mantendrás contacto diario con los responsables de marketing y comunicación para informarles sobre los resultados de sus campañas y canales. ¿Qué habilidades y experiencia necesitas para el puesto? Mínimo 2-3 años de experiencia en gestión de Redes Sociales, creación de contenido y analítica. Experiencia previa en manejo de los perfiles de Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn y otras. Tener manejo de aplicaciones de diseño (Photoshop, premiere, canva…). Nociones de campañas de Social Ads en Facebook e Instagram. Inglés fluido, ya que trabajamos en entorno nacional e internacional. Excelentes habilidades de comunicación verbal y escrita. Buena organización de proyectos y capacidad de autogestión de tu tiempo. Si cumples con estos requisitos y estás interesado en formar parte de nuestro equipo, envía tu CV, carta de presentación y portafolio
Desde Centro Especial de Empleo Inneria seleccionamos manipuladores/as para trabajar en Yunquera de Henares. Ofrecemos: - Salario:1455€ brutos/mes+ plus transporte+ plus nocturnidad - Contrato INDEFINIDO - Jornada COMPLETA de 40 horas semanales con turnos rotativos mañana, tarde y noche de lunes a viernes con los descansos establecidos por ley. Funciones: - Manipulado de producto. - Embolsado y enfajado. - Paletizado de mercancía. Requisitos: - Disponer de certificado de discapacidad (igual o superior de 33%) - Imprescindible vehículo de propio - Experiencia mínima de 3 meses en el sector logístico - Disponibilidad de realizar turnos rotativos (mañana, tarde y noche) En Eurofirms Services creemos en el talento único de cada persona y sabemos que la diversidad aporta valor a los equipos, impulsando organizaciones más innovadoras, creativas y eficientes. Por eso, como parte de Eurofirms Group, y de acuerdo con nuestra cultura People first, trabajamos para generar entornos laborales inclusivos en los que cada individuo pueda crecer y desarrollar su mejor versión. Asimismo, buscamos actuar como agentes de cambio para promover la igualdad de oportunidades en nuestro entorno, fomentando el respeto y apostando por la diversidad en todas sus formas. Seas como seas y sientas como sientas, en Eurofirms Services tendrás un sitio para brillar.
Cocinero/a para Brunch – Turnos Seguidos ¡El primer Brunch de Barcelona aterriza en el Corte Inglés de Pozuelo! Si eres un cocinero/a apasionado y tienes buen ojo para los detalles ¡únete a nuestro equipo de Brunch & Cake! FUNCIONES: El/la cocinero/a reportará directamente al jefe/a de cocina: - Preparación de platos de Brunch, siguiendo nuestras recetas innovadoras y - los estándares de calidad. - Preparación de los alimentos y mise en place. - Trabajo en equipo para asegurar una experiencia gastronómica extraordinaria. - Soporte al responsable de cocina en el mantenimiento de stocks y en - asegurar un almacenaje adecuado. - Manutención de la limpieza, higiene y orden de los espacios de trabajo - (separación y reciclaje de residuos cuando corresponda). REQUISITOS: - Experiencia: mínimo 2 años de experiencia en puesto similar. - Permiso de trabajo y número de afiliación a la Seguridad Social. - Conocimiento de técnicas culinarias y habilidades de cocina. - Capacidad para trabajar bajo presión, en un entorno dinámico y rápido. - Excelentes habilidades de trabajo en equipo. ¿QUÉ OFRECEMOS? -Un ambiente de trabajo colaborativo y de apoyo, con una cultura empresarial que valora la innovación y la mejora continua: trabajamos con y para la gente. -Oportunidad de desarrollo y crecimiento profesional dentro de una empresa en continua expansión. -Contrato indefinido a jornada completa (40 horas). -Turnos seguidos de 08:00 a 22:30. -Salario 18.300 - 19.300 bruto/anual. ¿QUIENES SOMOS? Brunch & Cake es un restaurante conocido por ubicarse en lugares icónicos, ofrecer alimentos saludables utilizando ingredientes de calidad, recetas auténticas, productos orgánicos, todo servido en porciones generosas como las de la Abuela. Las abuelas representan comida deliciosa y amor incondicional: todos se sienten bienvenidos y cuidados. Aspiramos a dejar una experiencia única a cada uno de nuestros clientes. ¡In Grandmothers We Trust!
Buscamos ENCARGADOS/AS DE SALA Y COCINA para nuestros restaurantes en ALAQUAS que tengan ganas de crecer con nosotros, que estén motivados y que quieran formar parte de nuestros grandes equipos. Estamos inmersos en una ETAPA DE EXPANSIÓN, por ello buscamos nuevos/as empleados/as de Restauración Organizada y que, con energía e ilusión, se conviertan en embajadores/as de nuestra marca; haciendo mejorar la experiencia del cliente en nuestros restaurantes. ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? - Atención a cliente en sala - Cierre de local y cuadre de caja - Cocinado de productos - Reposición de mercancía - Control de stock - Compromiso y motivación para asumir nuevos retos profesionales - Disponibilidad horaria completa, incluyendo fines de semana ¿QUÉ OFRECEMOS? - Un equipo joven con buen ambiente laboral y con una cultura dinámica y activa. - Posibilidades reales de proyección profesional, al estar inmersos en un gran proyecto de expansión en el que podrás crecer profesionalmente si demuestras tu esfuerzo y compromiso. - Estabilidad profesional: Desde tu entrada en la compañía contarás con un contrato indefinido. - Formación Continua: Te formaremos desde el principio, solo serán necesarias tus ganas e implicación para llegar a lo más alto dentro de la compañía. - Podrás aportar ideas ¡Nos gustaría contar contigo para seguir CRECIENDO juntos! - Salario competitivo + incentivos **Si tienes experiencia como encargado/a de restaurante, te gusta el trabajo en equipo y te apasiona el mundo de la restauración organizada ¡QUEREMOS CONOCERTE!** Inscríbete a esta oferta para que podamos valorar tu candidatura. ¡¡Te esperamos!! 🍕🍕🍕
About the job Hotel Brand: Six Senses Location: Spain, Ibiza Hotel: Ibiza (IBZSS), Cami Sa Torre 71, Portinatx, 07810 Job number: 136058 As Director of Rooms, I will fully comprehend the vision of Six Senses to help people reconnect with themselves, others and the world around them and our values of local sensitivity and global sensibility, crafted experiences, emotional hospitality, responsible and caring, fun and quirky and pioneering wellness. Sustainability, Wellness and Out of the Ordinary experiences are at the core of everything we do at Six Senses. I will safeguard these pillars and its strategic planning and development and ensure all directives, practices and initiatives are implemented, embraced, adopted within the resort. Duties and Responsibilities As Director of Rooms, I will assume full responsibility for the efficient operation of the Rooms department to provide exceptional products and services within brand operating standards. The duties and responsibilities will include: Continually focus on the rejuvenation of rooms experience by keeping abreast of industry trends and practices and updating knowledge and skills to improve the product and service offering. Instill a cost-focused philosophy through training and education. Lead a team of engaged and experienced managers within the departments (Front of House and Housekeeping) who each manage their own teams on a daily basis to provide the Six Senses exceptional standards of operation and service. Establish and deliver pre-established financial returns related to revenue generation, profitability and ROIC. Operate the property consistent with all legal, statutory and financial requirements and documentation, reporting systems, contractual obligations, security and safety protocols, communications, product and service standards, host management practices and budgetary controls are implemented, reviewed and maintained to ensure the successful operation of the hotel. Implement, review and maintain documentation, reporting systems, contractual obligations, security and safety protocols, communications, product and service standards. A high standard of personal appearance, grooming and hygiene, plus comprehensive knowledge of safety, security and emergency procedures will be maintained by myself and all hosts in line with brand and statutory requirements. Ensure that interaction and communications between departments within the property are clear and effectively maintained to support the smooth running of the property. Ensure that all activities within my department are carried out ethically, honestly and within the parameters of local law. Revise and control that my department’s budget is strictly adhered to and all costs will be continually monitored and controlled to drive profitability, while taking into consideration the preservation of required standards with every decision made. Prepare and submit legally required and confidential documentation related to my department. Attend or conduct the designated meetings and briefings as instructed by the General Manager with a two-way flow of pertinent information and communications. Perform any additional duties given to me by the General Manager. Qualifications To execute the position of Director of Rooms, I must have the required qualifications, technical skills and experience in a similar role in luxury hotels with proven results and includes the following: Possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality or Hotel Management or Business Administration or equivalent and four years guest service/hotel experience with two years in a management capacity, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. More than five years’ experience in a similar hotel operational role, preferred. Fluent in English; I understand that Spanish is preferred. All candidates must hold the right to work in the EU. The above is intended to provide an overview of the role and responsibilities for an Director of Rooms at Six Senses Ibiza. It is not and does not infer that the above is an inclusive and/or exhaustive list of the duties and responsibilities inherent in the position. Six Senses Ibiza is an equal opportunity employer. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment. Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today. Department: Account Management About you Language required: Spanish. The company Six Senses Ibiza showcases the best in music, art, sustainable fashion, pioneering wellness and culinary exploration, and perfectly captures the authentic island experience of community, spirituality and celebration. Six Senses Ibiza is located on the crystalline Xarraca Bay at the island’s northern tip. Nestled on the magical Xarraca Bay with unobstructed sunset views, Six Senses Ibiza is located just 35 minutes from the airport, and is the first sustainable BREEAM certified resort & residential community in the Balearics. With 116 guest accommodations set across a 20-acre site, including a series of villas and unique beachfront cave suites, the resort’s vision perfectly captures the authentic Ibiza experience of community, spirituality and celebration. Curated experiences will showcase the best in music, art, sustainable fashion, pioneering wellness, culinary exploration and authentic island culture. Four restaurants will serve the freshest organic produce right from our own farm, created under the masterful eye of celebrated chef Eyal Shani, and a signature Six Senses Spa heralds a new wellness benchmark for Ibiza.
Necesitamos incorporar un responsable de mantenimiento para nuestra planta de fabricación de encimeras de porcelánico y que sirva de apoyo en ocasiones puntales al servicio técnico de Cooking Surface. Responsabilidades: Planificar, supervisar y coordinar las actividades de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo de maquinaría, equipos, edificio e instalaciones; elaborar calendarios y procesos de mantenimiento, coordinar los recursos necesarios y asegurarse de que se efectúen las tareas en los plazos establecidos Garantizar que equipos e instalaciones estén en óptimas condiciones de funcionamiento, minimizando las interrupciones en la producción y maximizando la eficiencia y seguridad en el lugar de trabajo Asegurar el cumplimiento de todas las normas y regulaciones de seguridad e higiene laboral. Implementar medidas de prevención de accidentes y promover una cultura de seguridad entre los miembros del equipo Elaborar, mantener registro actualizado y preciso de las actividades del departamento. Elaborar informes periódicos sobre el estado de los equipos incidencias y las actividades realizadas Establecer presupuestos para las actividades de mantenimiento y gestionar el gasto de manera eficiente Asegurar la disponibilidad de repuestos, herramientas y materiales necesarios y mantener un control del inventario preciso Analizar indicadores del desempeño (KPI´s) del Area de Mantenimiento Identificar oportunidades de mejora en los procesos de mantenimiento Dar soporte como servicio técnico del sistema de inducción invisible Cooking Surface, tanto en resolución de incidencias como puestas en marcha Requerimientos: Ingeniería técnica en Mecánica, Mantenimiento o similar Experiencia mínima de 3 años en puesto similar Experiencia en gestión de equipos, así como habilidad en liderar, motivar y promover un buen ambiente de trabajo Conocimiento paquete básico de Microsoft Office; Excel, Word Capacidad de comunicar eficaz y profesionalmente con diferentes partes; proveedores, empleados y supervisores Habilidades de organización y priorización de tareas Excelente habilidad para solucionar problemas y toma de decisiones Orientación a resultados y capacidad de trabajar bajo presión Utilización de herramientas de seguimiento y medición de objetivos Carnet de conducir en vigor para circular en España Aspectos que se valorarán positivamente: Se valora conocimientos en ERP Odoo. Disponibilidad para la realizar guardias presenciales o telefónicas en fines de semana y festivos, atendiendo a necesidades de fabricación Haber trabajado anteriormente en equipos de trabajo con diversidad cultural Qué se ofrece: Contrato a jornada completa de lunes a viernes Salario según valía y experiencia previa Formar parte de un proyecto innovador que ha cambiado la forma de vivir las cocinas
About the job Descripción de la empresa Mondrian & Hyde Ibiza Únete a nosotros para una oportunidad única de presentar dos marcas hoteleras de estilo de vida, cada una con su propio carácter, en la idílica playa de Cala Llonga, en Ibiza. Mondrian Ibiza es un paraíso elegante con 154 habitaciones y espacios públicos de diseño innovador, incluyendo una amplia terraza con vistas a la bahía. Hyde Ibiza es un paraíso para los amantes de la gastronomía, inspirado en festivales y exhibiciones de música y vida nocturna, con 401 habitaciones que destacan por sus texturas naturales y toques artesanales. Ambas propiedades contarán con 7 restaurantes y bares, que ofrecerán desde sushi premium hasta cocina balear con productos del mar a la mesa, todos con una programación intensa. Reportando al Director General, estos hoteles son operados por Ennismore, la empresa de hospitalidad lifestyle de mayor crecimiento, en colaboración con Grupo Azul Mar Cala Llonga, propiedad de Apollo. Descripción del empleo Lo que harás... El Director de Revenue es responsable de maximizar los ingresos por habitaciones y el beneficio asociado a los distintos segmentos de clientes: transitorios, grupos y contratos para el hotel. Recomendando y manteniendo precios, posicionamiento y la gestión del inventario a través de sistemas y las políticas y procedimientos establecidos por Ennismore. Desarrolla estrategias para aumentar los ingresos por habitaciones y en general para el resort; enfocándose en la rentabilidad con la mezcla óptima de canales y segmentos. Identifica oportunidades futuras y se comunica eficazmente con Ventas, Marketing y Comercio Electrónico. Es responsable de desarrollar el plan anual de ingresos por habitaciones y el Plan de Negocios junto con Ventas y Marketing, y de lograr los KPI establecidos. Mantiene los controles de rendimiento adecuados para maximizar los ingresos del hotel en todos los canales de distribución. Monitorea y evalúa las tendencias de demanda del mercado, asegurando que todas las tarifas estén cargadas y que el mantenimiento del inventario sea correcto en todos los sistemas (OPERA y otros relacionados). Garantiza la preparación y análisis precisos de informes de segmentación de mercado, informes de producción, análisis de contribución por fuente, informes diarios de pickup y resúmenes de ritmo. Coordina diversas actividades para mejorar aún más el potencial de ingresos. Lidera las reuniones semanales de gestión de ingresos. Refina las estrategias para aumentar el índice de RevPAR (RGI) y alcanzar los objetivos de presupuesto y previsión del hotel. Realiza auditorías para garantizar que la estrategia de ventas esté correctamente configurada en todos los canales. Motiva y desarrolla las habilidades del Revenue Manager/Analyst. Asegura que el equipo gestione eficazmente todos los canales de distribución (OTA’s,, GDS, IDS, CRO). Colabora con el departamento de Recepción para optimizar los upsells y los días de ocupación completa. Lidera el posicionamiento de precios y la distribución para todos los segmentos de mercado del hotel, con la participación del Director de RM de Área o Regional. Ofrece recomendaciones para mejorar la eficacia del proceso de gestión de ingresos. Requisitos Sobre ti: Experiencia de más de 2 años en puestos de liderazgo en gestión de ingresos de hoteles todo incluido. Conocimiento extenso en previsión, interpretación/análisis de resultados para la planificación y realización de análisis presupuestario. Conocimiento amplio de habilidades de ventas, gestión de ingresos, reclutamiento, supervisión, formación y motivación de gerentes. Capacidad demostrada para comprender los requisitos de los clientes y traducirlos en soluciones de ingresos. Capacidad para ser asertivo y persuasivo sin ser agresivo. Habilidad para evaluar rápidamente alternativas y decidir un plan de acción. Fuertes habilidades organizativas, incluyendo seguimiento, gestión del tiempo, capacidad para realizar múltiples tareas y gestionar varias prioridades en un entorno dinámico. Considerable habilidad en matemáticas y ecuaciones algebraicas. Capacidad para comunicarse eficazmente con todos los niveles de una organización. Título universitario de 4 años en una institución acreditada; se prefiere licenciatura en Gestión Hotelera, Administración de Empresas o disciplinas similares. Mínimo de 3 años de experiencia progresiva en gestión de ingresos en una propiedad de servicio completo, con un historial comprobado de obtener resultados líderes en el mercado y soluciones innovadoras. Debe poseer habilidades analíticas e interpersonales superiores; sólidos conocimientos en la disciplina de Gestión de Ingresos; profundo conocimiento de reservas, ventas y marketing, incluyendo la Red Global de Distribución; y conocimientos sobre estados financieros del hotel. Excelentes habilidades de redacción y presentación en inglés y español. Competencia en el uso de sistemas PMS, CRS y RMS de hoteles. Disponibilidad para viajar ocasionalmente a oficinas corporativas, otros hoteles o conferencias. Información adicional Lo que te ofrecemos: Paquete competitivo y muchas oportunidades de desarrollo. Trabajo 100% remoto, con visitas a Ibiza una vez al mes. Oportunidad de unirse a un grupo internacional innovador y de rápido crecimiento, comprometido con la creación de hoteles y el desarrollo de una marca global. La posibilidad de desafiar las normas y trabajar en un entorno creativo y gratificante. Formar parte de un equipo apasionado por crear grandes experiencias hoteleras y construir un portafolio de marcas. Almuerzo diario en el restaurante interno. Grandes descuentos en todos los hoteles Ennismore y descuentos especiales en numerosos negocios de la isla. Muchas oportunidades de crecimiento y cambios como parte de una familia global de marcas. Tiempo libre adicional para hacer voluntariado en una de nuestras asociaciones benéficas. Reuniones de equipo regulares, desde actividades de team-building hasta una gran fiesta de fin de temporada. ¡Trabajamos duro, pero sabemos divertirnos! Un calendario anual de eventos de diversidad e inclusión, que ofrecen oportunidades para aprender, celebrar y generar un impacto positivo. Department: Event The company Sleek & Sculptural Always at the heart of the most exciting cultural scenes in the world, Mondrian serves up innovation and creativity with it progressive forward thinking approach that plays with perspective and makes you dream, meaning both guests and locals alike can immerse themselves in the culture of each city it inhabits.
Cervezas Moritz (Grupo Agora), grupo cervecero fabricante y distribuidor con más de 160 años de historia, más de 1.000 profesionales, compañía familiar-sexta generación. Cultura cervecera, pasión y calidad (nuestros valores). Continuamos en plena fase de expansión de nuestro negocio de restauración, seleccionamos para nuestros locales. Cocinero/a. ¡Estamos buscando personas como tú! Necesitamos profesionales que vivan el mundo de la restauración, con dinamismo y ambición por desarrollarse en un entorno muy profesionalizado, en un Grupo en expansión. En estos momentos, estamos en búsqueda de ayudantes de cocina y cocinero/a . ¿Qué te podemos aportar? Incorporación a una Compañía líder, prestigiosa y muy introducida en la oferta gastronómica de Barcelona. Dirección Gastronómica con estrella Michelin. Motivador proyecto con posibilidades de desarrollo profesional. Plan de Acogida y formación continua en el puesto. Beneficios sociales (descuentos en productos para empleados) Contrato Indefinido. Jornada de 40h horas semanales. Incorpórate a una compañía líder, innovadora, prestigiosa, muy a la vanguardia en gastronomía catalana y en expansión, que te ofrece un motivador proyecto profesional, trabajo estable y posibilidades de desarrollo en un Grupo consolidado. Salarios según convenio.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for a Guest Experience Agent to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Guest Experience Manager, you will be responsible for providing a naturally friendly, helpful, and responsive, level of service to all our guests from arrival to departure. Greet and assist guests in a warm, courteous, and professional manner. Accommodate general and unique requests. Inform guests of the facilities and all the things to do in the hotel, including providing information on our restaurants and bars. Analyze customer feedback and reviews to continuously improve overall rating, scores and metrics. Handle guest complaints and inquiries promptly in a professional and empathetic manner, aiming for swift and satisfactory resolution, and striving to resolve issues to ensure guest satisfaction. Always know what events and activities are on schedule and maintain a deep understanding of the local area to provide guests with information and personalized recommendations for dining, activities and local attractions, tailored to their preferences. Manager all concierge functions, securing tickets for events, organizing tours, arranging transportation and keep up-to-date with the latest trends. Establish and maintain relationships with local service providers, restaurants, and attractions to ensure guests have access to exclusive experiences. Stay one step ahead of guests’ needs – record and act on their preferences, and handle their messages, requests, questions and concerns. Work closely with the Front Office, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage and other departments to communicate guest preferences and special requests. Maintain accurate records of guest preferences and past interactions to personalize future stays. Report any issues to the correct department and check to ensure the work has been completed. Proactively keep an eye on all our public area spaces, whether it’s spotting a pillow in the lobby that needs some fluffing or seeing a guest from afar that looks lost. Assist with training hotel staff on guest service best practices and VIP protocols. Maintain a positive and friendly attitude at all times, even when working to achieve solutions to challenges. Put guests at the center of everything, striving to provide an exceptional service. Qualifications What we are looking for... Minimum of 2 years of Front Office/Guest Relations experience, preferably in an upscale or lifestyle brand hotel. Previous experience with pre-opening of a hotel is a big plus. Someone who understands, celebrates and embraces the SLS brand values. Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment while maintaining attention to detail. Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker, with a high-level attention to detail and passion for hospitality. You are naturally a confident person who is able to approach people and initiate conversation. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. Ability to adjust services and approach based on changing guest needs and hotel dynamics. You make people feel good - your team, guests, and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Guest Relations The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
¿Quieres formar parte del team de La Tia Juana ? 🌮🇲🇽😍 Si eres un/a apasionado/a de la cultura mexicana y estás dispuesto/a a formar parte de una empresa en plena expansión, ¡Aplica ya! Estamos contratando equipo para nuestro restaurante en MÁLAGA! - AYUDANTE DE COCINA: Requisitos técnicos necesarios: Experiencia necesaria, mucha expresividad, espontaneidad y don de gentes, trato al público excelente y extrovertido. Carnet de manipulador de alimentos y documentación necesaria para trabajar en regla. Valorable experiencia en restaurantes similares/ franquicias de restauración. Residencia en Malaga o tener vehículo para desplazarse.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for a Banquets Supervisor to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the Guidance of the Banquets Assistant Manager responsible for supervising the team, ensuring the service is on point and solving any issue reported by the team. Provide warm, sincere and engaging service. Oversee the setup, execution, and breakdown of all conference and banqueting events, ensuring they run smoothly and efficiently. Ensure smooth, timely and efficient functioning of the Banqueting service. Ensure exceptional service and guest satisfaction, addressing any issues or complaints promptly and effectively. Ensures departmental adherence to, and awareness of Health & Safety standards Uphold the highest standard of internal and external customer service at all times. Ensure service is within the standards of SLS Barcelona. Work closely with other departments, such as housekeeping, kitchen, food and beverage, and front desk, to coordinate services and enhance the guest experience. Maintain high staff morale and team spirit within the department. Perform any and all other tasks as assigned. Qualifications What we are looking for... +2 years of experience in hospitality within food & beverage. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high-level attention to detail. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. You are an excellent relationship builder, confident in working with other teams and leaders; you’re passionate about what we can achieve together. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Event The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
¿Quieres formar parte del team de La Tia Juana ? 🌮🇲🇽😍 Si eres un/a apasionado/a de la cultura mexicana y estás dispuesto/a a formar parte de una empresa en plena expansión, ¡Aplica ya! Estamos contratando equipo para nuestro restaurante en MURCIA! · Ayudante de CAMARERO/A: Requisitos técnicos necesarios: Experiencia necesaria, mucha expresividad, espontaneidad y don de gentes, trato al público excelente y extrovertido. Carnet de manipulador de alimentos y documentación necesaria para trabajar en regla. Valorable experiencia en restaurantes similares/ franquicias de restauración. Residencia en Murcia o tener vehículo para desplazarse.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Communicate service needs to chefs and stewards throughout functions. Total charges for group functions, and prepare and present checks to group contacts for payment. Ensure banquet rooms, restaurants, and coffee breaks are ready for service. Ensure proper centerpieces are displayed on every table. Inspect the cleanliness and presentation of all china, glass, and silver prior to use. Check in with guests to ensure satisfaction. Set tables according to type of event and service standards. Communicate additional meal requirements, allergies, dietary needs, and special requests to the kitchen. Maintain cleanliness of work areas throughout the day. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; and complete safety training and certifications. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional, maintain confidentiality of proprietary information, and protect company assets. Welcome and acknowledge all guests according to company standards. Speak with others using clear and professional language, and answer telephones using appropriate etiquette. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others, support team to reach common goals, and listen and respond appropriately to the concerns of other employees. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 25 pounds without assistance. Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATION Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: At least 2 years of related work experience. Supervisory Experience: At least 1 year of supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen F&B service About you Language required: Spanish. The company Steal away to one of the premier hotels in Barcelona and discover a place on shores of the Mediterranean Sea, overlooking miles of beaches and the grand vista of Port Olimpic, where your every care will melt away. Renowned for its 24-hour personalized service, stunning 43rd-story spa and innovative dining, this hotel is a distinctive retreat in a one-of-a-kind city. The Hotel Arts in Barcelona dazzles guests with its striking, contemporary architecture and commanding location. A proud member of The Ritz-Carlton family, this award-winning hotel features: • 483 sea or city view rooms including 56 executive suites, one Arts suite, one Mediterranean Suite, 26 duplex Apartments, one Royal Suite and one Presidential Suite • Terraced gardens and outdoor swimming pool • Five restaurants offering a range of Mediterranean cuisine • A spectacular collection of Spanish contemporary art • Over 1,000 square meters of function space for meetings and special events
¿Quieres formar parte del team de La Tia Juana ? 🌮🇲🇽😍 Si eres un/a apasionado/a de la cultura mexicana y estás dispuesto/a a formar parte de una empresa en plena expansión, ¡Aplica ya! Estamos contratando equipo para nuestro restaurante en VALENCIA! · Ayudante de CAMARERO/A: Requisitos técnicos necesarios: Experiencia necesaria, mucha expresividad, espontaneidad y don de gentes, trato al público excelente y extrovertido. Carnet de manipulador de alimentos y documentación necesaria para trabajar en regla. Valorable experiencia en restaurantes similares/ franquicias de restauración. Residencia en Valencia o tener vehículo para desplazarse.
About the job POSITION SUMMARY Prepare ingredients for cooking, including portioning, chopping, and storing food. Wash and peel fresh fruits and vegetables. Weigh, measure, and mix ingredients. Prepare and cook food according to recipes, quality standards, presentation standards, and food preparation checklist. Prepare cold foods. Operate ovens, stoves, grills, microwaves, and fryers. Test foods to determine if they have been cooked sufficiently. Monitor food quality while preparing food. Set-up and break down work station. Serve food in proper portions onto proper receptacles. Wash and disinfect kitchen area, tables, tools, knives, and equipment. Check and ensure the correctness of the temperature of appliances and food. Follow all company and safety and security policies and procedures; report maintenance needs, accidents, injuries, and unsafe work conditions to manager; complete safety training and certifications. Ensure uniform and personal appearance are clean and professional; maintain confidentiality of proprietary information; protect company assets. Speak with others using clear and professional language. Develop and maintain positive working relationships with others; support team to reach common goals; listen and respond appropriately to the concerns of other employees. Ensure adherence to quality expectations and standards. Stand, sit, or walk for an extended period of time or for an entire work shift. Reach overhead and below the knees, including bending, twisting, pulling, and stooping. Move, lift, carry, push, pull, and place objects weighing less than or equal to 25 pounds without assistance. Perform other reasonable job duties as requested by Supervisors. PREFERRED QUALIFICATION Education: High school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Related Work Experience: At least 1 year of related work experience. Supervisory Experience: No supervisory experience. License or Certification: None Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer. We believe in hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive, people-first culture. We are committed to non-discrimination on any protected basis, such as disability and veteran status, or any other basis covered under applicable law. At more than 100 award-winning properties worldwide, The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen create experiences so exceptional that long after a guest stays with us, the experience stays with them. Attracting the world’s top hospitality professionals who curate lifelong memories, we believe that everyone succeeds when they are empowered to be creative, thoughtful and compassionate. Every day, we set the standard for rare and special luxury service the world over and pride ourselves on delivering excellence in the care and comfort of our guests. Your role will be to ensure that the “Gold Standards” of The Ritz-Carlton are delivered graciously and thoughtfully every day. The Gold Standards are the foundation of The Ritz-Carlton and are what guides us each day to be better than the next. It is this foundation and our belief that our culture drives success by which The Ritz Carlton has earned the reputation as a global brand leader in luxury hospitality. As part of our team, you will learn and exemplify the Gold Standards, such as our Employee Promise, Credo and our Service Values. And our promise to you is that we offer the chance to be proud of the work you do and who you work with. In joining The Ritz-Carlton, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: F&B kitchen About you Languages required: English and Spanish. The company Discover the Abama Golf & Spa Resort and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of this luxury resort’s idyllic Tenerife location in Spain. Surrounded by lush vegetation and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean, the Abama resort in Guía de Isora offers guests more hours of sunshine than any other part of Spain, as well as a breathtaking beach, a world-class spa and championship golf. In addition, this exceptional Tenerife Resort features the award-winning cuisine of legendary Chefs Martin Berasategui and Ricardo Sanz Featuring 469 hotel suites and villas, guests will enjoy a truly luxurious experience with pampering amenities and impeccable service. Our suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, golf course or our flourishing gardens and create a relaxing environment with plush bedding, oversized marble bathrooms, private terraces and high-end technology.
¿Quieres formar parte del team de La Tia Juana ? 🌮🇲🇽😍 Si eres un/a apasionado/a de la cultura mexicana y estás dispuesto/a a formar parte de una empresa en plena expansión, ¡Aplica ya! Estamos contratando equipo para nuestro restaurante en MÁLAGA! · Ayudante de COCINA: Requisitos técnicos necesarios: Experiencia necesaria, mucha expresividad, espontaneidad y don de gentes, trato al público excelente y extrovertido. Carnet de manipulador de alimentos y documentación necesaria para trabajar en regla. Valorable experiencia en restaurantes similares/ franquicias de restauración. Residencia en MÁLAGA o tener vehículo para desplazarse.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for an experienced Events & Catering Executive to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Director of Groups, Meetings & Event Sales, you will be responsible for coordinating and executing events, ensuring exceptional service and satisfaction for all our guests. Assist with on-site meetings as needed. Work closely with other hotel departments to facilitate services agreed upon by the sales office and prospective clients. Negotiate rates, space rental and/or hotel services within approved booking guidelines. Accurately produce and/or review all sales contracts, rate agreements, and/or banquet/catering event orders. Follow up with clients regularly during and after departure to ensure satisfaction and secure future bookings. Supervise the preparation, setup, and service of catering functions. Coordinate with the culinary team for the menus. Assist in managing event and catering budgets, monitoring expenses and ensuring cost-effectiveness. Conduct post-event evaluations to gather feedback from clients and staff. Qualifications What we are looking for... Degree in Hospitality Management, Event Management or related studies. +2 years of experience in luxury events or catering within the hospitality industry. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high level attention to detail Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. Innovative and insightful. You are an excellent relationship builder, confident in working with other teams and leaders; you’re passionate about what we can achieve together. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Event The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
En varios restaurantes de la región de ASTURIAS, valoramos profundamente la dedicación, el compromiso y la excelencia que caracterizan a la cultura asiática. Por eso, buscamos personas de origen asiático que quieran formar parte de un entorno de trabajo donde su talento y valores serán altamente apreciados. ** ¿Qué ofrecemos?** - Contratos estables y un ambiente laboral enriquecedor. - Condiciones económicas atractivas: 1.500 euros líquidos al mes. - Oportunidades para demostrar tu talento y contribuir con tu experiencia a la calidad de nuestras cocinas. ** ¿Qué buscamos?** - Personas responsables, apasionadas por la gastronomía y comprometidas con el trabajo en equipo. - No es imprescindible experiencia previa, pero sí valoramos las ganas de aprender y crecer profesionalmente. - Residir en Asturias o estar dispuesto/a a trasladarte. Creemos que el trabajo bien hecho nace de valores como el respeto, la dedicación y el esfuerzo, cualidades que sabemos reconocer y valorar en nuestro equipo.
About the job Restaurante Volta En el corazón de nuestro hotel de Barcelona se encuentra Volta, un animado restaurante de cocina abierta diseñado para reunir a huéspedes y lugareños por igual. Su nombre hace referencia a la forma arquitectónica de una curva, en homenaje a los famosos Porxos de Fontseré. Además, la palabra catalana «voltar» significa ir o pasear, un concepto que también inspira nuestra cocina. El menú, una aventura epicúrea por la costa mediterránea, es una celebración creativa de sabores vivos y diversos. Elaborados para compartir, los platos, sencillos pero deliciosos, se cocinan al fuego con ingredientes locales. Responsabilidades clave: • Preparar, cocinar, servir y almacenar los siguientes platos: Platos de carne y adobos de carne. Pescados, mariscos, carnes y salsas. • Técnicas de guarnición y métodos de servicio del pescado. • Pastelería, bollería y levadura. • Comida de buffet. Huevos, verduras, frutas, arroz y platos farináceos. • Platos de Aves y Caza. • Ideas para la comida familiar. Ideas para cambiar los menús. • Alto sentido de la limpieza y organización de la cocina. • Preparar Platos Regionales apropiados al menú del hotel, ubicación y tipo de huéspedes. • Proporcionar dirección al personal de Cocina, incluyendo a los Commis Chefs y a los Porteros de Cocina. • Comunicar al Jefe de Cocina cualquier dificultad, comentario de los huéspedes o clientes internos y otra información relevante. • Asistir y participar en las reuniones informativas diarias y otras reuniones programadas. • Preparar con antelación los alimentos, bebidas, material y equipos necesarios para el servicio. • Limpiar y reacomodar su área de trabajo. • Cumplir con las normas de aseo y uniformidad de la empresa. • Cumplir con las políticas de control de asistencia. • Participar activamente en los programas de formación y desarrollo y aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades de autodesarrollo. • Ser capaz de promocionar los productos y servicios del hotel. Requisitos: • Experiencia demostrada como Chef de Partie o en un puesto similar en un restaurante de alta gama o de gran afluencia. • Dominio del español e inglés. • Excelentes habilidades de comunicación e interpersonales. • Disponibilidad para trabajar en horario flexible, incluyendo mañanas, noches, fines de semana y festivos según sea necesario. Beneficios y condiciones: • Formación y desarrollo. • Descuentos para empleados en Miiro Hotels. • Comedor de empleados. • Uniformes y servicio de lavandería. • Contrato indefinido. • Turnos seguidos de 8h. Si te apasiona ofrecer un servicio excepcional y crear experiencias memorables, te invitamos a solicitar el puesto de Chef de Partie. Únete a nuestro equipo y contribuye a una cultura de trabajo que valora la excelencia, el respeto y el trabajo en equipo. Department: F&B kitchen The company Launching summer 2024, Borneta boasts 92 rooms, an atmospheric restaurant with an open-plan kitchen, and a cocktail bar. Its rooftop terrace offers the perfect vantage point for soaking up the sights of downtown Barcelona. Positioned in the charismatic old artisan quarter of El Born, Borneta invites you to discover the charms of the Ciutat Vella.
Buscamos ENCARGADOS/AS DE SALA Y COCINA para nuestros restaurantes en RUBÍ que tengan ganas de crecer con nosotros, que estén motivados y que quieran formar parte de nuestros grandes equipos. Estamos inmersos en una ETAPA DE EXPANSIÓN, por ello buscamos nuevos/as empleados/as de Restauración Organizada y que, con energía e ilusión, se conviertan en embajadores/as de nuestra marca; haciendo mejorar la experiencia del cliente en nuestros restaurantes. ¿QUÉ FUNCIONES REALIZARÁS? - Atención a cliente en sala - Cierre de local y cuadre de caja - Cocinado de productos - Reposición de mercancía - Control de stock - Compromiso y motivación para asumir nuevos retos profesionales - Disponibilidad horaria completa, incluyendo fines de semana ¿QUÉ OFRECEMOS? - Un equipo joven con buen ambiente laboral y con una cultura dinámica y activa. - Posibilidades reales de proyección profesional, al estar inmersos en un gran proyecto de expansión en el que podrás crecer profesionalmente si demuestras tu esfuerzo y compromiso. - Estabilidad profesional: Desde tu entrada en la compañía contarás con un contrato indefinido. - Formación Continua: Te formaremos desde el principio, solo serán necesarias tus ganas e implicación para llegar a lo más alto dentro de la compañía. - Podrás aportar ideas ¡Nos gustaría contar contigo para seguir CRECIENDO juntos! - Salario competitivo + incentivos Si tienes experiencia como encargado/a de restaurante, te gusta el trabajo en equipo y te apasiona el mundo de la restauración organizada ¡QUEREMOS CONOCERTE! Inscríbete a esta oferta para que podamos valorar tu candidatura. ¡¡Te esperamos!!
About the job We are looking for a proactive Administrative to join our Finance & Administration team. You will work closely with the Manager of Financial Controlling and team members to ensure the seamless execution of administrative tasks and continuous improvement of operational processes. Responsabilities: - Analyze figures from various systems and create reports for the Manager of Financial Controlling, including gather essential financial data - Support finance-related projects, particularly on process improvements and system implementations - Provide support on daily accounting tasks such as daily closures, bank transactions, debtors and creditors management, and month-end closings - Provide administrative support to internal and external stakeholders in financial matters - Assist in all areas of administration, including handling invoices, billing, provider management, accounting, and taxes (primarily during holiday coverage) - Assist in ensuring the company complies with group financial standards and supports internal compliance efforts - Maintain organized records of administrative projects, systems updates, and processes improvements Working with us comes with excellent benefits, including the opportunity to enjoy an active lifestyle with discounts on all resort amenities and activities, promoting a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, if you’re relocating from outside Spain, you’ll receive personalized support in handling the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition for your employment. Department: Administration Finance & Accounting About you - Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, or related field - Minimum 2 years of experience in an administrative role, ideally within finance (accounting / controlling) - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and knowledgeable in financial/accounting software - Ideally experience with PMS (Opera), Dynamics, and other relevant systems - A structured and analytical approach to projects and administrative tasks - Excellent communication skills in English and Spanish (bilingual proficiency desirable) - Demonstrated ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines - Detail-oriented, with excellent time management and problem-solving skills - Hospitality sector experience is highly desirable Language required: Spanish. English is a plus The company DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts constitutes the hotel company of the DERTOUR Group. It consists of five distinct hotel brands: Sentido, Aldiana, Playitas, ananea, Calimera and COOEE. Are you passionate about hospitality and eager to dive into the vibrant world of resorts and clubs? We are looking forward to welcoming you on board for internships or career openings. Discover our extraordinary team spirit, learn and grow through the guidance of experienced professionals and get exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking. Together we will turn the holiday dreams of our guests into unforgettable experiences. Join our #TrustedTravelTeam
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for a Groups, Billing and Rooming Coordinator to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Director of Sales, you will be responsible for managing group bookings, handling billing processes, and coordinating room assignments. Coordinate all group reservations and serve as the main point of contact for group organizers, ensuring all requirements and preferences are met or exceeded. Manage room blocks and monitor group reservations to ensure accurate and timely updates. Prepare and distribute rooming lists to relevant departments, ensuring all special requests are handled and details are accurate and up to date. Prepare and process group billing, reviewing and verifying all charges. Charge any incidentals the group incurs in-house. Generate invoices and ensure timely distribution to clients, addressing any billing inquiries or discrepancies promptly. Provide exceptional customer service, addressing any concerns or issues promptly. Maintain organized records of group bookings, rooming lists, and billing information. Review invoices on a daily basis whilst the group is in-house and ensure that all PM´s are closed on checkout of the group if no credit is applicable. Provide feedback and support to all departments as required. Participate as a team player with all departments. Qualifications What we are looking for... Degree in Hotel Management or related field. +2 years of experience in hospitality/luxury Events or Sales department. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high-level attention to detail and organizational skills. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You are an excellent relationship builder and make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. Innovative and insightful. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Event The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for an experienced Sales Coordinator to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Director of Sales, you will be responsible for coordinating and executing events, ensuring exceptional service and satisfaction for all our guests. Work in a timely manner to execute and distribute all Banquet Event Orders (BEO), contracts and rate agreements as designated by sales. Maintain group blocks, rooming lists and reservations in system. Assist the client and negotiate guest room rates, meeting room rental, food and beverage prices, function space, and/or hotel services within approved booking guidelines. Quotations follow-ups. Assist with on-site meetings as needed. Work closely with other hotel departments to facilitate services agreed upon by the sales office and prospective clients. Follow up with clients regularly during and after departure to ensure satisfaction and secure future bookings. Assist the sales team in generating leads, prospecting new clients, and maintaining relationships with existing clients. Coordinate sales appointments, meetings, and site inspections for clients and the sales team. Prepare sales presentations, proposals, contracts, and other documentation as needed. Respond promptly to inquiries and requests from clients, providing accurate information about hotel services, amenities, and pricing. Qualifications What we are looking for... Degree in Hospitality Management, Sales or related field. +2 years of experience in luxury events or sales within the hospitality industry. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high level attention to detail Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. Innovative and insightful. You are an excellent relationship builder, confident in working with other teams and leaders; you’re passionate about what we can achieve together. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Sales The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for an experienced Events & Catering Supervisor to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Director of Groups, Meetings & Event Sales, you will be responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination, and execution of events and catering services hosted at SLS Barcelona. Assist with on-site meetings as needed. Work closely with other hotel departments to facilitate services agreed upon by the sales office and prospective clients. Negotiate rates, space rental and/or hotel services within approved booking guidelines. Accurately produce and/or review all sales contracts, rate agreements, and/or banquet/catering event orders. Follow up with clients regularly during and after departure to ensure satisfaction and secure future bookings. Prepare for each group’s arrival, prepare group history, billing information, deposits, filing, VIP information, correspondence, etc.; interact with booking contacts as needed. Oversee all aspects of event planning and execution, including scheduling, logistics, setup, and breakdown. Ensure all details are meticulously planned and communicated to relevant departments. Supervise the preparation, setup, and service of catering functions. Coordinate with the culinary team for the menus. Assist in managing event and catering budgets, ensuring cost-effectiveness and adherence to financial goals. Monitor expenses and provide detailed reports as required. Conduct post-event evaluations to gather feedback from clients and staff. Identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance future events. Qualifications What we are looking for... Degree in Hospitality Management, Event Management or related studies. +3 years of experience in luxury events or catering within the hospitality industry. Ability to multitask, work in a fast-paced environment and have a high level attention to detail Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. Innovative and insightful. You are an excellent relationship builder, confident in working with other teams and leaders; you’re passionate about what we can achieve together. You take ownership of important issues, solve problems, and make effective decisions. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: F&B Management The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for a Doorperson to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Front Office Manager, you will be responsible for providing a positive first and last impression to guests as they arrive and leave the hotel, assisting with their luggage and valet parking, as well as other requests as needed upon arrival and departure. To ensure that all guests or visitors receive a warm welcome, cordially greeting them, helping them out from their car/taxi, opening the hotel doors for them as well as escorting them to the lobby and wishing them a nice stay. To ensure that all guests / visitors receive a fond farewell, cordially greeting them, opening the hotel doors and helping them into their vehicles, as well as bidding them farewell. Assist with luggage for arriving and departing guests as needed. All Valet Parking needs. Assist guest with general information when Front Office is not available. Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging service. Promote all hotel functions and facilities. Possess knowledge of the community and area in which the hotel is located to assist guests with information and accurate directions. Possess knowledge of resort activities to ensure timeliness of customer needs. Ensure that all areas are kept neat and clean for our guests and colleagues. Qualifications What we are looking for... Previous experience in an upscale or lifestyle brand hotel is a big plus. Prior experience in customer service. Driving license B. Someone who understands, celebrates and embraces the SLS brand values. Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment. Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker, with a high-level attention to detail and passion for hospitality. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests, and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Porter The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
About the job JOB SUMMARY Contributes general knowledge and skill in technology to provide first-and some second-level support including break-fix (repairs, installations, maintenance of systems). Generally, works within well-established guidelines to complete routine tasks. Responsible for performing repairs, installations and maintenance for property-based systems with a particular area. Has knowledge of sophisticated technology equipment/processes. CANDIDATE PROFILE Experience Required: • 8-10 years’ experience in the Information on Technology or related professional area. • Need to have the appropriate qualifications and technical expertise. • Communication is critical as you will deal with Guests. • At least 5 years of experience in Marriot is necessary to understand the various IT systems and infrastructure. • Having a ‘Guest-first’ mentality is needed to be successful in this role. Preferred: • Spanish language but not mandatory. • System-related professional certifications desired. • Some experience of Luxury hotel operations. CORE WORK ACTIVITIES: - Managing Technology Needs within Budget Targets - Assists and/or provides input to IT Leadership for CAPEX and department operating budgets based on anticipated IT projects and property support/needs requirements. - Confirms that property follows appropriate Marriot international Policies (MIPs) and Information Security Manuals (ISMs). Implements solutions as directed to resolve discrepancies - Places equipment orders as directed relating to personal computers, telecommunications, local servers/networks, processes invoices for the property. - Conducts periodic inventories of applications and hardware; prepares reports as requested. - Confirms that technology assets are secured. - Complies with technology-related vendor contracts. - Building and Sustaining relationships with Customers. - Writes and presents proposals, analyses, project plans, cost models, etc. in written and/or oral formats. - Provides customer service to associates at dedicated property. - Responds to inquiries from customers/vendors/peer group. - Assists in disaster recovery and business continuity as it relates to technology. - Provides technical guidance. - Escalates problems as appropriate through direct supervisor, CLS IT Field and/or Marriot IT resources. - Images desktops, installs new software applications, applies patches, maps drive to appropriate server/network. - Moves/adds/changes PCs/peripherals, migrating data when necessary. - Performs routine desktop backup as scheduled or directed. - Confirms technology security (i.e., encryption, patch deployment) and technology compliance (i.e., Quarterly ID Audits, MAARK2) measures are in place. - Supports unit infrastructure (servers, switches, router, APs etc.) and engages appropriate MI IT and/or Vendor resources. - Assists in creating and maintaining secure server environment. Performs server backups and routine preventative maintenance. Same Posting Description for Internal and External Candidates W Hotels’ mission is to Ignite Curiosity, Expand Worlds. We are a place to experience life. We’re here to open doors and open minds. We are constantly inspired by new faces and new experiences. A tuned-in, up-for-anything spirit is at our core and has made us renowned for reinventing the norms of luxury around the globe. Whatever/Whenever is our culture and service philosophy that brings our guests’ passions to life. If you are original, innovative, and always looking towards the future of what’s possible, welcome to W Hotels. In joining W Hotels, you join a portfolio of brands with Marriott International. Be where you can do your best work, begin your purpose, belong to an amazing global team, and become the best version of you. Department: IT & Technology About you Language required: Spanish. The company Step inside. See for yourself. Designed by world-renowned architect Ricardo Bofill, W Barcelona sets the scene for a spectacular stay. Located on the beachfront along the famous Barceloneta boardwalk. Check into one of our 473 fabulous guest rooms & suites boasting panoramic views over the Mediterranean Sea and city of Barcelona.
About the job Company Description SLS Barcelona, a five-star urban resort of extraordinary experiences, brings a new variety of seaside glamour, indulgence and excellence to Barcelona’s waterfront district of Port Forum. Here the hallmarks of an SLS wonderland – playful ambiance, VIP treatment, and theatrical experiences - meet idyllic views to set a lavish stage for the extraordinary to unfold. The only 5-star hotel in the city to feature a terrace off every guestroom (471 in total), SLS Barcelona is all-encompassing in its delight, offering an array of exclusive amenities including rooftop dining and bars, three inviting swimming pools, a spacious 800 square-meter ballroom with abundant natural light, break out rooms catering to all size of meetings, a rejuvenating spa, and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. Say farewell to the ordinary, and hello to the extraordinary! Job Description What you’ll do We are looking for a Front Office Agent to join the pre-opening team at SLS Barcelona. Under the guidance of the Front Office Manager, you will be responsible to provide a naturally friendly, helpful and responsive level of service to all our guests, ensuring a high level of guest satisfaction. Deal with the arrival and departure processes for all guests, ensuring the accuracy of data in all systems. Greet and assist guests in a warm, courteous, and professional manner. Handle cash and credit transactions, ensuring the accuracy of guest billing. Handle guest complaints and inquiries promptly in a professional and empathetic manner, aiming for swift and satisfactory resolution, and striving to resolve issues to ensure guest satisfaction. Ensure guests receive accurate and timely information about hotel amenities, services, and local attractions. Always know what events and activities are on schedule and maintain a deep understanding of the local area to provide guests with information about attractions, restaurants, and services. Stay one step ahead of guests’ needs – record and act on their preferences, and handle their messages, requests, questions and concerns. Ensure all guests are quoted the correct rate as per the selling strategy and website. Ensure all telephone calls are answered as quickly and efficiently as possible. Report any issues to the correct department and check to ensure the work has been completed. Ensure that the reception and public areas are clean, tidy and presentable at all times. Qualifications What we are looking for... Minimum of 2 years of Front Office experience, preferably in an upscale or lifestyle brand hotel. Previous experience with pre-opening of a hotel is a big plus. Someone who understands, celebrates and embraces the SLS brand values. Ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment. Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker, with a high-level attention to detail and passion for hospitality. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Fluent in Spanish and English. You make people feel good - your team, guests, and colleagues alike. You make a positive impact. You learn quickly and adapt to SLS’s unique culture. You are humble and open to ideas. We leave our ego at the door and help get things done. You’re up for doing things differently and trying (almost) everything once. You want to be part of a team that works hard, supports each other and has fun along the way. Additional Information What's in it for you... The opportunity to join an innovative, fast-growing, international group that’s committed to not just building new hotels but building a global brand. The chance to challenge the norm and work in an environment that is both creative and rewarding. Become part of a team that’s very passionate about creating great hospitality experiences and exploring new locations at every opportunity. A competitive package and plenty of opportunity for development. Excellent discounts across the entire Ennismore family of brands. SLS is part of Ennismore, a creative hospitality company rooted in culture and community, with a global collection of entrepreneurial and founder-built brands with purpose at their heart. Ennismore is a joint- venture with Accor, formed in 2021. Department: Reception The company Opulent & Mischievous SLS is crafted with the luxury and excellence of a grand hotel, and delivered with a mischievous wink and a sexy little smile. It’s the home of lavish and extraordinary experiences coupled with a playful ambiance. Culinary artistry, theatrical interiors, subversive design touches and unexpected indulgences are at the heart of every SLS property.
About the job The Executive Chef is responsible for managing and supervising all culinary operations at the resort across our 5 points of sale. The goal is to ensure the quality, presentation, and consistency of the food served, in line with resort standards, while ensuring customer satisfaction. Additionally, they will manage kitchen staff and resources efficiently, maintaining high levels of hygiene and safety. Responsabilities: · Supervise and coordinate kitchen activities across the different sales points at the resort (buffets, à la carte restaurant, and bars) · Plan and design menus for each restaurant, adapting to the theme of each venue while ensuring quality and variety · Monitor and adjust food inventories, ensuring the proper use of products to minimize waste · Ensure that all food meets the highest standards of quality, presentation, and taste · Supervise compliance with food safety and hygiene regulations in all kitchen areas, applying the principles of current legislation · Create and oversee processes to ensure compliance with food safety and hygiene regulations and resort standards in all kitchen areas · Manage the kitchen budget, controlling food, supplies, equipment and staff costs · Implement cost optimization strategies, including efficient inventory management and supplier negotiations · Develop initiatives to improve the profitability of the food sales points without compromising quality · Maintains purchasing, receiving and food storage standards · Develop new dish and menu ideas to enhance the resort's culinary experience, with special attention to current trends and guest preferences · Collaborate with the marketing team to design special events and promotions that boost restaurant sales · Maintain a customer-focused approach, interacting with guests to gather feedback on food quality and dining experiences · Effectively address any complaints or feedback related to service or food quality · Establishes goals including performance goals, budget goals, team goals, etc · Deep understanding of each employee's role, enabling effective coordination of kitchen staff shifts based on demand, and the ability to step in or find suitable replacements during absences · Provide guidance to the kitchen and support staff by setting performance standards, offering regular feedback and 1-on-1s, collaborating with HR on performance reviews, and ensuring ongoing development and training for a motivated team · Ensures property policies are administered fairly and consistently · Showcase innovative cooking techniques and equipment to the team Working with us comes with excellent benefits, including the opportunity to enjoy an active lifestyle with discounts on all resort amenities and activities, promoting a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, if you’re relocating from outside Spain, you’ll receive personalized support in handling the necessary documentation to ensure a smooth transition for your employment. Department: F&B kitchen F&B service About you · Minimum of 5 years of experience as a Head Chef or Sous Chef in hotels or resorts of the same or higher category · A degree in Gastronomy, Culinary Arts, or equivalent is preferred · Mastery of international and regional cooking techniques, HACCP control, team management, and kitchen administration · Leads by example · Excellent leadership, organizational, and communication skills. Ability to work under pressure and manage multiple sales points · A collaborative attitude and effective communication skills · Detail-oriented, with excellent time management and problem-solving skills · Valid food handler certification · Flexibility to work rotating shifts, including nights, weekends, and holidays · Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite · Advanced English proficiency (B2) is required, and knowledge of other languages is a plus Language required: Spanish. English is a plus The company DERTOUR Hotels & Resorts constitutes the hotel company of the DERTOUR Group. It consists of five distinct hotel brands: Sentido, Aldiana, Playitas, ananea, Calimera and COOEE. Are you passionate about hospitality and eager to dive into the vibrant world of resorts and clubs? We are looking forward to welcoming you on board for internships or career openings. Discover our extraordinary team spirit, learn and grow through the guidance of experienced professionals and get exposed to different cultures and ways of thinking. Together we will turn the holiday dreams of our guests into unforgettable experiences. Join our #TrustedTravelTeam